Annual Permit Application Instructions
Annual Permit (TR-0031) (PDF)
See our forms troubleshooting guide if you are experiencing difficulty accessing this form.
Do not submit an application if you are renewing an expired permit. Please refer to the Renewal Instructions (PDF).
- Name – Responsible person or company transporting the permit load or operating the vehicle. Permit is void if transferred or consigned.
Customer Number – This number is used to help identify the company and/or responsible party’s information on file. For current annual permit holders, the number is located on the face sheet of the permit in the upper left-hand corner next to the customer name (see picture below). New customers requesting a permit for the first time, leave this section blank. A customer number will be issued after the permit request is processed.
- Address – Complete address (physical address or P.O. Box) of responsible person or company. Tow trucks may not use a P.O. Box and must use a physical address. The completed annual permit will be mailed to this address. All requests from permit services will be mailed directly to the permit service company address. Please provide the permit service address in Box 19.
- Phone Number – Contact telephone number where additional information can be obtained should a question arise during the processing of the application or the duration of the permit.
- Email Address – Annual permit holders are required to have a dedicated email address 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Caltrans sends highway status reports (short-term restrictions) weekly by email. These generally include changes in allowable weight or clearance concerning width or height. Current short-term restrictions must accompany annual permit to be valid. Failure to provide a valid email address will result in the denial of your annual permit request.
Vehicle Width – This entry is mandatory for all applications. This is the width of the vehicle hauling the load, or the width of a fixed load vehicle such as a crane. The entry should be in feet and inches. On certain vehicles the California Vehicle Code (CVC) 35104 allows a width of 10 feet max.
Note: The maximum width of the vehicle or vehicle combination should be entered into this section. For example, if towing a 10 X 60 manufactured home with a legal width tractor, the entry should be 10’ 0” in this box. On the other hand, if hauling a 10-feet wide load with a legal width vehicle, the entry should be “Legal” or 8’ 6”.
- Semi-Trailer Length – This entry is mandatory for all applications. An entry of "Legal" is not acceptable for this section. This is the length of the semi-trailer hauling the load. The entry should be in feet and inches. If the semi-trailer length is 48’ 0” or less, writing “48’ Max.” is preferred.
Kingpin to Last Axle – (AKA Kingpin to Rear Axle, KPRA) All applications must have an entry in this section. An entry of "Legal" is not acceptable for this section. For smaller trucks and trailers, this includes the hitch/ball joint combinations and pintle hooks to the center of the last axle. The following applies to most applications: (See also Item #11 for use of the word “maximum”).
- Single vehicle/Motor Truck: Enter “N/A”.
- Tractor-Semi: Measure from the center of the kingpin to the center of the last axle.
- Truck – Trailer: From the hitch, including draw bar length, to the center of the last axle.
- Manufactured Housing: From the hitch, including draw bar length, to the center of the last axle.
- Unladen 7/9-Axle Combinations: Measure from the center of the kingpin to the last axle of the load-carrying trailer.
Combination Vehicle Length – This entry is mandatory for all applications. The actual length of the vehicle and/or vehicle combination from the most forward portion to the most rear portion. This length does not include overhanging portions of a load. (See also Item #11 for use of the word “maximum”).
Note: California has two types of truck networks – STAA NETWORK and California Legal Truck Network. The STAA Network consists of the National Network and Terminal Access Routes. STAA Trucks (Fig.1) are limited to green and blue routes and may use highways off the STAA Network that provide reasonable access to terminals and facilities for purposes limited to fuel, lodging, and repair (CVC 35401.5(c)).
The California Legal Truck Network includes the STAA Network, CA Legal Routes and Advisory Routes. CA LEGAL trucks (Fig.2) have access to the entire state highway system except where prohibited by red routes. Boxes 6 through 9 will determine the vehicle qualification for the STAA or CA LEGAL Networks.
Note: The dimensions for loaded height and loaded width are the maximum allowed for an annual permit. Any load exceeding these dimensions will not qualify for an annual permit. A single trip permit is required. Loaded overall length (Fig.3) is the measurement from the front extremity of the vehicle or load to the rear extremity of the vehicle or load (CVC 35411(a)). Rear overhang (Fig.3) shall not extend to the rear beyond the last point of support for a greater distance than that equal to two-thirds of the length of the wheelbase of the vehicle carrying the load (CVC 35410).
- Number of Tires Per Axle – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, leave this section blank. All extralegal weight applications must have this section completed.
- Distance Between Axles – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, leave this section blank. All extralegal weight applications must have this section completed. Allowable weight is determined by the spacing between axles in a group. Generally, as the spacing increases, so does the allowable weight. Enforcement is to the nearest inch. Consequently, it is important that accurate distance in feet and inches are entered in these spaces. The first entry will be the spacing from the center of axle one (steering) to the center of axle two. The next entry will be from the center of axle two the center of axle three and so on. Since allowable weight increases with spacing, the word minimum, abbreviated as “min.”, is acceptable with dimensions between axles and axle groups. Group weights will be assigned based upon these minimum dimensions. When minimum dimensions are used for axle spacings, the word maximum, (abbreviated as “max.”) must be used in Box 9 for the Combination Vehicle Length. For applications with a kingpin entry, the word maximum should also be used in Box 8 for the Kingpin to Last Axle dimension.
- Width of Axles at Tire Sidewall – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, leave this section blank. All extralegal weight applications must have this section completed. For weight applications, provide the axle width measured to the nearest inch at the tire sidewalls. Dimensions should be in feet and inches.
Maximum Allowable Weight – If the application does not involve extralegal weight, write the word "Legal" on this line. Show the exact axle group weight or the corresponding maximum axle group weight from one of the following documents listed below:
- Plate 25-4 (PDF) “Green and Bonus Overloads” of the Transportation Permit Manual
- Plate 25-5 (PDF) “Purple and Bonus Overloads” of the Transportation Permit Manual
The axle group weight shown on the Department of Transportation Inspection Report Sheet. Enter the group weight applied for under the corresponding axle number(s).
- Weight Class – Legal weight is the total unladen weight of the vehicle and the weight of the load not to exceed 80,000 pounds gross (CVC 35550 and 35551). If requesting extralegal weight, sections 10 thru 12 must be completed. Indicate quantity and weight class for the permit by recording the number next to the appropriate weight (See Item #13 for weight charts). A permittee may request more than one annual on the same form for one vehicle or multiple vehicles with similar dimensions. For example, if a permittee needs three legal weight permits, two green weight permits, and one purple weight permit, one would write “3” next to legal, “2” next to green, and “1” next to purple. Vehicles with different dimensions will require a separate completed form.
- Annual Type – Refer to this section when requesting annual permits for vehicles other than the standard 5-axle tractor/trailer combination. Indicate the permit type by checking the appropriate box. Certain types of vehicles may need an inspection report and/or profile sheet. The following may apply to some applications:
- Trucks with more than 20,000 lbs. on steering axle – truck VIN # and Caltrans inspection report required.
- Tows/Drives – Fixed loads such as self-propelled concrete pumps, drill rigs, trailer-mounted conveyors, screen plants, etc. require a Caltrans inspection report. Cranes require a Caltrans crane profile sheet in addition to an inspection report.
- Unladen 7/9-Axle Combinations – All 9-axle combinations require a Caltrans inspection report. All 7-axle combinations with a mechanical distribution unit (MDU) require a Caltrans inspection report.
- Tow Trucks – VIN # required. Tow trucks requesting purple weight require a Caltrans inspection report.
- Credit Card Number / Debtor Account – Provide a valid credit card number with expiration date or a Caltrans debtor account number for payment. Transportation permits issued to any governmental agency or public entity deriving income through public taxation are exempt from State fees.
- Signature and Date – Must be signed by applicant or agent on all applications.
- Overnight Service – Available upon request and fees paid for by the permittee. Governmental agencies requesting overnight service are responsible for overnight fees. Provide an account number for one of the overnight companies listed OR have overnight service charges charged to a credit card number by request. Customers must provide a physical address when requesting overnight service. P.O. Boxes are not accepted for overnight delivery. If the address for overnight service differs from the mailing address in Box 3, please provide the address in the “Notes Area” Box 19. Failure to provide a physical address for overnight delivery will result in having the annual permit sent by standard U.S. mail.
Notes – Customers may provide any additional information to help with the processing of the annual permit request.
Annual permit requests may be submitted by fax with a Caltrans debtor number or valid credit card number with expiration date OR by mail with a check or money order to the following address:
FAX# 916-445-0469
Department of Transportation
Transportation Permits Office
1120 N St., MS-41
Sacramento, CA 95814Office Hours: Monday – Friday; 8AM – 5PM
Closed on HolidaysWalk-ins accepted by appointment only. Call the mainline number (916) 322-1297 to reserve an appointment. All
applications are processed in the order received. Please allow a minimum of 14 business days for processing.
Failure to provide all necessary information and/or documentation or submitting the form incorrectly/incompletely will result in the denial of the annual permit request. If the request is denied, customers must resubmit a new application with all necessary documentation. Once the permit has been issued, any changes to the permit may be subject to additional fees.
Transportation Permits Links
- Transportation Permits - Home
- CTPS (Previously known as STARS2)
- Route Clearing Database - CalRoute
- Application Forms & Accompaniments
- How To Apply For Transportation Permits
- Vehicle Inspection Report
- Transportation Permits Manual
- Extralegal Weight Charts
- Single Trip Pilot Car Maps
- Annual Pilot Car Maps
- Red Route Summary Table (XLSX)
- Construction Liaisons
Permits Issuance Branch
1120 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814
Main Phone: (916) 322-1297
Annual/Repetitive Fax: (916) 445-0469
Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri
(Closed on State Holidays)
Holiday Info:
Special Conditions for Holiday Travel (PDF)
State Holiday Info
After-Hours Permit Emergencies:
Emergency Permit Procedures