Interstate 205 / Chrisman Road Interchange Project

Graphic of project logo

Project History

Caltrans initiated the I-205/Chrisman Road Interchange Project, completing a Project Study Report/Project Development Support (PSR/PDS) document in November 2012. The interchange at the Paradise Road overcrossing was determined to be the optimal placement for building the interchange, and a Draft Environmental Document and Draft Project Report were prepared to analyze this location for feasibility and environmental impact.

project map

Proposed Project Features

  • New interchange at the current Paradise Road overcrossing.
  • Type L-9 partial cloverleaf interchange on the north side of I-205 and Type L-2 spread diamond interchange on the south side of I-205.
  • New intersection at Pescadero Avenue and Paradise Road

Project Benefits


The purpose of the project is to provide a new connection to Interstate 205 (I-205) that serves the existing and planned residential, commercial, and industrial development in the area. This will also relieve the forecasted increase in traffic demand at surrounding interchanges and increase regional mobility. The northeast area of Tracy and its surrounding communities (particularly southwest Lathrop) are growing and developing. This is expected to continue and increase over the next few decades. This growth will continue to increase the demand on local interchanges, causing them to operate at a less than acceptable level of service (LOS). The closest access to I-205 from the project site is MacArthur Drive, where the future traffic demands at the interchange will result in an unacceptable LOS F.


To meet future traffic demands, the City of Tracy’s circulation element and the City of Lathrop’s General Plan identify the need for a new interchange to be located on I-205 between the existing MacArthur Drive interchange and the I-5 interchange.

Project Schedule

  • Complete NEPA & CEQA Technical Studies – September 2015
  • Circulate Draft Environmental Document– July 2016/August 2016
  • Hold Public Meeting– July 20, 2016
  • Environmental Document Approval–October 2016
  • Project put on-hold, due to City of Tracy priorities
  • Project Restarted February 2022

Current Schedule

Project Approval & Environmental Document (M200)

March 2024

Right of Way Certification (M410)

August 2027

Ready to List (M460)

November 2027

Approved Construction Contract (M500)

April 2028

Project Completion (M600)

December 2029

Project Proponents:

City of Tracy
Anju Pillai - City of Tracy
Juann Ramos Dokken - Engineering

Dina EL-Nakhal - Project Manager
Scott Guidi - Environmental Branch Chief

Project Funding

Funding is available through a variety of state and federal sources, including the Public Lands Highway, SJCOG Regional Transportation Program, and Highest Priority Projects.

Project Status

The project is currently in PA&ED phase.

land fill map view

Project Cost/Programmed (x$1,000):

Programed Project Cost Capital $ Support $
Project Approval & Environmental Document   $1,085
Plans, Specifications, & Estimates   $
Right of Way $ $
Construction $ $
Projected Cost as of December 2023: Planned $ Expended $
Project Approval & Environmental Document $ $1,028
Plans, Specifications, & Estimates $ $
Right of Way $ $
Construction $ $

Project Manager

Dina EL-Nakhal

Dina EL-Nakhal
Office Cell: (209) 351-4432

Public Information Office

District 10 logo

Phone: (209) 948-7977
Address: P.O. Box 2048, Stockton, CA 95201-2048