When is a Variance Permit required?
All loads over 15’-0” in width, over 17’-0” in height, over 135’-0”in length, or on special hauling equipment which exceeds Caltrans’ standard method of weight classification must be approved by special processing. Written route surveys are required from the applicant for heights greater than 17’-0”.
Variance Permit Contact Info: variance.permit.app@dot.ca.gov
Variance Permit applications shall be submitted to the Transportation Permit Office no later than 30 days in advance of the proposed move. Applications shall include inspection reports, engineering justification from the manufacturer, and drawing of the item(s) to be moved.
Written applications should explain the nature of the need for exception and what safety measures will be taken.
If a variance permit requires CHP escort, the permittee shall coordinate with CHP to schedule the escort.
Variance Permit Contact Info: variance.permit.app@dot.ca.gov
Variance Permit applications shall be submitted to the Transportation Permit Office no later than 30 days in advance of the proposed move. Applications shall include inspection reports, engineering justification from the manufacturer, and drawing of the item(s) to be moved.
Written applications should explain the nature of the need for exception and what safety measures will be taken.
If a variance permit requires CHP escort, the permittee shall coordinate with CHP to schedule the escort.
Transportation Permits Links
- Transportation Permits - Home
- CTPS (Previously known as STARS2)
- Route Clearing Database - CalRoute
- Application Forms & Accompaniments
- How To Apply For Transportation Permits
- Vehicle Inspection Report
- Transportation Permits Manual
- Extralegal Weight Charts
- Single Trip Pilot Car Maps
- Annual Pilot Car Maps
- Red Route Summary Table (XLSX)
- Construction Liaisons
Permits Issuance Branch
1120 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814
Main Phone: (916) 322-1297
Annual/Repetitive Fax: (916) 445-0469
Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri
(Closed on State Holidays)
Holiday Info:
Special Conditions for Holiday Travel (PDF)
State Holiday Info
After-Hours Permit Emergencies:
Emergency Permit Procedures