Local Programs Procedures (LPP)
Local Programs Procedures (LPPs) are used for the formal deployment of new procedures and policy changes to the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and Local Assistance Program Guidelines (LAPG). They are numbered according to calendar year and order in which released (i.e., the third LPP issued during the year 2004 would be LPP 04-03).
ALERT: Some portions of these LPPs along with the LAPM and LAPG may have been superseded by Division of Local Assistance Office Bulletins (DLA-OBs). Always check DLA-OBs for any recent policy or procedure updates that have not yet been issued as LPPs.LPP sequence numbers that are not included below have been incorporated into, and superseded by, the Local Assistance Procedures Manual issued February, 1998, or by more recent LPPs covering the same material.
Note: The following are Acrobat PDF files. Read the technical downloading notes from our technical support page. After opening these files with the Acrobat reader you may find little yellow note icons. Double click these icons to get information on using the Acrobat PDF files.
- LPP 24-01: Manual Update
- LPP 23-01: Manual Update
- LPP 22-01: Manual Update
- LPP 21-01: Manual Update
- LPP 20-01: Manual Update
- LPP 19-01: Manual Update
- LPP 18-01: Manual Update
- LPP 17-01: Technical Changes (PDF)
- LPP 16-05: Office Bulletin Incorporation Phase 2(PDF)
- LPP 16-04: Office Bulletin Incorporation(PDF)
- LPP 16-03: Manual Update(PDF)
- LPP 16-02: Design Guidance (PDF)
- LPP 16-01: Technical Changes (PDF)
- LPP 15-02: Invoicing(PDF)
- LPP 15-01: Consultant Selection(PDF)
- LPP 14-01: Civil Rights and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (PDF)
- LPP 13-02: Right of Way and Utility Relocation
- LPP 13-01: Consultant Selection Other Technical Changes
- LPP 12-02: Dispute Resolution Process Technical Changes
- LPP 12-01: Office Bulletin Consolidation Phase II Technical Changes
- LPP 11-05: Office Bulletin Consolidation Phase I Technical Changes
- LPP 11-04: Emergency Relief Program (PDF)
- LPP 11-03: Stewardship Agreement
- LPP 11-02: Master Agreement
- LPP 11-01: Oversight & Process Reviews
- LPP 10-01: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program
- LPP 09-04: Local Agency State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Projects
- LPP 09-03: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program New Race Conscious
- LPP 09-02: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Implementing Guidelines and Other Technical Changes
- LPP 09-01: Technical Changes
- LPP 08-04: Life Cycle-Manual Changes Part II
- LPP 08-03: Life Cycle-Manual Changes Part I
- LPP 08-02: Environmental Procedures and Other Technical Changes
- LPP 08-01: Federal Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
- LPP 07-07: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
- LPP 07-06: Revised Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form and Instructions for Completing the Preliminary Environmental Study Form
- LPP 07-05: Requirements for Major Projects Under SAFETEA -LU and Other Technical Changes(PDF)
- LPP 07-04: New Policies and Procedures for Utility Relocations(PDF)
- LPP 07-03: Transportation Congestion Relief Program (TCRP--New LAPG Chapter)
- LPP 07-02: Additional Requirements for Requesting Funding Allocations and Other Technical Changes(PDF)
- LPP 07-01: Technical Changes
- LPP 06-07: High Risk Rural Roads (HR3) Program (New LAPG Chapter)(PDF)
- LPP 06-06: Deletion of DBE Availability Advisories and Technical Changes(PDF)
- LPP 06-05: Safe Routes To School Program (SRTS)(PDF)
- LPP 06-04: Project Authorization(PDF)
- LPP 06-03: Conversion From Metric System to English Units (CMS2EU) and Technical Changes
- LPP 06-02: Consultant Selection (includes Race Neutral DBE Program)(PDF)
- LPP 06-01: Race Neutral DBE Program Implementation and Civil Rights Updates(PDF)
- LPP 05-04: Reporting of Public Maintained Mileage
- LPP 05-03: Elimination of Certification Acceptance(PDF)
- LPP 05-02: Technical Changes(PDF)
- LPP 05-01: Americans with Disabilities Act(PDF)
- LPP 04-10: Accounting and Invoicing(PDF)
- LPP 04-09: Liquidated Damages
- LPP 04-08: Bicycle Transportation Account(PDF)
- LPP 04-07: EEO Contractor Compliance
- LPP 04-06: Right of Way(PDF)
- LPP 04-05: Prompt Payment, Civil Rights and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
- LPP 04-04: Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)(PDF)
- LPP 04-03: Environmental Procedures(PDF)
- LPP 04-02: Environmental Enhancement & Mitigation Program Guidelines
- LPP 04-01: Local Agency Bidder DBE Information and Final Utilization
- LPP 03-03: Utility Facilities
- LPP 03-02: Various Topics. Reissue of Local Assistance Program Guidelines, Chapters 10,14,15,16,17 and 21
- LPP 03-01: Project Authorization/Federal-aid Agreement Combined into Single Action(PDF)
- LPP 02-03: Federal Wage Rates
- LPP 02-02: Release of Local Assistance Program Guidelines, Chapter 2, Financing The Federal-aid Highway Program; Chapter 5, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program(PDF)
- LPP 02-01: Safe Routes to School
- LPP 01-12: Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement Program
- LPP 01-11: Release of Local Assistance Program Guidelines, Chapters 1, Intro/Overview; 4, STP; and 7, Seismic Safety Retrofit(PDF)
- LPP 01-10: Metrication in Documents for Projects Off the State Highway System
- LPP 01-09: Local Agency State Transportation Improvement Projects(PDF)
- LPP 01-08: Hazard Elimination Safety (HES)
- LPP 01-07: Project Labor Agreements/Metrication/Optional Contact Provisions
- LPP 01-06: Reporting Award Information.
- LPP 01-05: Revised CE/CE/PCE Form, Project Description Continuation Sheet, and Instructions, has been superseded by LPP 04-03
- LPP 01-03: Bicycle Transportation Account has been replaced by LPP 04-08
- LPP 01-02: Pedestrian Safety Program
- LPP 01-01: Safe Routes to School
- LPP 00-05: Revised Pre-award Audit Requirements and Consultant Procurement(PDF)
- LPP 00-04: Revised CE/CE/PCE Form, has been superseded by LPP 04-03
- LPP 00-03: Revised Preaward Audit Requirements has been replaced by LPP 00-05
- LPP 00-02: Accounting/Invoices Revision(PDF)
- LPP 00-01: Safe Routes to School (SR2S)(PDF)
- LPP 99-04: New CE/CE/PCE Form & Metrication --- Note: The CE/CE/PCE Form portion of this LPP has been superseded--most recently by LPP 04-03
- LPP 99-03: Highway Safety Features(PDF)
- LPP 99-02: Utility Relocation Procedures(PDF)
- LPP 99-01: Interim Preaward Audits Requirements has been replaced by LPP 00-05.
- LPP 98-05: Expedited Payment Procedures(PDF)
- LPP 98-03: Bicycle Lane Account (BLA) Revision and Interim Guidelines (336,696 bytes)(PDF)
- LPP 98-02: Preaward Audits on Consultant Contracts replaced by LPP 00-05.
- LPP 98-01: Implement Executive Order W-172-98 (405,849 bytes)(PDF)
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