CPD Number |
Subject |
Date |
Supplemental Information |
CPD 24-11 (PDF) |
California Statewide Crude Oil Price Index Update |
12/24/2024 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Crude Oil Price Index
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Crude Oil Price Index
Attachment 3: Revised Section 9-1.07, "Payment Adjustments for Price Index Fluctuations, " of the Standard Specifications
CPD 24-10 (PDF) |
Non-Standard Special Provision for Safety Representative |
12/12/2024 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4900, “Change Order” Safety Representative
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” Safety Representative
Attachment 3: Non-standard special provision, Section 5-1.15, “Safety Representative”
CPD 24-9 (PDF) |
Construction Restaking Rate Charges Update |
11/14/2024 |
CPD 24-8 (PDF) |
Environmental Product Declarations for Hot Mix Asphalt and Concrete |
11/8/2024 |
Attachment 1: Standard special provision, Section 6-1.08, “Environmental Product Declarations for Hot Mix Asphalt and Concrete” |
CPD 24-7 (PDF) |
Removing CT 342 Acceptance Requirement for Concrete Pavement |
8/21/2024 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Remove CT 342
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Remove CT 342
Attachment 3: Revised Section 40, "Concrete Pavement," of the Standard Specifications
Attachment 4: Revised Section 41, "Existing Concrete Pavement," of the Standard Specifications
Attachment 5: Revised Section 42, "Groove and Grind Concrete," of the Standard Specifications
CPD 24-6 (PDF) |
Post-Production Gradation of Aggregates for HMA
8/21/2024 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" HMA JMF
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order," HMA JMF
Attachment 3: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" PPG
Attachment 4: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" PPG
Attachment 5: Change Order Pages 2 and 3
CPD 24-5 (PDF) |
Compliance with the 2022 Construction General Permit |
5/2/2024 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum," 2022 CGP Compliance
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order," 2022 CGP Compliance
Attachment 3: Transition Special Provision 13-1_A10-21-22
Attachment 4: Transition Special Provision 13-2_A10-21-22
Attachment 5: Transition Special Provision 13-3_A10-21-22
Attachment 6: Transition Special Provision 13-4_A10-21-22
Attachment 7: Transition Special Provision 13-8_A10-21-22
Attachment 8: Transition Special Provision 13-9_A10-21-22
CPD 24-4 (PDF) |
Insurance Approval for Emergency Contracts |
5/1/2024 |
CPD 24-3 (PDF) |
Mandatory Valley Fever Awareness Training for 2024 |
4/17/2024 |
CPD 24-2 (PDF) |
Construction Project Funding Identification Signs |
1/11/2024 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Signs
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Signs
Attachment 3: Section 12-3.11B(5)(b), "Construction Project Funding Identification Signs," of the special provisions
CPD 24-1 (PDF) |
Extended COZEEP Electronic Pilot Process |
1/8/2024 |
CPD 23-12 (PDF) |
Postive Work Zone Protection |
12/13/2023 |
Attachment 1: Form CEM-1303, "Positive Work Zone Protection Supplement" |
CPD 23-11 (PDF) |
Renewable Diesel Required Use Statewide |
11/27/2023 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum," Renewable Diesel
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order," Renewable Diesel
CPD 23-10 (PDF) |
Revised CTM 387 to Allow Use of Stop-and-Go Profilers |
11/30/2023 |
Attachment 1: California Test 387 September 2023
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4903, Change Order Memorandum
Attachment 3: Sample Form CEM-4900, Change Order
CPD 23-9 (PDF) |
Buy America Update |
11/1/2023 |
Attachment 1: Revised sample Section 6-1.04, "Buy America," of the special provisions
Attachment 2: Table of Construction Materials' Domestic Manufacturing Processes Standards (2 CFR 184.6)
Attachment 3: Buy America Frequently Asked Questions—Contractor's Corner
CPD 23-8 (PDF) |
Form FHWA-1273 Update |
11/1/2023 |
Attachment 1: Form FHWA-1273, “Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts,” revised October 23, 2023 |
CPD 23-7 (PDF) |
Small Business Enterprises Goal Projects |
10/26/2023 |
Attachment 1: Memorandum, "Small Business Enterprises Participation Goal Requirement Implementation for State-Only Funded Projects"
Attachment 2: Section 5-1.13F, "Small Business Enterprises," of the Special Provisions
Attachment 3: Form OCR-SB03, "Final Report - Utilization of Small Business Enterprises"
CPD 23-6 (PDF)
Tie Wires in Dowel Bar Assemblies
8/28/2023 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum"
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order"
Attachment 3: Revised Section 40-1.03D, "Dowel Bar Placement," of the Standard Specifications
CPD 23-5 (PDF) |
COZEEP Unfulfilled Task Orders – Electronic Reporting |
8/17/2023 |
CPD 23-4 (PDF) |
Construction Records Retention Schedule |
7/26/2023 |
Attachment 1: 2023-066_RRS_Construction memo.pdf
Attachment 2: Construction Records Retention Schedule 2023-066.pdf
Attachment 3: Summary of Construction Projects Record Retention Requirements.pdf
CPD 23-3 (PDF) |
Extended COZEEP Electronic PILOT Process |
5/31/2023 |
CPD 22-13 (PDF) |
Buy America |
12/13/2022 |
Attachment 1: Frequently Asked Questions
Attachment 2: Supporting Notes to the Directive
CPD 22-12 (PDF) |
DIME Statewide Implementation |
10/21/2022 |
Attachment 1: Implementation Plan for Initial DIME Rollout
Attachment 2: DIME District Labs One-Pager
CPD 22-11 (PDF) |
Safety Meeting Report Application |
10/19/2022 |
CPD 22-10 (PDF) |
Revised Guidance for Sampling and Reduction Test Methods |
9/30/2022 |
Attachment 1: Revised California Test 125 (August 12, 2022)
Attachment 2: Revised California Test 306 (August 12, 2022)
Attachment 3: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum"
Attachment 4: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order"
CPD 22-9 (PDF) |
Revised California Test 521 to Allow Use of Unbonded Caps in Concrete Compressive Strength Testing |
8/19/2022 |
CPD 22-7 (PDF) |
CPM Scheduling and Contract Time |
4/5/2022 |
Attachment 1: Revised Standard Specification Section 8-1.02, "Schedule" |
CPD 22-6 (PDF) |
Use of Maturity to Determine Opening to Traffic Concrete Strength |
3/31/2022 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Maturity
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Maturity
Attachment 3: Revised Sections 40-1.03L, "Use of Maturity to Determine Opening to Traffic Concrete Strength"; 40-1.03J, "Protecting Concrete Pavement"; and 40-1.03O, "Smoothness and Friction Correction," of the Standard Specifications
CPD 22-5 (PDF) |
Concrete Pavement Acceptance Based on Compressive Strength |
3/31/2022 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Compressive Strength
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Compressive Strength
Attachment 3: Revised Sections 40-1.01C, "Submittals," and 40-1.01D, "Quality Assurance," of the Standard Specifications
CPD 22-4 (PDF) |
Buy Clean California Act - update |
3/29/2022 |
Attachment 1: Standard Special Provision 6-1.06 |
CPD 22-3 (PDF) |
Water Conservation |
2/14/2022 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum - Dust Palliative"
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order - Dust Palliative"
Attachment 3: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum - Water Source"
Attachment 4: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order - Water Source"
CPD 22-2 (PDF) |
Updated COVID-19 Guidance on Alternative Dispute Meetings |
1/31/2022 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Updated Guidance
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Updated Guidance
CPD 22-1 (PDF) |
Recycled Materials Reporting |
1/26/2022 |
Attachment 1: "Section 14-10.03, "Recycled Materials Reporting," of the Revised Standard Specifications
Attachment 2: Form CEM-4403, "Recycled Materials Report"
CPD 21-23 (PDF) |
COZEEP for Traffic Control System Installation and Removal |
12/1/2021 |
CPD 21-22 (PDF) |
Traffic Lookouts |
11/11/2021 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Traffic Lookouts
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Traffic Lookouts
CPD 21-21 (PDF) |
Code of Safe Practices Update |
10/20/2021 |
CPD 21-20 (PDF) |
New Mobile Application for Documenting Construction Safety Reviews |
10/19/2021 |
CPD 21-19 (PDF) |
Portland-Limestone Cement Allowance in Blended Cements |
10/15/2021 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Portland-Limestone Cement
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Portland-Limestone Cement
CPD 21-18 (PDF) |
Caltrans Contractor Safety Prequalification Questionnaire |
10/13/2021 |
CPD 21-17 (PDF) |
Update to Disposal of Treated Wood Waste |
9/8/2021 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum," for scenario #1
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order," for scenario #1
Attachment 3: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum," for scenario #2
Attachment 4: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order," for scenario #2
CPD 21-16 (PDF) |
Traffic Control System Installation and Removal |
8/6/2021 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum," Traffic
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order," Traffic
CPD 21-14 (PDF) |
24 Months Asphalt Job Mix Formula |
7/16/2021 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" 24 Months Asphalt Job Mix (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" 24 Months Asphalt Job Mix (PDF)
CPD 21-13 (PDF) |
New Inertial Profile Smoothness Leave-out
6/25/2021 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" New Inertial Profile (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" New Inertial Profile (PDF)
Attachment 3: Administering the 30-foot Moving Average Low Pass Filter Leave-Out (PDF)
CPD 21-12 (PDF) |
Federal Highway Administration Risk-Based Project Involvement |
6/24/2021 |
Attachment 1: Revision to FHWA Risk-based Project Involvement (PDF)
CPD 21-11 (PDF) |
Falcon Electronic Document Management System |
6/10/2021 |
CPD 21-10 (PDF) |
Review Findings on Extra Work Force Account Billings and Payments |
5/28/2021 |
CPD 21-9 (PDF) |
Revisions to CTM 540 in Accordance With ASTM Standards
5/27/2021 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Revisions to CTM 540 (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Revisions to CTM 540 (PDF)
Attachment 3: Revised CTM 540, "Method of Test for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field" (PDF)
CPD 21-8 (PDF) |
Flagger and Traffic Control Technician Certification Implementation |
5/18/2021 |
CPD 21-7 (PDF) |
Value Engineering Change Proposals |
5/14/2021 |
Attachment 1: Section 4-1.07, “Value Engineering,” of the Revised Standard Specifications, dated April 16, 2021 (PDF) |
CPD 21-5 (PDF) |
Innovation Change Orders |
3/19/2021 |
CPD 21-4 (PDF) |
Work Zone Positive Protection
3/15/2021 |
Attachment 1: CEM-4903 Change Order Memorandum (PDF)
Attachment 2: CEM-4900 Change Order Form (PDF)
Attachment 3: Positive Protection Specifications (PDF)
Attachment 4: Construction Details-Mobile Barrier Systems (PDF)
CPD 21-3 (PDF) |
Buy Clean California Act - Update |
3/10/2021 |
Attachment 1: Section 6-1.06, “Buy Clean California Act,” of the special provisions (PDF) |
CPD 20-30 (PDF) |
New Form CEM-2500, "LCPtracker Vendor Access Request" |
12/18/2020 |
CPD 20-29 (PDF) |
Safety Stand-Down for Contractor Employee Fatality |
12/17/2020 |
CPD 20-28 (PDF) |
Changes to CTM 540 in Accordance With ASTM Standards
11/30/2020 |
Attachment 1: CTM 540 Changes Sample Form CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum" Changes to CTM 540
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, “Change Order" Changes to CTM 540 (PDF)
Attachment 3: C31/C31M - 19, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
To access ASTM reports, use the Engineering Workbench through the Caltrans Library. Register using your Caltrans email address.
Attachment 4: Draft CTM 540 (PDF)
CPD 20-25 (PDF) |
Mandatory COZEEP Training |
10/6/2020 |
CPD 20-24 (PDF) |
Procurement of Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Equipment or Services
10/6/2020 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Telecommunications (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Telecommunications (PDF)
CPD 20-23 (PDF) |
Category 2 Temporary Traffic Control Devices |
9/29/2020 |
CPD 20-20 (PDF) |
Temporary Cement Shortage |
9/11/2020 |
CPD 20-18 (PDF) |
Hamburg Wheel Track Test for Hot Mix Asphalt
8/21/2020 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" HWT (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" HWT (PDF)
CPD 20-15 (PDF) |
Flagging Instruction Handbook Update |
CPD 20-14 (PDF) |
Temporary Procedures for Contactless Weighmaster Certificates
6/18/2020 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Weightmaster (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Weightmaster (PDF)
CPD 20-13 (PDF)
Certified Flaggers
6/12/2020 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Certified Flaggers (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Certified Flaggers (PDF)
CPD 20-11 (PDF)
Submittal Requirements for Pavement Smoothness Data |
5/18/2020 |
CPD 20-10 (PDF)
Notification to Contractor for COVID-19 Positive Test Results |
4/14/2020 |
Attachment 1: Sample Letter Notification to Contractor of COVID-19 Positive Test Results (PDF)
CPD 20-8 (PDF)
Source Inspection Procedures During Coronavirus Disease Pandemic |
4/1/2020 |
CPD 20-7 (PDF)
Shop Drawings Submittals |
3/27/2020 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" Shop (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" Shop (PDF)
Attachment 3: Shop Drawing Specification (PDF)
CPD 20-4 (PDF) |
Coronavirus Construction Contract Effects |
3/16/2020 |
CPD 20-3 (PDF) |
Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes Update |
3/16/2020 |
CPD 20-2 (PDF) |
Changes to CTM 523 in accordance with ASTM International Standards |
1/23/2020 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" ASTM (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" ASTM (PDF)
Attachment 3: C31/C31M - 19, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
To access ASTM reports, use the Engineering Workbench through the Caltrans Library. Register using your Caltrans email address.
Attachment 4: Revised CTM 523, Method of Test for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Modulus of Rupture) (PDF)
Attachment 5: FHWA Form CA-358(c), "Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order" (PDF)
CPD 20-1 (PDF) |
Subcontractor Registration and Licensing |
1/16/2020 |
CPD 19-16 (PDF) |
Flagging |
11/20/2019 |
Attachment 1: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" AFAD (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" AFAD (PDF)
Attachment 3: Change Order Attachment AFAD Specifications (PDF)
Attachment 4: Sample Form CEM-4903, "Change Order Memorandum" PCMS (PDF)
Attachment 5: Sample Form CEM-4900, "Change Order" PCMS (PDF)
Attachment 6: FHWA Form CA-358(c), "Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order" (PDF)
CPD 19-15 (PDF) |
Expanded Work Windows for Construction |
10/31/2019 |
Attachment 1: Deputy Directive 60-R2, “Transportation Management Plans" (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Form CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum" Expanded Work Windows (PDF)
Attachment 3: Sample Form CEM-4900, “Change Order" Expanded Work Windows (PDF)
Attachment 4: FHWA Form CA-358(c), “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order" (PDF)
Attachment 5: Non-Standard Special Provision 12-4.02C(10), “End of Queue Monitoring and Warning" (PDF)
Attachment 6: Non-Standard Special Provision 12-3.39, “Temporary End of Queue Warning System" (PDF)
Attachment 7: New Construction Detail Sheet Type 1 (PDF)
Attachment 8: New Construction Detail Sheet Type 2 (PDF)
CPD 19-14 (PDF) |
Public Safety Power Shutoffs |
10/28/2019 |
CPD 19-13 (PDF)
Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes Inspection Documentation |
9/30/2019 |
CPD 19-12 (PDF)
Buy Clean California Act - Environmental Product Declarations |
8/29/2019 |
Attachment 1: Standard Special Provision for Buy Clean California Act (PDF)
CPD 19-11 (PDF)
Construction Re-staking Rate Charges Update |
8/23/2019 |
CPD 19-10 (PDF)
Concrete Pavement Smoothness
Attachment 1: Concrete Pavement Smoothness Sample CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
Attachment 2: Concrete Pavement Smoothness Sample CEM-4900, “Change Order” For CRCP New Alignment or Reconstruction (Target 60) (PDF)
Attachment 3: Concrete Pavement Smoothness Sample CEM-4900, “Change Order” For CRCP Widen (Target 67.5) (PDF)
Attachment 4: Concrete Pavement Smoothness Sample CEM-4900, “Change Order” For JPCP New Alignment or Reconstruction (Target 67.5) (PDF)
Attachment 5: Concrete Pavement Smoothness Sample CEM-4900, “Change Order” For JPCP Widen (Target 75) (PDF)
Attachment 6: Concrete Pavement Smoothness Form FHWA CA-358(c) “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order” (PDF)
CPD 19-8 (PDF)
Hamburg Wheel Track Test for Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt — Gap Graded |
4/2/2019 |
Attachment 1: Hamburg Wheel Track Test Sample - Form CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
Attachment 2: Hamburg Wheel Track Test Sample - Form CEM-4900, “Change Order” (PDF)
Attachment 3: Hamburg Wheel Track Test Sample - Revised Specification for Hamburg Wheel Track (PDF)
Attachment 4: Hamburg Wheel Track Test Sample - FHWA “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order” (PDF)
CPD 19-7 (PDF)
Modified SB-1 Project Funding Identification Signs |
3/12/2019 |
Attachment 1: Modified SB-1 Project Funding Identification Signs Sample - Form CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
Attachment 2: Modified SB-1 Project Funding Identification Signs Sample - Form CEM-4900, “Change Order” (PDF)
Attachment 3: C 48 (CA) Project Funding Identification Sign Details Sheet” (PDF)
Attachment 4: Modified SB-1 Project Funding Identification Signs Sample - FHWA “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order” (PDF)
CPD 19-6 (PDF)
Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Smoothness |
3/4/2019 |
Attachment 1: Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Smoothness Sample - Form CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
Attachment 2: Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Smoothness Sample - Form CEM-4900, “Change Order” (PDF)
Attachment 3: Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Smoothness Sample - FHWA “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order (PDF)"
CPD 19-5 (PDF)
Updated Dispute Resolution Advisor and Dispute Resolution Board Forms |
3/1/2019 |
CPD 19-3 (PDF)
Electronic Transmission of Certified Payroll |
1/25/2019 |
CPD 19-2 (PDF)
Safety Documentation on Emergency Contracts |
1/9/2019 |
CPD 19-1 (PDF)
Materials on Hand |
1/9/2019 |
Attachment 1: Materials on Hand Sample - Revised Standard Specification (PDF)
Attachment 2: Materials on Hand Sample - Form CEM-5101, Request for Payment for Materials on Hand (PDF)
Attachment 3: Materials on Hand Sample - Form CEM-5105, Materials on Hand Summary (PDF)
CPD 18-8 (PDF)
Wildfire Effects on Construction Projects
12/17/2018 |
CPD 18-7 (PDF)
X-Lite Guardrail End Treatment Suspension
8/24/2018 |
Attachment: X-Lite Guardrail Memo (PDF)
CPD 18-6 (PDF)
High-Performance Glass Beads
6/13/2018 |
CPD 18-5 (PDF)
Steel Price Increases (PDF)
6/1/2018 |
CPD 18-4 (PDF)
Thermoplastic Application Rate
6/1/2018 |
Attachment 1: Thermoplastic Application Rate Sample - CEM-4900, “Change Order” (PDF)
Attachment 2: Thermoplastic Application Rate Sample - CEM 4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
CPD 18-3 (PDF)
ProVAL Smoothness Assurance Module Guide and Training
3/26/2018 |
CPD 18-2 (PDF)
SB-1 Project Funding Identification Signs |
3/12/2018 |
Attachment 1: SB-1 Project Funding Identification Signs Sample - CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
Attachment 2: SB-1 Project Funding Identification Signs Sample - CEM-4900, “Change Order” (PDF)
Attachment 3: "Project Funding Identification Signs (PDF)"
CPD 18-1 (PDF)
Permanent Pedestrian Facilities ADA Compliance Handbook |
3/6/2018 |
CPD 17-7 (PDF)
Permanent Pedestrian Facilities Forms (Non-Standard Plan Curb Ramps) |
12/01/2017 |
CPD 17-6 (PDF)
Contractor Option to Use Returned Plastic Concrete |
09/29/2017 |
CPD 17-4 (PDF)
Protection From Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica Training |
09/08/2017 |
CPD 17-3 (PDF)
Implementation of 6-Inch Traffic Lines and Discontinued Use of Non-reflective Pavement Markers |
08/15/2017 |
Attachment 1: Implementation of 6-Inch Traffic Lines and Discontinued Use of Non-reflective Pavement Markers Sample - CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
Attachment 2: Implementation of 6-Inch Traffic Lines and Discontinued Use of Non-reflective Pavement Markers Sample - CEM-4900, “Change Order” (PDF)
Attachment 3: 2015 Revised Standard Plans, A20 and A40 series (PDF)
Attachment 4: FHWA Form CA-358(c), “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order” (PDF)
CPD 17-2 (PDF)
Acceptance Testing Turnaround for Job-Produced Materials |
07/25/2017 |
CPD 17-1 (PDF)
Permanent Pedestrian Facilities Inspection Training |
07/14/2017 |
CPD 16-14 (PDF)
Reinstatement of SRT Systems and Rescission of Construction Procedure Directive 16-11 |
10/31/2016 |
Attachment: Division of Traffic Operations Memorandum, “Reinstatement of Use of SRT Systems,” dated October 28, 2016 (PDF)
Supersedes CPD 16-11
CPD 16-13 (PDF)
Bridge Deck Crack Prevention |
10/11/2016 |
Attachment 1: Bridge Deck Crack Prevention Sample - CEM-4903, “Change Order Memorandum” (PDF)
Attachment 2: Bridge Deck Crack Prevention Sample - CEM-4900, “Change Order” (PDF)
Attachment 3: Change Order Attachment—Bridge Deck Crack Prevention Specifications (PDF)
Attachment 4: Division of Engineering Services Memorandum, “Construction Specifications for Bridge Deck Crack Prevention,” dated August 11, 2016 (PDF)
Attachment 5: FHWA Form CA-358 (c), “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order” (PDF)
CPD 16-12 (PDF)
G-12 Funds Request Memorandum |
10/07/2016 |
CPD 16-10 (PDF)
Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance in Construction |
07/26/2016 |
CPD 16-5 (PDF)
Rebates for Reducing Water Usage |
05/3/2016 |
CPD 16-4 (PDF)
Authorization to Proceed for Ordered Extra Work
4/5/2016 |
CPD 16-3 (PDF)
Extra Work Bill Review
4/5/2016 |
CPD 16-1 (PDF)
Bidder Inquiries
1/4/2016 |
CPD 15-4 (PDF)
Recycled Water Usage for Landscaping |
12/1/2015 |
Attachment 1: Sign S28(CA) “USING RECYCLED WATER” details (PDF)
Attachment 2: Sample Change Order Memorandum for Recycled Water Information Signs (PDF)
Attachment 3: Sample Change Order for Recycled Water Information Signs (PDF)
Attachment 4: FHWA Form 358(c), “Record of Blanket Prior Approval for Major Contract Change Order (PDF)
CPD 15-3 (PDF)
Proper Charging for Stormwater Contract Administration Work |
5/28/2015 |
CPD 15-2 (PDF)
Final Materials Certification Form |
5/26/2015 |
CPD 15-1 (PDF)
Stormwater Program—Construction Compliance Evaluation Plan |
3/25/2015 |
CPD 14-10 (PDF)
Suspension of the ET-Plus, ET-Plus 31, ET-2000 Plus, and ET-2000 |
11/14/2014 |
Attachment: Traffic Operations Memorandum, “Suspension of the ET-Plus, ET-Plus 31, ET-2000 Plus, and ET-2000, dated November 14, 2014 (PDF)
CPD 14-6 (PDF)
Guidance for the Work Breakdown Structure and Workplan Standards Guide |
07/10/2014 |
CPD 14-5 (PDF)
Construction Resource Estimating Norms |
07/10/2014 |
CPD 13-6 (PDF)
Local Agency Fees, Permits, and Services |
08/05/2013 |
CPD11-3 (PDF)
Use of the California Highway Patrol in Construction Work Zones |
08/24/2011 |
CPD 06-7 (PDF)
Eliminate Haunch Detail for Type 1 Retaining Walls with Safety Barrier
08/24/2006 |
CPD 01-11 (PDF)
Hoisting Operations near Public Traffic and Pedestrians |
9/17/2001 |
Attachment 1 (PDF)
Attachment 2 (PDF)