Traffic Incident Management
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- Reduce non-recurring congestion caused by incidents on state routes.
- Reduce incident related traveler delay to the absolute minimum while protecting the environment and maintaining safety for the victims, responders and travelers.
- Improve safety for responders and the travelling public by warning/informing the motorist of real-time unexpected conditions ahead.
Participants are expected to review and apply all applicable codes and regulations to traffic incident management activities upon completing this training.
- Federal Highway Administration National Highway Institute Strategic Highway Research Program 2 TIM (FHWA NHI SHRP-2)
Reminder: The CA TIM training module supplements the Federal NHI TIM Responder Training with California specific information. Participants must complete the NHI training before completing the CA TIM training module. - Supplemental California Traffic Incident Management (CA TIM) Training Module - Resources (PDF)
- TIM Responder Training
- Freeway Service Patrol Guidelines (PDF)
- California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- California's Move Over Safety Campaign
- Emergency Responder Safety Institute
- Legislative Information
In the "Quick Code Search" dropdown menu, use "VEH" for the California Vehicle Codes and "SHC" for Streets and Highway Codes - Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) TIM
- Move Over National Website
- Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Teams (MAIT)
- National Responder Safety Incident Statistics
- National Traffic Incident Management Coalition
- TIM Network
- US DOT FHWA Emergency Transportation Operations
- TIM Support for the latest TIM Guidelines and questions.
- TIM Training Support for questions and concerns regarding the TIM training process.