I-5 Stockton Channel Viaduct Bridge Improvements


D10 Stockton Channel Viaduct

Caltrans will replace the northbound and southbound Stockton Channel Viaduct Bridges in the City of Stockton on Interstate 5


D10 Stockton Channel Viaduct

The purpose of the project is to ensure the long-term serviceability and structural integrity and improve the permit load rating of the Stockton Channel Viaduct Bridges


D10 Stockton Channel Viaduct

Partnerships: San Joaquin Council of Governments, Kiewit Corporation


D10 Stockton Channel Viaduct

Funding Source: State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) - Bridge Preservation


Kiewit logo. Kiewit is the Contract Manager on this CMGC Project. CalTrans_Horizontal_w_DOT


Caltrans To Provide Update on Plans for Stockton Channel Viaduct 3/8/24

Project Description 

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will replace the northbound and southbound Stockton Channel Viaduct Bridges (Bridge Numbers 29-0176L and 29-0176R) in the City of Stockton on Interstate 5 from post miles 26.1 to 27.6.

Graphic of project location map

Project Benefits


The purpose of the project is to ensure the long-term serviceability and structural integrity and improve the permit load rating of the Stockton Channel Viaduct Bridges (Bridge Numbers 29-0176L and 29-0176R) on Interstate 5 in San Joaquin County.


The project is needed because of structural deficiencies and continued bridge repairs. The bridges show concrete and steel superstructure/foundation deficiencies. The deficiencies include a long-standing issue of concrete deck deterioration resulting in ongoing maintenance challenges, freckled rust forming at various locations throughout the superstructure steel elements, damaged steel bracing, and cracking in the concrete retaining walls, bents, and columns. Substructure deficiencies, such as soil liquefaction potentially caused by seismic activity, are also prevalent. Additionally, the current structures are not rated to accommodate permit loading, which is required for goods movement.


San Joaquin Council of Governments, City of Stockton, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, Environmental Resource Agencies

Funding Source

State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) - Bridge Preservation


Final Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/ Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) Evaluation - April 2021 (PDF) 22,021 KB

The Draft Project Report is available by request. To request a copy, please contact the Project Manager dina.el.nakhal@dot.ca.gov

Project Contact

Caltrans District 10 - Public Information Office
Phone: (209) 948-7977
Email: district10publicaffairs@dot.ca.gov

Upcoming Events

Events Updates Coming Soon...

Project Timeline

  • March 2018


    The project was programmed in the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) with funding for the Environmental and Design phases.

  • April 2021

    Environmental Document (IS/EA) Approval

    The subsequent IS/MND and EA/FONSI were initially proposed because the exact location of the preferred alternative was still pending. Once the project development team finalized the location, additional technical evaluations were completed, and our existing determinations were revalidated. Therefore, Caltrans will issue an addendum in Spring 2025 rather than a subsequent environmental document.

  • June 2021

    Project Approval - Bridge Replacement

    After studying the following alternatives: 1) Deck Rehabilitation, 2) Superstructure Replacement and 3) Complete bridge replacement, alternative 3, bridge replacement was selected and approved June 2021

  • October 2021

    Design Begins

    Design funds were allocated and the design phase commenced.

  • July 2022

    Delivery Method Selected

    After evaluating the project challenges such as traffic handling, construction methods, limited in-channel work window, the project delivery team determined that the project is a good candidate for Construction Manager General Contractor (CMGC) delivery.

  • February 2023

    CMGC Selected (KIEWIT)

    The project was advertised for pre-construction services with a rigerous list of qualifications and expertise, proposals were evaluated and a CMGC was selected.

  • July 2023

    Bridge-Type Was Selected

    As a preliminary step to moving the design forward, the Caltrans team and CMGC evaluated the different bridge types considered and segmental cast-in-place concrete bridge type was selected.

  • Summer 2024

    Subsequent Environmental Document Planned

    Based on some of the design options, a subsequent environmental document will be presented in Summer 2024.

Past Events

June 12th, 2024 – 9:00am to 10:00am
Green Team – Stockton Chamber of Commerce
445 W Weber Ave #220, Stockton, CA 95203

San Joaquin Green Team Meeting - CalTrans (YouTube)

May 7th, 2024 – Stockton Channel Viaduct Project Meeting Update 5:30pm to 7:00pm
The Haggin Museum
1201 N. Pershing Ave, Stockton, CA 95203

March 26, 2024 – Stockton Channel Viaduct Project Update
Stockton Chamber of Commerce 8:30-10:00

Review of Stockton Chamber of Commerce Presentation can be viewed at;
Stockton Channel Viaduct Meeting (YouTube)

March 6, 2024 Green Team Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Caltrans was at the 20 th Annual RExpo 54 8AM-2PM
Chamber of Commerce: REXPO 54 – 20th Anniversary


Public Notice

Stockton Channel Viaduct Community Engagement

Community Engagement Portal

The Caltrans Engagement Portal, formerly known as CPES, will use the PublicInput platform as an online application for Caltrans to support public engagement for Caltrans projects and plans. The system will allow Caltrans to collect, store, categorize, track, measure, retrieve, and respond to public comments.

Engagement Portal

Caltrans family invites kids to show off their talent in our kids community coloring activity. (Right click and select "Save image as...")


News and Articles

Image of abc10 logo

Further improvements coming to N. Pershing Avenue, I-5 off-ramp in Stockton.


image of California Builder & Engineer logo

Interstate 5 Stockton Channel Viaduct Replacement Project to Begin in 2026


image of sf gate news logo

Caltrans Set To Hold Meeting To Give Updates On Interstate 5 Bridges


image of kcra3 news logo

Major road work plans outlined for Stockton interstate


image of enr california logo

$900M Caltrans Project Set to Replace Aging Stockton Channel Bridges


image of local news matters logo

Caltrans to provide update on I-5 bridgework as part of Stockton Channel Viaduct project


image of construction equipment guides logo

Stockton's Viaduct Replacement Project to Commence in 2026


image of California Construction News logo

$900 million Caltrans project will replace aging Stockton Channel bridges



Project Cost/Programmed

Programed Project Cost
Capital $ Support $
Project Approval & Environmental Document $0 $5,500,000
Plans, Specifications, & Estimates $0 $22,000,000
Right of Way $24,300,000 $1,100,000
Construction $531,600,000 $16,000,000


Current Schedule

Process Date
Project Study Report (M010) Spring 2015
Project Approval & Environmental Document (M200) Spring 2021
Right of Way Certification (M410) Spring 2025
Ready to List (M460) Spring 2025
Approved Construction Contract (M500) Spring 2026
Project Completion (M600) Fall 2031


Title VI Information

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 , and Federal Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations).

Caltrans will make every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether they are federally funded or not, and that services and benefits are fairly distributed to all people, regardless of race, color, or national origin. In addition, Caltrans will facilitate meaningful participation in the transportation planning process in a nondiscriminatory manner.

Title VI Brochure (English, PDF)

Title VI Brochure (Spanish, PDF)

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Caltrans Information)



Would you like to be part of one of the largest projects in San Joaquin County?
Caltrans is looking for sub-contractors to participate in the Stockton Channel Viaduct Project. 
This is a monumental project and will require as much assistance from our valuable subs as possible.
Cell: (209) 986-3499 or  Traci.Adams@dot.ca.gov

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