Southbound State Route 99 Turner Road On-ramp
Project Description
Improve southbound Turner Road on-ramp entrance geometrics.
Project Benefits
Improve local circulation in the project area for vehicles, cyclist and pedestrians on the west side of SR 99 between Pioneer Drive and East Turner Road.
The segment of North Cherokee Lane from East Turner Road to Pioneer Drive is a southbound, one-way road. The change from two-way traffic to one-way traffic at Pioneer Drive does not meet driver expectations for northbound Cherokee Lane traffic entering the system. Drivers are left to find a longer, indirect route between Pioneer Drive and East Turner Road in the northbound direction. Vehicles must either cut through the adjacent residential neighborhood to the west and past Lawrence Elementary School to go west and north (right on Calaveras Street, left on Stanislaus Street, right on Coloma Street) or head south on Cherokee Lane to East Lockeford Street, cross over SR 99 and go north (left) on Beckman Road to reach either East Turner Road or an on-ramp to northbound SR 99.
This segment of Cherokee Lane also lacks bicycle and pedestrian facilities in both directions. Bicyclists and pedestrians must utilize the same longer, indirect routes as vehicles to reach East Turner Road going north or Pioneer Drive going south through a school zone. These indirect routes are a minimum of one added mile per trip, causing higher vehicle miles traveled (VMT) which discourages alternative transportation modes and lowers air quality.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Local Partnership Program (LPP), Highway Improvement Program (HIP), Measure K, and R Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds.
Project Cost/Programmed
Programed Project Cost | Capital $ | Support $ |
Project Approval & Environmental Document | $0 | $275,000 |
Plans, Specifications, & Estimates | $0 | $475,000 |
Right of Way | $0 | $0 |
Construction | $1,368,000 | $261,000 |
Projected Cost as of (July 14, 2022) | Planned $ | Expended $ |
Project Approval & Environmental Document | $275,000 | $291,000 |
Plans, Specifications, & Estimates | $475,000 | $386,000 |
Right of Way Support | $0 | $0 |
Construction Support | $261,000 | $0 |
Current Schedule
Project Approval & Environmental Document (M200) | Fall 2021 |
Right of Way Certification (M410) | Fall 2021 |
Ready to List (M460) | Fall 2021 |
Approved Construction Contract (M500) | Winter2023 |
Project Completion (M600) | Fall 2024 |
Project Status
Construction phase will be administered by implementing agency, City of Lodi.
100% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) completed, and encroachment permit is processing.
E-76 is pending:
- Additional LPP funds being programmed at the August 2022 California Transportation Commission (CTC) meeting.
- LPP funds will be allocated at the October 2022 CTC meeting.
- Construction COOP amendment is pending signatures.
Project Contact
Caltrans District 10 - Public Information Office
Phone: (209) 948-7977
Title VI Information
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and Federal Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations).
Caltrans will make every effort to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether they are federally funded or not, and that services and benefits are fairly distributed to all people, regardless of race, color, or national origin. In addition, Caltrans will facilitate meaningful participation in the transportation planning process in a nondiscriminatory manner.