Intersection Safety and Operational Assessment Process

Intersection Safety and Operational Assessment Process (ISOAP) refers to the process and framework that a growing number of transportation agencies are adopting to provide a more balanced or holistic approach to the consideration and selection of access strategies and concepts during transportation planning, project identification and initiation processes that contemplate the addition, expansion or full control of major intersections (including interchange ramp termini).  “Full control” involves the use of signal, stop or yield control on each of the through and most major movements.  


Traffic/Performance Analysis Methodologies & Tools

  • Roundabout Capacity and Operational Analysis
    • Publication No. FHWA-SA-15-070, Assessment of Roundabout Capacity Models for the Highway Capacity Manual, September 2015
  • Safety Performance / Collision Cost Analysis Tool
    • For general information, please contact a District ISOAP Coordinator or a Technical Assistance Program (TAP) Coordinator.
    • To arrange for basic instruction, training, or technical assistance, please contact the District Safety Engineer or the appropriate specialists identified under the section on ISOAP TAP Team.

District ISOAP Coordinators

ISOAP Technical Assistance Program

The primary role and service of the ISOAP TAP is to provide technical assistance and training in support of the Traffic Operations Policy Directive implementation by Districts, local and regional transportation agencies, and other project sponsors. Technical support is provided through consultation on matters related to

  • Complex and controversial access proposals, strategies and concepts.
  • The assessment, scoping, analysis and design of innovative access strategies – especially those for which formal technical guidance has not yet been established.

Technical Assistance Program Coordinator

  • Lilian Wu - HQ Division of Traffic Operations

How to Request Assistance

  • Contact your District ISOAP Coordinator (see list provided above)


  • Caltrans personnel
    • HQ specialists
    • District ISOAP Coordinators
    • District practitioners with specialized skills, knowledge and experience
    • Safety Performance Analysis specialists
  • FHWA Resource Center Specialists and other Peer-to-Peer Program personnel