Design Information Bulletins (DIBs)

Number    Title / Date

DIB #60 - Operational and Safety Improvements at Freeway Interchanges - 11-04-1982 (HTML)

DIB #71 - Access Ramps to Public Boat Launching Areas - 06-04-1986 (HTML)

DIB #73 - Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP). Slab Replacements with Existing Edge Drains - 11-01-1988 (HTML)

DIB #78-04 - Design Checklist for the Development of Geometric Plans - 02-01-2019 (PDF)

DIB #79-04- Design Guidance and Standards for Major Pavement Roadway Rehabilitation Projects - 10-02-2019 (PDF)

DIB #81-03 - Minor Pavement Rehabilitation Capital Preventive Maintenance (CAPM) Guidelines - 11-08-2024 (PDF)

DIB #82-06 - Pedestrian Accessibility Guidelines for Highway Projects - 11-16-2017 (PDF)

DIB #83-05 - Caltrans Supplement to FHWA Culvert Repair Practices Manual - Updated 10-06-2023 (PDF)

DIB #84 - Guidance for the Removal and Disposal of Concrete Pavement Grooving and Grinding Residues - 08-01-2006 (PDF)

DIB #85 - Guidance for the Consideration of Material Disposal, Staging, and Borrow Sites - 05-15-2007 (PDF)

DIB #86 - Selecting Asphalt Binder Type - 11-30-2006 (PDF)

DIB #87-01 - Hybrid Streambank Revetments: Vegetated Rock Slope Protection - 04-25-2014 (HTML)

DIB #88 - Wall Structure Aesthetic Guidelines - 01-22-2016 (PDF)

DIB #89-02 - Class IV Bikeway Guidance (Separated Bikeways/Cycle Tracks) - 02-07-2022 (PDF)

DIB #90 - Diverging Diamond Interchange - 12-14-2017 (PDF)

DIB #91 - Guidelines on the Use of Positive Work zone Protection (PWP) & Mitigation Measures – 06-25-2021 (PDF)

DIB #92 - Single Point Interchange Guidelines - 11-09-2018 (PDF)

DIB #93 - Evacuation Route Design Guidance - 12-23-2020 (PDF)

DIB #94 - Complete Streets: Contextual Design Guidance - 01-16-2024 (PDF)