State Route 4 Wilson Way Surface Transportation Assistance Act Intersection Improvement

Project Description

The project proposes to improve the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) design truck vehicle turn movement by widening a portion of the roadway and replacing the existing curb, gutter, sidewalk, and curb ramp at the State Route (SR) 4 eastbound (EB) Off-ramp and Wilson way signalized intersection. The work is on the southwest (SW) and northeast (NE) quadrants of the intersection spot location work associated with SR 4 PM 17.7. The location is in the City of Stockton within San Joaquin County on the south side of SR 4. Wilson Way is a north-south arterial beginning at Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard at the south end and connecting to State Route 99 to the north. Wilson Way also intersects with Waterloo Road, all of which are currently designated as STAA routes.

This interchange has been identified as an essential access point for STAA trucks traveling on the existing STAA truck network in San Joaquin County. Although this interchange does not currently accommodate STAA trucks, STAA trucks are using it; therefore, it is recommended that improvements be made to accommodate the following turning movements. This Minor A project is solely focused on the SR 4 EB Off-ramp improvements for left turn movement to northbound (NB) Wilson Way and right turn movement to southbound (SB) Wilson way.


Project Benefits


Improve STAA design truck turn movement for the EB SR 4 Off-ramp /Wilson Way intersection for vehicles traveling to SB and NB Wilson Way.


The need of the project is the existing EB SR 4 Off-ramp/Wilson Way intersection does not accommodate adequate STAA design truck turn movements to SB and NW Wilson Way from the off-ramp. The STAA trucks are off tracking/encroaching into the curb ramps and/or opposing lane of travel at the SW and NE corners.


Funding Source

Collision Severity Reduction

This project is programmed as a SHOPP Minor A with funding from 201.310 for the 2022/2023 fiscal year.


Project Cost/Programmed

 Projected Cost/Programmed Capital $ Support $
Project Approval & Environmental Document $0 $311,000
Plans, Specifications, & Estimates $0 $1,078,000
Right of Way $12,000 $44,000
Construction $1,250,000 $298,000


Projected Cost as of (June 21, 2023) Planned $ Expended $
Project Approval & Environmental Document $311,000 $311,000
Plans, Specifications, & Estimates $1,078,000 $1,054,000
Right of Way Support $44,000 $9,000
Construction Support $298,000 $14,000


Current Schedule

 Process Date
Project Study Report (M010) 4/14/2019 (Actual)
Project Approval & Environmental Document (M200) 9/7/2021 (Actual)
Right of Way Certification (M410) 9/30/2022 (Actual)
Ready to List (M460) 12/15/2022 (Actual)
Approved Construction Contract (M500) 4/20/2023 (Actual)
Project Completion (M600) 10/13/2023


Project Status

Project just started Construction phase in April. Begin construction target September 2023. Waiting for poles and electrical materials.


Project Contact

Caltrans District 10 - Public Information Office
Phone: (209) 948-7977


Title VI Information

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and Federal Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations).

Caltrans will make every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether they are federally funded or not, and that services and benefits are fairly distributed to all people, regardless of race, color, or national origin. In addition, Caltrans will facilitate meaningful participation in the transportation planning process in a nondiscriminatory manner.