Flexible Pavement Construction
Common types of flexible pavement include hot mix asphalt (HMA), rubberized hot mix asphalt-gap graded (RHMA-G), and open graded friction course (OGFC). There are also two types of rubberized OGFC mixes: rubberized hot mix asphalt-open graded (RHMA-O) and RHMA-O-high-binder (RHMA-O-HB).
The engineering design of flexible pavement structures is not an exact science. It is not possible to formulate one set of design criteria that could meet the requirements of every road everywhere. Traffic conditions, climate, geology, materials, construction, and economics are variables that demand the fullest application of professional engineering judgment and skills.
Flexible Pavement Standards
- California Highway Design Manual (HDM): Chapter 630 - Flexible Pavement (PDF)
- DIB 79-03: Design Guide and Standards for Roadway Rehabilitation Projects (PDF)
- DIB 81: Capital Preventive Maintenance (CAPM) Guidelines (PDF)
- DIB 86: Selecting Asphalt Binder Type has been incorporated into the July 1, 2008 updated edition of the HDM and the DIB 86 has been discontinued.
Flexible Pavement Guidance
- Site Investigation Guide
- Guide to Partial Depth and Full Depth Recycling
- Guide for Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Using Pulverization
- Guidelines for Identifying and Repairing Localized Areas of Distress in Asphalt Concrete Pavements Prior to Capital Preventive Maintenance or Rehabilitation Repairs
- Pavement Tapers & Transitions
- Shoulder Backing Guidelines
- Paving over Existing Striping, Markings, and Pavement Markers
Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt (RHMA)
- Asphalt Rubber Usage Guide (PDF)
RHMA Research
- Synthesis of Caltrans RAC Projects (PDF)
- Resource Conservation
Open Graded Friction Course (OGFC)
Preservation and Maintenance
- Maintenance Technical Advisory Guide
- Flexible Roadbed Maintenance Repairs ("A" Family) (PDF)
- Pavement Tapers & Transitions (Interim) (PDF)
- Sealing over Existing Striping, Markings, and Pavement Markers (PDF)
Cold Recycling
- Cold In-Place Recycling
- Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR)
Flexible Pavement Design Examples
Flexible Pavement Materials
Flexible Pavement Cost Estimating and Planning
Flexible Pavement Construction
Flexible Pavement Research
- Interim Report - Construction Completion for Cold-In-Place Recycling (PDF)
- Final Completion Report - Cold Foam In Place Reclamation (PDF)
- RHMA Research