District 10 Current Projects
- Caples Lake Maintenance Station Rehabilitation
- Carson Transportation Management Systems
- Mountain Counties Bridge Rails
- State Route 4 Culvert Replacement
- State Route 4 Pavement Anchor Project
- State Route 4 Drainage System Restoration
- Mokelumne River Bridge Upgrade
- State Route 88 Pine Grove Improvements Project
- State Route 88 Roadway Improvements
- CAL 4 Culvert Replacement
- Calaveras County Bridge Replacement
- Highway 26/49 Intersection Control Improvement Project
- Mokelumne River Bridge Upgrade
- Olive Orchard / Garner Intersection
- State Route 4 Wagon Trail Realignment Project
- State Route 26 Slope Stabilization
- State Route 26 Upgrade Bridge Rails of Two Bridges in Calaveras County
- State Route 49 Angels Camp Complete Streets
- State Route 49 San Andreas Complete Streets
- State Route 49 Mobility Improvement
- State Route 99/120 Intersection Control Improvement Project
- Valley Oaks Intersection Project
- Wagon Trail Mitigation Site Project
- West Branch Cherokee Creek Bridge
- Ferguson Rock Shed Project
- State Route 140 Mariposa Capital Preventive Maintenance Pavement Restoration
- State Route 140 Mariposa Pavement Preservation
- State Route 140 Slope Repair at post mile 32.2 in Mariposa County
- Gustine Roundabout
- Interstate 5 John C Erreca Rest Area Replacement
- Hilmar - Active Transportation Program (ATP)
- Los Banos State Route 152 Pavement Anchor
- Merced State Route 99 Guardrail
- Merced State Route 99 Pavement Rehabilitation
- Merced State Route 140 Roadside Safety Improvements Project
- Merced Pavement Anchor Project
- Merced Seismic Retrofit
- State Route 59 Capital Preventive Maintenance Project
- State Route 59 Intersection Control
- State Route 59 4-Lane Widening
- State Route 140 Planada Intersection Control Improvement Project
- State Route 140/165 Mobility Improvements
- State Route 152 Merced Rescission
- State Route 152 Volta Avenue Intersection Control Project
- State Route 165 Geer Avenue Intersection Control Project
- State Route 165 Willmott Road Intersection Control Project
- Transportation Management System (TMS) Replacements
- Gustine / Dos Palos Pedestrian Improvement Project
San Joaquin
- Interstate 5 Louise Avenue Interchange Improvement
- Interstate 5 Matthews Road Intersection Improvements
- Interstate 5 Pavement Anchor Project
- Interstate 5 Stockton Channel Viaduct Bridge Improvements
- Interstate 205 / Chrisman Road Interchange Project
- Interstate 205 / Lammers Rd / Eleventh St. Interchange Project
- Interstate 205 / Mountain House Pkwy / International Pkwy Interchange
- Interstate 205 Managed Lanes Project
- Interstate 205 Smart Corridor – Phase 2
- Interstate 580 / International Pkwy / Patterson Pass Interchange
- Interstate 580 / Iron Horse Parkway Interchange
- Middle River Bridge Roadway Realignment
- San Joaquin County Changeable Message Signs Project
- Southbound State Route 99 Turner Road On-Ramp
- State Route 4 Capital Maintenance
- State Route 4 Delta Pavement Improvement Project
- State Route 4 Old River Bridge Additional Maintenance
- State Route 4 Old River Bridge Maintenance
- State Route 4 Pavement Resurfacing and Restoration Project
- State Route 4 Ramp Metering System Installation
- State Route 4 Transportation Management Systems Upgrade
- State Route 4 Wilson Way Surface Transportation Assistance Act Intersection Improvement
- State Route 12 ADA Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Project
- State Route 12 Mokelumne River Bridge Maintenance Project
- State Route 12 Potato Slough Bridge Bearing Pads
- State Route 26 and Duncan Road Preliminary Evaluation
- State Route 26 Linden Pavement Rehabilitation Project
- State Route 88 Pavement Anchor Project
- State Route 99 Lodi Roadside Safety Improvement Project
- State Route 99/120 Interchange Connector Project
- State Route 120/French Camp Rd Intersection
- State Route 120 / Guthmiller Road Interchange Improvement
- State Route 120 McKinley Avenue Interchange Project
- State Route 120 Murphy Road Intersection Control Improvement
- State Route 132 Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project
- Stockton Downtown Transformation Project
- Stockton's Miracle Mile Project
- San Joaquin River Garwood Bridge Rehabilitation Project
- San Joaquin County Traffic Management System Repair Project
- Interstate 5 Sperry Road Interchange
- Claus Road Intersection Control Improvement Project
- State Route 99 / Service Road / Mitchell Road Interchange
- State Routes 108, 120, and 49 Guardrail Upgrades
- State Route 132 Curb Ramps
- State Route 132 Dakota Avenue to Gates Road Project
- State Route 132 Modesto Pavement Anchor Project
- Westley Rest Area
- North County Corridor Project
- Beckwith Road/Standiford Avenue Multimodal Safety & Complete Streets Improvement Project
- State Route 132 Waterford Sidewalk Project
- Tuolumne River Trash Control Project
- State Route 33 Intersection Improvement Project
- State Route 108 HAWK Beacon System Project
- Stanislaus ADA Curb Ramp Project
- Wamble Road Left-Turn Channelization
- State Route 49 Corridor
- State Route 49 Safe, Healthy, and Equitable Streets Improvement Project
- State Routes 108, 120, and 49 Guardrail Upgrades
- Tuttletown Pavement Widening Project
- Interchange Enhancement & Gateway Project
Project information is subject to change.
For more project information, please contact the District 10 Public Information Office:
Alpine/Amador/Calaveras/Mariposa Counties: (209) 986-9428
San Joaquin/Merced Counties: (209) 948-7176
Stanislaus/Tuolumne Counties: (209) 693-3494
Email: district10publicaffairs@dot.ca.gov