State Route 29 Sulphur Creek and York Creek Bridge Rail Replacement Project
Sulphur Creek Bridge (BR# 21-0016) Napa County Route 29 PM 28.43
Work Description
- Replace the existing non-standard bridge rails with standard bridge rails
- A form liner will be used for architectural treatment of the replacement barriers to provide an appearance of stone. The existing decorative street lamps will be reused together with the historic plaques
- To eliminate visual impacts, crash cushions will not be installed at the ends of the bridge rails
- Additional right of way will be required
- Two alternatives are under consideration for Sulphur Creek Bridge: Alternatives 2 and 3 (Alternative 1 was eliminated, because it required one-way traffic control)
Sulphur Creek Bridge Alternative 2
- This alternative proposes to widen the northbound side of the bridge 5.5 feet. This alternative provides standard 8-foot shoulder on northbound, and 3 to 7-foot shoulders on the southbound side of the bridge
- During construction, this alternative provides space on the bridge for two-way traffic
- Construction may be completed in one stage
Sulphur Creek Bridge Alternative 3 (Currently Not Programmed)
- This alternative proposes to widen the northbound side of the bridge 16-18 feet, and to widen the southbound side 12 feet. This alternative provides 7 to 8-foot shoulder on northbound and 1 to 2-foot shoulders on the southbound side of the bridge
- Includes replacement of the existing pedestrian walkways in both directions of travel
- Proposes to install two sets of rails in each direction of travel: one see-through set adjacent to traffic lanes; and one solid concrete rail with architectural treatment, simulating the existing stone rails
- Includes provisions to lengthen the northbound SR 29 to westbound Mitchell Drive left turn lane
- This alternative provides space on the bridge for two-way traffic during construction
- Construction may require work in two separate years due to extensive widening
York Creek Bridge (BR# 21-0017) Napa County Route 29 PM 29.2
Work Description
- Replace the existing non-standard bridge rails with standard bridge rails
- A form liner will be used for architectural treatment of the replacement barriers to provide an appearance of stone. The existing decorative street lamps will be reused along with the historic plaques
- To eliminate visual impacts, crash cushions will not be installed at the ends of the bridge rails
- Additional right of way will be required
- Two alternatives are being considered for York Creek Bridge; Alternatives 1 and 2
York Creek Bridge Alternative 1
- This alternative does not require widening of the existing bridge
- Provides 6-foot shoulders in both directions of travel
- Provides a 6-foot sidewalk in the southbound direction of travel (as currently existing)
- This alternative provides space on the bridge for two-way traffic during construction
- Construction is expected to occur in two stages and in one year
York Creek Bridge Alternative 2(Currently Not Programmed)
- This alternative proposes to widen the northbound side of the bridge 7.5 feet, and to widen the southbound side 4 feet. This alternative provides 6-foot shoulders on both sides of the bridge
- Includes construction of pedestrian walkways in both directions of travel
- Proposes to install two sets of rails in each direction of travel: one see-through set adjacent to traffic lanes; and one solid concrete rail with architectural treatment, simulating the existing stone rails
- This alternative provides space on the bridge for two-way traffic during construction
- Due to extensive widening, construction may require two separate years to complete
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You can provide comments via email or mail on this project during the comment period: June 17, 2020 to July 8, 2020 to the following: (preferred)
ATTN: Nathan Roberts,
Associate Environmental Planner
P.O. Box 23660,
Office of Environmental Analysis, MS-8B
Oakland, CA 94623-0660