Caldecott Tunnel Bores 1, 2, and 3 Rehabilitation and Ventilation Upgrade

Historic black and white image of the Caldecott Tunnel showing bores 1, 2 and 3.Historic photo of the Caldecott Tunnel bores 1,2 and 3

Draft Environmental Document

The Draft Environmental Document (Initial Study Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration / Environmental Assessment) is available for review and can be viewed on Caltrans District 4 Environmental Documents by County page.

Printed copies of the Draft Environmental Document, for onsite review, can be found at:

  • Caltrans District 4 Office (111 Grand Avenue, Oakland)
  • Orinda Library
  • Oakland Library – Rockridge Branch
  • Berkeley Public Library – Claremont Branch.

Draft Environmental Document Direct Download (PDF)


The Draft Initial Study / Environmental Assessment (Draft IS/EA) is available for review. The comment period was from January 6 – February 6, 2025, and is now closed. All comments will be reviewed and responded to in the Final Environmental Document.

Public Meeting Information

A public meeting was held on January 22, 2025, in person and virtually. Please see the recording of the meeting on the right side of your screen.

Caldecott Tunnel Public Meeting Replay

Project Overview

Caltrans proposes to rehabilitate the Caldecott Tunnel Bores 1, 2 and 3 to preserve the structural integrity of the tunnel, improve ventilation performance and firefighting operational response, and extend its service life.

Project Scope

The project rehabilitation scope includes, removing, and repairing cracks in the concrete, addressing rust and fixing water damage in tunnel walls and ceilings. Construction will also make improvements to the electrical and lighting systems within the tunnel. The fire safety aspect of the project includes installing new jet fans for tunnel ventilation and sprinkler system as fire suppression.

Purpose and Need

The purpose of this project is to preserve the structural integrity of the tunnel, improve ventilation performance and firefighting operational response, and extend its service life. The project is needed because Headquarters Structure Maintenance and Investigation (SM&I) and District 4 identified deficiencies during inspection and concluded that the three bores required upgrades. If not addressed, the deficiencies would trigger more frequent maintenance and lead to more extensive repairs in the future. An independent consultant, WSP, was tasked by the Division of Engineering Services (DES) and District 4 to perform a risk analysis exploring the ventilation capacities of the Complex Tunnel/Tubes within the State of California to address smoke from vehicle fires of current commercial vehicles. The risk analysis concluded that Caldecott Tunnel Bores 1, 2, and 3 are of the top risk priority in the State and recommended ventilation upgrades.

Project Details

  • Draft Environmental Document (DED): January 2025 (Tentative)
  • Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED): June 2025 (Tentative)
  • Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E): May 2026 (Tentative)
  • Ready to List (RTL): June 2026 (Tentative)
  • CTC Funding Allocation: August 2026 (Tentative)
  • Construction Start: Fall 2026 (Tentative)
  • Construction End: Fall 2029 (Tentative)
  • Project Funding: SB1 SHOPP, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

Map of location where Caltrans proposes to rehabilitate the Caldecott Tunnel Bores 1, 2 and 3 and provide fire life safety upgrades by installing Jet Fans and deluge sprinkler system in all three bores.

Project Limits

The construction project will take place in the Caldecott Tunnel in Bores One, Two and Three on Highway 24 between Alameda and Contra Costa County.

Project Partners and Key Stakeholders

  • Caltrans
  • FHWA
  • State Fire Marshall
  • Alameda Fire Department
  • Contra Costa Fire Department

Caldecott Tunnel Bores Current Conditions

Current condition of Caldecott Tunnel Bore 1.
Current condition of bore 1

Current condition of Caldecott Tunnel Bore 2.
Current condition of bore 2

Current condition of Caldecott Tunnel Bore 3.
Current condition of bore 3

Project Contact

Hector Chinchilla
Public Information Officer
Caltrans Bay Area ( District 4)