Traffic Operations
The California Department of Transportation's mission is to provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability. The Traffic Operations Program is at the forefront of these efforts, providing better mobility for all modes of travel. Contact Traffic Operations.
Commercial Vehicle Operations
- Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility
- Legal Truck Access | CA Truck Network Maps
- Transportation Permits (Oversize/Overweight Vehicles)
- Weigh-In-Motion
- 45' Buses & Motorhomes
Connected and Automated Vehicles
Encroachment Permits
- Encroachment Applications & Forms
- Encroachment Permits Manual | Related Manuals and Publications
- Guidelines and Booklets
- News and Current Policy | Specifications
- Stormwater & Water Pollution Control
Manuals and Reports
- Caltrans Roadway Lighting Manual (PDF)
- Electrical Systems Design Manual (PDF)
- Encroachment Permits Manual
- Mobility Performance Reports
- Policy & Directives (TOPDs, Letter, & Memos)
- Ramp Metering Design Manual (PDF)
- Traffic Census (Traffic Counts/Volumes & Monthly Vehicle Miles of Travel)
- Transportation Electrical Equipment Specifications
- Transportation Management Plan Guidelines
- Transportation Permits Manual
Mobility and Travel
- Chain Requirements
- Freeway Service Patrol
- Integrated Corridor Management
- Intersection Safety and Operational Assessment Process
- Lane Closures | Lane Closure System Training | Lane Closure System Mobile-Statusing
- Managed Lanes
- Ramp Metering
- Regional Operations Forums
- Statewide ITS Architecture
- Traffic Incident Management
- Traveler Information
- Transportation Systems Management and Operations
- All Mobility Documents, Links, & References
Outdoor Advertising Permits
Tools and Resources
- Authorized Materials Lists (formerly "QPL")
- Caltrans Travel Page
- CHP Traffic Incidents
- Customer Service Request
Report issues related to signs, traffic signals, ramp meters, work zones, etc. - Division of Safety Programs
- Electronic Toll Collection
- Performance Measurement System
- Title VI
- Webmaster (Division of Traffic Operations)
Request documents, help finding information, etc. - Wired Broadband Facilities on State Highway Right of Way