Santa Clara County Bonus Segments

Route Beginning Post Mile* Ending Post Mile*
280 0.07 1.29
280 1.83 2.28
280 2.28 3.33
280 3.38 4.94
280 5.21 5.61
280 5.62 5.65
280 5.65 6.61
280 6.71 10.18
280 11.45 12.24
280 12.52 12.9
280 12.97 14.32
280 14.39 14.58
280 14.72 14.79
280 15.14 15.7
280 15.89 16.87
280 19.27 20.79
280 20.87 21.35
280 21.42 21.85
280 22.48 22.55
280 22.99 23.76
280 23.82 23.9
280 23.92 23.99
280 24.08 24.26
280 24.33 24.72
380 4.78 5.48
380 5.53 6.24

*Post miles are mile markers along the highway. They increase going northbound or eastbound starting at zero at the county line. Due to realignments over time there is not always a mile between post miles.