Repetitive Permit Application Instructions
Transportation Permit Application (PDF)
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- Name – Responsible person or company for transporting the permit load or operating the vehicle. Permits are not allowed to be transferred or consigned.
- Address – Street address or P.O. Box of responsible person or company.
- City/State/Zip – City, state, and zip of responsible person or company.
- Office Phone Number – Contact telephone number where additional information can be obtained should a question arise during processing the application or during the duration of the permit.
- Office Fax Number – The approved permit will be sent to this facsimile number.
- Haul/Drive/Tow – Check the appropriate box. If the item is an excavator, it will be a haul. A crane will probably be a drive and manufactured housing or items such as a conveyor with axles are a tow.
Note: Permittees having fixed load equipment which is driven or towed are required to submit a copy of a valid inspection report. - Description of the Load or Equipment and Model Number – A complete description of load or equipment to be moved. Where appropriate, use specific model number and/or serial numbers to complete identification. State that the item is crated if applicable. For example, "Heat exchanging unit in shipping crate to protect copper tubing''. If a portion of an item is removed and carried on the same trailer. Include both pieces in the description. An accurate and complete description of the load is required for permit processing and law enforcement review.
- Dimensions of the Load – (L x W x H) For example, "41' 0" long, 9' 6" wide, 6' 0" high."
- Description of Hauling Equipment – Acceptable abbreviations can be found on the List of Abbreviations page. If space allows, write out the complete description such as "3-axle tractor, 2-axle jeep, 3-axle semi-trailer," "3-axle tractor, 2-axle flatbed trailer."
- Serial numbers should be included with vehicles, which have an inspection report.
- All 9, 11, and 13 axle combinations must have an inspection report submitted with the application.
- Cranes and other fixed load applications must be accompanied by an inspection report and profile sheet when applicable.
Vehicle Width – This is the width of the vehicle hauling the load, or the width of a fixed load vehicle such as crane. The entry should be in feet and inches. On certain vehicles the California Vehicle Code (CVC) 35104 specifies vehicles allowed a width of 10 feet.
Note: The maximum width of the vehicle or vehicle combination should be entered into this section. For example, if towing a 10 X 60 manufactured home with a legal width tractor, the entry should be 10' 0" in this box. On the other hand, if hauling a 10-feet wide load with a legal width vehicle, the entry should be "Legal" or 8'-6".
- Kingpin to Last Axle – All applications must have an entry in this section. An entry of "Legal" is not acceptable for this section. The following applies to most applications: (See also Item #15 for use of the word "Maximum").
- Single Vehicle: Enter "N/A."
- Tractor-Semi: Measure from the center of the kingpin to the center of the rear most axle.
- Truck-Trailer: Enter "N/A."
- Manufactured Housing: From the hitch, including draw bar length, to the center of the rear-most axle.
- Heavy Haul: 7, 9, 11, 13 axle combinations should measure from the center of the kingpin to the rear most axle of the load-carrying trailer. "N/A" is an acceptable entry.
- Other: Any other applications such as double wide dolly configurations should enter "N/A."
- Semi-Trailer Length – This is the length of the semi-trailer hauling the load. The entry should be in feet and inches. If the semi-trailer length is 48' 0" or less, writing "48' Max." is preferred. Heavy Haul: 7, 9, 11, 13 axle combinations "N/A" is an acceptable entry. 4-axle tractors/3-axle trailers require a trailer length entry.
- Comb Vehicle Length – The actual length of the vehicle and/or vehicle combination from the most forward portion to the most rear portion. This length does not include overhanging portions of a load. (See also Item #15 for the use of the word maximum.)
- Number of Tires Per Axle – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, leave this section blank. All extralegal weight applications must have this section completed. If there are more than 9-axles in the vehicle combination, a second page must be completed by using Rider Form TR0017. The Regional Variance Coordinator should be consulted for applications of this complexity.
- Distance Between Axles – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, leave this section blank.
Allowable weight is determined by the spacing between axles in a group. Generally, as the spacing increases, so does the allowable weight. Enforcement is to the nearest inch. Consequently, it is important that accurate distance in feet and inches are entered in these spaces. The first entry will be the spacing from the center of these spaces. The first entry will be the spacing from the center of axle one (steering) to the center of axle two. The next entry will be from the center of axle two to the center of axle three and so on.
Since allowable weight increases with spacing, the word minimum, abbreviated as "min.", is acceptable with dimensions between axles and axle groups. Group weights will be assigned based upon these minimum dimensions. When minimum dimensions are used for axle spacing, the word maximum, abbreviated as "max.", must be used in Box 13 for the Combination Vehicle Length. For applications with a kingpin entry, the word maximum should also be used in Box 11 for the Kingpin to Last Axle dimension. - Width of Axles at Tire Sidewall – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, leave this section blank. For weight applications, provide the axle width to the nearest inch measured at the tire sidewalls. Dimensions should be in feet and inches.
- Maximum Allowable Weight – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, write the word "LEGAL" on this line. Show the exact axle group weight or the corresponding maximum axle group weight from one of the following documents listed below:
- Plate 25-3 "Orange and Bonus Overloads," of the Transportation Permit Manual
- Plate 25-4 "Green and Bonus Overloads," of the Transportation Permit Manual
- Plate 25-5 "Purple and Bonus Overloads," of the Transportation Permit Manual
The axle group weight shown on the Department of Transportation Inspection Report Sheet
- Loaded Height – Enter "Legal" if 14' 0" or less as measured from the pavement surface to the highest point of the load or vehicle. If greater than 14' 0", then enter actual height in feet and inches.
- Loaded Width – Enter the widest dimension of the vehicle or load, whichever is greater, in feet and inches.
- Loaded Overall Length – This entry is mandatory for all applications. The dimension should be in feet and inches.
- Loaded Overhang – This entry is mandatory for all applications. The dimension should be in feet and inches. Measurement is from the last point of support to the end of the load for rear overhangs, and it is from the front bumper to the end of the load for front overhangs.
- Weight Class – The Weight Class indicates the Plate used under Item #17. If left blank, it will be completed by State personnel if necessary.
- Origin – These entries should be as specific as possible. It provides State personnel a second check on completing routes. If coming from out of State, the highway and state line should be indicated. For example, "AZ Line/40" is acceptable. If the origin is a ramp connection to a freeway or job site, the name of the street with city or county and postmile should be given. For example, "Fairplex Ave, Pomona," or "Poco Farms Rd, Kings County," are acceptable entries. With conventional highways, the intersection where departing from the State Highway System with the city or county should be listed.
- Destination – These entries should be as specific as possible. It provides State personnel a second check on completing routes. If coming from out of state, the highway and state line should be indicated. For example, "AZ Line/40" is acceptable. If the destination is a ramp connection to a freeway or job site, the name of the street with city or county and postmile should be given. For example, "Fairplex Ave, Pomona," or "Poco Farms Rd, Kings County," are acceptable entries. With conventional highways, the intersection where departing from the State Highway System with the city or county should be listed.
- Requested Route –Write "repetitive" when using this form for repetitive permit use.
- Contact Person (Print) – Provide the name of a person who can be contacted for additional information while the application is being processed or during the duration of the permit.
- Cash, Charge, Credit Card or Exempt Information – If exempt, write the word in this space. Charge customers should write their charge account number or their credit card number. Only Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Cards are accepted. The number will be covered before the permit is returned.
- Credit Card Expiration Date – Must be included on all Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card applications. Leave this space blank for exempt applications.
- Fee – To be completed by state personnel only. Do not write in this space. The fee is dependent on the type of permit and number of trips to be taken under the authority of the permit. In general, annuals and repetitive permits are $90. Single trip permits are $16 for each trip completed.
- Number of Trips – Indicate the number of trips desired under this permit in space provided.
- Applicant Signature – Name or signature of the applicant or agent on all applications.
- Date – The actual date of when the application is submitted to the State for processing.
- Authorized State Agent – To be completed by state personnel only. Do not write in this space. Name or signature of the State agent completing the permit. The permit is not valid unless signed.
- Date – To be completed by state personnel only. Do not write in this space. Date completed and signed by State agent.
- Authorized State Highways – To be completed by state personnel only. Do not write in this space. An asterisk is used to indicate when city or county permits are required. Typically, the routing will start or end with an asterisk. Intermediate detours may also have an asterisk indicating the need for city or country permits. Routing generally begins and ends with the name of the city or county cross street or exit from the State Highway System. Routes are listed in the order of travel. When necessary to detour around a low or weak structure, the detour may be indicated with the wording "Detour Via Ramps" and the name of the exit. The applicant is cautioned to verify their routing with a map(s), and if there are any question, contact the State agent who signed the permit.
- Pilot Car – To be completed by state personnel only. Do not write in this space. If "No" is checked, there are no pilot cars required. If "Yes" is checked, the Special Conditions for Loads and/or vehicles Escorted by Pilot Car(s) will be indicated as an accompaniment. The number of pilot cars and the routes they are required on will be indicated in this section.
- This Permit is Not Valid Without the Following Accompaniments – To be completed by state personnel only. Do
not write in this space. State personnel will mark the appropriate accompaniments on the face of the permit. The permit is not valid without these accompaniments. Accompaniments are available on the web page section titled Application Forms and Accompaniments.
A complete listing of all accompaniments include:
- Permit Valid – To be completed by state personnel only. Do not write in this space. The permit will be valid from the date it is completed by the state agent. A delayed start date may be requested by the permittee, but the permit may not be issued more than three calendar days before the first travel day.
A permittee may request "No Night Travel." When "No Night Travel" is requested, time of travel during each valid day of the permit is governed by the definition of "Darkness" in section 280 of the California Vehicle Code. When "No Night Travel" is requested, travel is prohibited during times of "Darkness."
Travel time during each valid day of the permit, unless explicitly stated on the face of the permit, is governed by the following accompaniments:
Transportation Permit Conditions
Special Conditions for 24/7 Travel
Special Conditions for Holiday Travel
Special Conditions for Crossing the SFOBB
Curfew Map Los Angeles
Curfew Map Sacramento
Curfew Map San Diego
Curfew Map San FranciscoAll permits are required to carry the Transportation Permit Conditions and 24/7 Travel Special Conditions. Possession of the remainder of the aforementioned accompaniments is shown on the face of the permit, and contingent on the nature of the load and routing used.
- Permit Number – To be completed by state personnel only. Do not write in this space. The permit number is a unique number which is used to verify the authenticity of a permit as well as reference for historical records.
Transportation Permits Links
- Transportation Permits - Home
- CTPS (Previously known as STARS2)
- Route Clearing Database - CalRoute
- Application Forms & Accompaniments
- How To Apply For Transportation Permits
- Vehicle Inspection Report
- Transportation Permits Manual
- Extralegal Weight Charts
- Single Trip Pilot Car Maps
- Annual Pilot Car Maps
- Red Route Summary Table (XLSX)
- Construction Liaisons
Permits Issuance Branch
1120 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814
Main Phone: (916) 322-1297
Annual/Repetitive Fax: (916) 445-0469
Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri
(Closed on State Holidays)
Holiday Info:
Special Conditions for Holiday Travel (PDF)
State Holiday Info
After-Hours Permit Emergencies:
Emergency Permit Procedures