Glenn County Bonus Segments

Route Beginning Post Mile* Ending Post Mile*
5 0 R1.510
5 R1.520 R3.040
5 R3.050 R4.560
5 R4.570 R5.570
5 R5.580 R7.550
5 R7.660 R9.860
5 R9.870 R10.870
5 R10.880 R11.880
5 R11.890 R13.880
5 R13.920 R15.900
5 R15.910 R16.780
5 R16.820 R17.810
5 R17.820 R19.810
5 R19.820 R20.810
5 R20.830 R21.820
5 R21.830 R21.840
5 R21.880 R22.520
5 R22.820 R23.060
5 R23.070 R23.560
5 R23.570 R23.810
5 R23.820 R24.310
5 R24.320 R24.810
5 R24.820 R25.050
5 R25.060 R25.300
5 R25.310 R25.450
5 R25.600 R25.790
5 R25.800 R26.050
5 R26.060 R27.810
5 R27.820 R28.190
5 R28.200 R28.560
5 R28.570 R28.820

*Post miles are mile markers along the highway. They increase going north bound or east bound starting at zero at the county line. Due to realignments over time there is not always a mile between post miles.

R -- First realignment