Applications & Forms

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To further expedite the processing of your Encroachment Permit Application Package (EPAP), please submit them via the new Caltrans Encroachment Permit System (CEPS). For more information, visit the CEPS Frequently Asked Questions.

EPAPs are still being accepted via email or fax by your local District Encroachment Permits Office. Our staff will process your submittal and respond to your request as soon as possible.

Payments should be mailed in (payable to "Caltrans" or "California Department of Transportation"). Please include on the memo line:

  • the permit tracking number and/or
  • the County, Route and Post Mile location of your proposed encroachment

Your local District Encroachment Permits Office can provide you the information needed to make credit card payments over the phone if needed.

Caltrans Goal - Stewardship and Efficiency

Performance Target: approve or deny 90 percent of the accepted Encroachment Permit Application Packages within 30 calendar days.

As part of Caltrans' continuous effort to improve its services, a multi-disciplinary team studied the current encroachment permit process and recommended the changes below to achieve the performance target.

Effective May 1, 2019, Caltrans will be following the new recommended process of accepting only complete Encroachment Permit Application Packages. Each package will be screened for completeness using the appropriate checklist:

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Encroachment Permit Application Packages Processing

  1. Submittal: Every EPAP submittal must be screened by a Permit Engineer before it is accepted.
  2. Pre-Screen: A Pre-EPAP-Submittal-Conference is required if an EPAP is considered as high-impact (e.g., Signal Lighting, Commercial Development, Landscape work on Conventional Highways and Freeways).
  3. Screen: Accept or return the EPAP within 2 business days from the date of submittal.
  4. Review: Provide applicant with a list of additional information and/or document(s) required to process the EPAP within 14 calendar days from the date of submittal.
  5. Response: Deny EPAP if applicant does not provide requested revisions, information and/or document(s) within 10 calendar days.
  6. General: Approve or deny EPAP within 30 calendar days.


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Related Encroachment Permit Forms (for internal forms, please use CEFS)


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