CEPS Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to submit my application through CEPS?
While we recommend that you submit your application through CEPS, it is not the only option at this time. The District Encroachment Permits Office will continue to accept applications via mail, email, fax, or in-person.

How do I get started?

Visit the Encroachment Permits homepage for process description, forms, and information to get started.
How do I get a CEPS account?

Please refer to the CEPS Profile for guidance and help with creating a CEPS Profile and account. Go to the CEPS homepage, click on the Create a Profile link and complete the information. Here are a few key pointers to keep note of while creating a CEPS Profile and account:

  • Create your own CEPS Profile using your First and Last Name (not a company name) and using your unique personal or work email address.
  • Companies may have their own accounts, but not required (companies will need a unique email address).
  • When completing the application online, add the Company as the "Applicant," unless you are the property owner (then you are the "Applicant").

Additional instructional videos are also available on the Encroachment Permits homepage to help with submitting and managing your permit applications.

Do fees apply when using CEPS?
No additional fees are charged for using CEPS. Caltrans will continue to collect the fee to cover the cost of the encroachment permit. Caltrans must also collect fees to fully recover the costs associated with reviewing, issuing, and inspecting encroachment permit projects. Public corporations are exempt from paying permit fees.
Is CEPS easy to use?

Yes. Applicants who piloted CEPS indicated that CEPS is easy to use. Instruction videos are available on the Encroachment Permits homepage and viewing these videos before using CEPS will make it easier to use CEPS.

Do I have to answer every question on the application?
Only certain fields are required to be completed. The time needed to process your application will depend on the completeness of your submittal, scope, and complexity of the proposed work. The more information is provided the easier it will be to review and take action on the permit application.
Where do I get help if I do not understand the question?
Visit the Encroachment Permits homepage for process description, forms, and information to get started. Contact information for local District Encroachment Permits Offices is also available at this website.
Can I upload my plans and supporting documents using CEPS?
Yes. CEPS has the ability to accept different supporting documents.
Can I monitor the status of my application?
Yes. Once you sign into CEPS, you can click on My Dashboard to find key status indicators. Click on the application link for more details about a specific application.
Will I receive notification when Caltrans approves my permit?
Yes. You will receive emails throughout the permit process to keep you informed. Please follow the instructions in the email to ensure timely processing.
What do I do if I receive an email that says my application is incomplete?
Follow the instructions in the email, revise the application as required, upload the required documents and/or submit payments for any required fees.
How long do I have to respond to emails?
The email should specify a due date. However, please respond to the emails earlier than the due date if possible.
What if I do not respond in time to the Acknowledgement Letter or my response is still incomplete?
If there is no response or there is no indication that you received our correspondence, your application will be considered abandoned. The application will have to be cancelled and any deposits received will be returned. A new application will need to be started when you are ready to submit all the necessary information.
What if I do not respond in time to the Additional information Letter or my response is still incomplete?
Depending on the response and the time it takes to get your response, the application might be denied. If so, you will still be responsible for any fees not covered by your initial deposit. A new application will need to be started.
I have a permit; do I have to notify Caltrans when I will start working?
Yes. Sign into CEPS to request a start date and notify the Inspector. Any traffic control requires prior approval before work can begin. Provide enough time for traffic control approval.
I have a permit; do I have to notify Caltrans when I am finished working?
Yes. Sign into CEPS to request a final inspection by entering a "call date" and to notify the Inspector.
Can I extend the expiration date of my permit?
Yes. It must be requested and approved prior to the expiration date. Allow enough time for the approval process. Click on the Request Permit Time Extension link from the CEPS Dashboard.
Can I modify or add my scope of work to my permit project?
Yes. Click on the Request a permit Scope Change link from the Dashboard.
What do I do if my permit expired, and my project is not complete?
You should keep track of your work and schedule to ensure the work is done before the permit expires. You can also ask for an extension of the permit end date. However, if your permit expires, you must stop working and reapply for a new permit. Expired permits cannot be extended to a new date.
What do I do if my permit says as-built plans are required?
Prepare as-built plans to the required specifications and upload them to the Attachments tab in CEPS so they can be reviewed and approved by Caltrans.

EPAPs are still being accepted via mail, email, fax, or in person by your local District Encroachment Permits Office. Our staff will process your submittal and respond to your requests as soon as possible.

Payments for EPAPs should be mailed in (payable to "Caltrans" or "California Department of Transportation"). Please include on the memo line:

  • the permit tracking number and/or
  • the County, Route and Post Mile location of your proposed encroachment

Your local District Encroachment Permits Office can provide you the information needed to make credit card payments over the phone if needed.


For CEPS technical questions or comments, email AskCEPS.

For general Encroachment Permit application questions, email your local District Encroachment Permits Office.


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