San Bernardino County Bonus Segments

Route Beginning Post Mile* Ending Post Mile*
10 25.66 26.04
10 26.54 26.8
10 26.82 27.05
10 27.06 27.3
10 27.32 27.81
10 31.44 31.46
10 31.55 31.57
10 31.61 31.64
10 31.68 31.71
10 31.92 31.97
10 32.14 32.37
10 32.38 32.61
10 32.74 32.96
10 32.97 33.18
15 2.58 3.06
15 3.26 3.82
15 3.83 3.94
15 3.96 4.09
15 4.11 4.6
15 4.66 5.22
15 5.38 5.95
15 6.05 6.64
15 6.85 7.41
15 7.53 7.69
15 8.93 9.52
15 9.66 10.57
15 10.64 10.89
15 11.17 11.61
15 11.67 12.71
15 12.75 12.77
15 12.9 14.11
15 14.12 14.61
15 14.73 14.78
15 14.8 15.63
15 15.72 16.21
15 44.62 45.81
15 47.07 47.39
15 47.46 51.86
15 52.18 52.44
15 52.71 53.13
15 53.23 71.15
15 71.17 72.14
15 73.97 74.14
15 74.15 74.51
15 75.4 75.78
15 96.49 96.55
40 0 0.77
40 R1.630 R2.100
40 R2.440 R2.640
40 R2.700 R3.980
40 R4.350 R6.980
40 R7.100 R18.420
40 R18.760 R19.240
40 R19.260 R20.250
40 R20.290 R22.810
40 R22.840 R23.070
40 R23.370 R30.050
40 R30.510 R32.810
40 R36.930 R37.380
40 R37.550 R39.630
40 R49.130 R54.480
40 R66.330 R106.960
40 R107.050 R114.190
40 R133.230 R135.910
40 R137.070 R138.250
40 R138.570 R139.110
40 R141.270 R141.300
40 144.93 145.97
40 147.01 148.1
40 R151.670 R151.910
40 R152.190 R154.390

*Post miles are mile markers along the highway. They increase going northbound or eastbound starting at zero at the county line. Due to realignments over time there is not always a mile between post miles.
R -- First realignment