District 4 Environmental Documents by County

Jump to County: Alameda, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma


Caltrans complies with its requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. More information can be found at this link: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/civil-rights/title-vi 

District Wide Projects

State Route 37 Sears Point to Mare Island Improvement Project

Draft EIR/EA Volume 1 (PDF) Draft EIR/EA Volume 2 (PDF)

The Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment can be viewed here:  Final EIR/EA Volume 1 Final EIR/EA Volume 2 (Appendices A-J) Final EIR/EA Volume 3 (Appendix K: Public and Agency Comments and Responses)

Tolay Creek Bridge Replacement Addendum to the 2023 Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
The Appendices for this Addendum can be available upon request. 

I-680 Express Lane Completion Project

Project Home Page

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in partnership with the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), proposes the Interstate 680 (I-680) Northbound Express Lane Completion Project to improve corridor-wide congestion, travel delays, and operational challenges. The proposed project would construct a northbound express lane from Livorna Road to State Route 242 (SR-242) and convert the existing northbound High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane from SR-242 to north of Arthur Road near Martinez to an express lane – which means both HOV and single-occupancy drivers who pay a toll can use the lane.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environmental Assessment (EA) is currently available for public review and comment. The comment period is from May 8, 2024 to June 24, 2024. Please visit the link above for more details.


Bruns Court Pedestrian Overcrossing Project

I-680/Sunol Boulevard Interchange Improvements Project

I-80/Ashby Interchange Project

I-80/Gilman Interchange Project 

State Route 84 Arroyo de la Laguna Bridge Project

I-580 and I-205 Roadside Safety Improvement Project

I-580 Safety Lighting Project

I-580 Storm Damage Permanent Restoration Project

  • ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DISTRICT 4 – ALA – 580 (PM 4.3) 04-0P120/0417000401 The California Department of Transportation (the Department) proposes to restore the function of an existing storm drain system and preserve the structural integrity of the surrounding embankment and highway along Eastbound I-580 in Alameda County. Project scope includes the replacement of corrugated metal pipe, grading and shoring of the existing slope, and backfill of the eroded embankment at Postmile 4.3. The Department has provided a virtual project presentation that includes an opportunity to comment on the project in leu of a formal public meeting (see website link below). However, the Department will provide an opportunity for a formal public meeting if requested. All requests must be made by the May 11, 2021 deadline.
  • 580 Storm Damage Permanent Restoration Project Initial Study – Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration
  • View the virtual project presentation

I-580 Bridge Rehabilitation Project

I-680 Alameda Creek Bridge Scour Repair Project

I-680 HOV/express lanes project

I-880 Interchange Improvements (Whipple Road-Industrial Parkway Southwest and Industrial Parkway West)

I-880 Interchange Improvements (Winton Avenue and A Street)

I-880 Oakland-Alameda Access Project (OAAP)

Dublin Boulevard Extension Project RTPL 5432(019)

Sabercat Creek Bridge Trail Extension Project


State Route 1 Bridge Rail Replacement Project

State Route 1 (SR 1) Capital Preventive Maintenance (CAPM) Project

State Route 1 Culvert Replacement Project

State Route 1 Drainage System Restoration Project

State Route 37 Flood Reduction Project From US 101 to Atherton Avenue

State Route 37 Petaluma River Bridge Preservation Project

State Route 37 Capital Preventive Maintenance (CAPM) Pavement Project

U.S. 101 Corte Madera Creek Bridge Rehabilitation Project

U.S. 101 Irwin Creek Culvert Rehabilitation Project

U.S. 101 Storm Damage Repair Project

U.S. 101 Tamalpais Overcrossing Project

EA 1Q230: State Route 131 Capital Preventative Maintenance Project.

EA 3AA90: SR 131 PM 1.90/23.1 Storm Damage Repair Project


State Route 29 Napa Bundle Northern Corridor Gas Pipeline Maintenance Program Project

State Route 29 Bridge Rail Replacement Project

State Route 29 Sulphur Creek and York Creek Bridge Rail Replacement Project

State Route 29/State Route 221 Soscol Junction Improvement Project

State Route 29 Ritchie Creek Bridge Replacement Project for Fish Passage Improvement

State Route 121 Tulucay Creek Bridge Replacement Project

State Route 128 Hopper Slough Bridge Replacement Project

San Francisco County

Better Market Street Project

San Mateo

State Route 1 Safety Barriers Project

State Route 1 Pescadero Creek Bridge Rails

State Route 1 Traffic Operational Systems Improvements Project

State Route 1 Multi-Asset Roadway Rehabilitation Project

State Route 1/State Route 84 Structures and Scour Mitigation

State Route 82 El Camino Real Roadway Renewal Project

State Route 84 Storm Damage Permanent Restoration Project

US 101/Produce Avenue Interchange Project

U.S. 101 Cordilleras Creek Bridge Replacement Project

U.S. 101 Managed Lanes Project North of I-380

I-280/I-380 Bridge Seismic Restoration Project: (Alpine Road Undercrossing Bridge, Sand Hill Road Overcrossing Bridges, and Interstate-280/Interstate-380 Separation Bridges)

Santa Clara

Highway 17 Wildlife and Regional Trail Crossings and Trail Connections Project

State Route 9 Saratoga Creek Bridge

Newell Road Bridge Replacement Project

I-280/Winchester Boulevard Interchange Improvements Project

  • Information regarding this project, including environmental documents, can be found on VTA's project page.

US 101/Zanker Road Improvements Project


State Route 12 Roadway Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation Project

State Route 12 Major Pavement Rehabilitation (2R) Project

State Route 84 Real McCoy Fenders and Ramps Replacement Project

State Route 128 Putah Creek Bridge Rehabilitation


Santa Rosa Maintenance Facility Project

SON 1 Drainage System Restoration Project (04-0W740)

State Route 1 Drainage System Restoration Project (04-1K760)

State Route 1 Drainage System Restoration Project (04-1K720)

State Route 1 Soldier Pile Wall Project

State Route 1 Culvert Rehabilitation Project – North

State Route 1 Culvert Rehabilitation Project – South

State Route 1 Culvert Rehabilitation Project

State Route 1 Centerline Rumble Strip Project

State Route 12 Capital Preventive Maintenance Project

State Route 12 Boas Drive Intersection Safety Project

U.S. 101 Santa Rosa U.S. Highway 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian Overcrossing

State Route 116 Bridge Railings Replacement Project

State Route 116 Slide Repair Project

State Route 116 Stage Gulch Road/Lakeville Highway Intersection Safety Project

State Route 121 Bridge Railing Upgrade Project