Statewide ITS Architecture (SWITSA)
SWITSA Purpose
The Statewide ITS Architecture (SWITSA) provides a framework for existing and planned ITS deployment in California. It illustrates and documents the integration of existing and planned ITS projects across the state, including pertinent transportation technology standards, services and interfaces that are relevant to all regions.SWITSA is currently a statewide rollup of Regional ITS Architectures (RITSAs). This web portal refers to each active RITSA in California and links to additional information and resources. Federal regulations (23 CFR 940) require that RITSAs be developed as a condition of regions receiving federal funds for ITS projects; the rule also states that RITSAs must conform to the National ITS Architecture, and that a Systems Engineering process be followed when developing ITS projects.
When current ITS architectures are used and referenced, planning and deployment of ITS projects can take place in a more organized and coordinated fashion. They can also result in cost and time savings for ITS project development, and help in the incorporation of new and emerging technologies. To better understand the vision of a statewide architecture, it is important to understand the collective vision of regional architecture activities.
Key SWITSA Resources
Contact Information
Vincent Becerra
Transportation Systems Management Operations
Division of Traffic Operations
(916) 651-6130