511 Real-time Traveler Information

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Real-time traveler information enables the traveling public to make informed transportation choices. 511 is a three-digit dialing code designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2000, making it easy for users to access traveler information services. The current 511 three-digit number routes the call to the region the traveler is calling from for region-specific information. The 511 Deployment Coalition is looking to establish a national 511 traveler information service. With advancements in technology, many 511 systems also offer web-based travel information, multimodal planning, trip planning, ridesharing, and mobile applications for Android and Apple users.

Regional Area 511 Services
Bay Area 511 San Diego Region 511
Inland Empire 511 San Joaquin Valley 511
Kern 511 Santa Cruz 511
Sacramento Region 511 Southern California 511