California Tests (CT) Version Selection

Test No. Version Date Title of Test Method
103 CT 103 May 1, 2011 (PDF) Calibration of Expansion Pressure Devices
CT 103 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
104 CT 104 May 1, 2011 (PDF) Operation and Calibration of the Electronic Hydraulic Kneading Compactor
CT 104 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
105 CT 105 July 1, 2012 (PDF) Calculations Pertaining to Gradings and Specific Gravities
CT 105 June 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 105 October 1, 1999 (PDF)
106 CT 106 June 1, 2012 (PDF) Definitions of Terms Relating to Specific Gravity
CT 106 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
109 CT109 May 1, 2004 (PDF) Method of Testing of Material Production Plants
CT 109 March 1, 2000 (PDF) Method for Testing of Weighing and Measuring Devices
110 CT 110 September 11, 2014 (PDF) Method of Calibration of Compaction Test Equipment
CT 110 July 1, 2007 (PDF)
CT 110 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
111 CT 111 June 1, 2014 (PDF) Developing Density and Moisture Calibration Tables for the Nuclear Gauge / Nuclear Gauge Calibration Spreadsheet (XLSM)
CT 111 November 1, 2005 (PDF)
CT 111 December 1, 2002 (PDF)
CT 111 February 1, 2000 (PDF)
112 CT 112 August 1, 2012 (PDF) Method for Installation and Use of Embankment Settlement Devices
CT 112 March 1, 1998 (PDF)
115 CT 115 June 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Calibration of Pressure Type Air Meters
CT 115 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
125 CT 125 August 12, 2022 (PDF) Sampling Highway Materials and Products Used in the Roadway Structural Sections
CT 125 December 2, 2019 (PDF)
CT 125 April 1, 2016 (PDF)
CT 125 May 1, 2014 (PDF)
CT 125 November 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 125 July 1, 2002 (PDF)
CT 125 April 1, 2000 (PDF)
201 CT 201 November 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Test for Soil Aggregate Sample Preparation
CT 201 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 201 September 1, 1998 (PDF)
202 CT 202 November 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
CT 202 April 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 202 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 202 January 1, 2000 (PDF)
204 CT 204 June 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Tests for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils
CT 204 June 1, 2008 (PDF) Method of Tests for Plasticity Index of Soils
CT 204 July 1, 1998 (PDF)
205 CT 205 December 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Test for Percentage of Crushed Particles
CT 205June 1, 2007 (PDF) Method for Determining Percentage of Crushed Particles
CT 205 July 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 205 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
206 CT 206 October 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
CT 206 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 206 September 1, 1998 (PDF)
207 CT 207 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate
CT 207 September 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate (This test method is only valid for projects advertised during the period September 2011 through February 2012)
CT 207 March 1, 2000 (PDF) Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate
208 CT 208 September 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Apparent Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates
CT 208 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
209 CT 209 July 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Specific Gravity of Soils
CT 209 August 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 209 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
211 CT 211 May 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Test for Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine
CT 211 June 1, 2008 (PDF) Method of Test for Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Rattler Machine
CT 211 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
212 CT 212 May 1, 2010 (PDF)

Method of Test for Unit Weight of Aggregate

(Undergoing ADA remediation. Email the CT Coordinator for a copy.)

CT 212 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 212 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
213 CT 213 December 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Organic Impurities in Concrete Sand
CT 213 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 213 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
214 CT 214 August 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Test for the Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate
CT 214 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 214 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
216 CT 216 December 2023 (PDF) Method of Test for Relative Compaction of Untreated and Treated Soils and Aggregates
CT 216 June 1, 2011 (PDF)
CT 216 October 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 216 February 1, 2000 (PDF)
217 CT 217 June 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Sand Equivalent
CT 217 June 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 217 November 1, 1999 (PDF)
223 CT 223 June 1, 2012 (PDF)

Method of Test for Surface Moisture in Concrete Aggregates by the Displacement Method (Field Method)

(Undergoing ADA remediation. Email the CT Coordinator for a copy.)

CT 223 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
224 CT 224 June 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity (S.S.D.) of Coarse Aggregate by the Displacement Method (Field Method)
CT 224 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
225 CT 225 June 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity (S.S.D.) of Fine Aggregate by the Displacement Method (Field Method)
CT 225 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
226 CT 226 July 1, 2010 (PDF)

Method of Test for Moisture Content of Soils and Aggregates by Oven Drying

CT 226 November 1, 1999 (PDF)
227 CT 227 June 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Evaluating Cleanness of Coarse Aggregate
CT 227 March 1, 2012 (PDF)
CT 227 December 1, 1999 (PDF)
229 CT 229 June 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Durability Index
CT 229 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
231 CT 231 March 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Test for Relative Compaction of Untreated and Treated Soils and Aggregates Using Nuclear Gages
CT 231 March 1, 2012 (PDF)
CT 231 April 1, 2001 (PDF) Method of Test for Relative Compaction of Untreated and Treated Soils and Aggregates by the Area Concept Utilizing Nuclear Gages
CT 231 April 1, 2000 (PDF)
302 CT 302 April 1, 2014 (PDF) Method of Test for Film Stripping
CT 302 April 1, 2002 (PDF)
CT 302 December 1, 1999 (PDF)
304 CT 304 July 1, 2014 (PDF)

Method of Preparation of HMA for Test Specimens

CT 304 June 1, 2011 (PDF)
CT 304 December 1, 1999 (PDF) Method of Preparation of Bituminous Mixtures for Testing
306 CT 306 August 12, 2022 (PDF) Method of Test for Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures to Testing Size  
CT 306 December 2, 2019 (PDF)  
308 CT 308 August 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Hot Mix Asphalt
CT 308 January 1, 2000 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Mixture
309 CT 309 June 1, 2011 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Hot Mix Asphalt
CT 309 October 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Test for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Hot Mix Asphalt
CT 309 June 1, 2004 (PDF) Method of Test for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures
CT 309 April 1, 2002 (PDF)
CT 315 January 2025 (PDF) Method of Test for Mixture Design and Testing of Partial Depth Recycling (PDR) of Asphalt Pavements Using Bituminous Recycling Agents and Additives  
CT 315 May 18, 2022 (PDF)

Provisional Method of Test for Mixture Design and Testing of Partial Depth Recycling (PDR) of Asphalt Pavements Using Bituminous Recycling Agents and Additives - Expires 12/31/2024

This is a provisional test method to be used on selected pilot projects only.

To obtain the forms for this test method, contact the CT Coordinator at

CT 315 April 30, 2021 (PDF)

Provisional Method of Test for Mixture Design and Testing of Partial Depth Recycling (PDR) of Asphalt Pavements Using Bituminous Recycling Agents and Additives - Expires 12/23/2023

This is a provisional test method to be used on selected pilot projects only.

To obtain the forms for this test method, contact the CT Coordinator at

331 CT 331 February 1, 2022 (PDF)

Method of Test for Residue by Evaporation of Latex Modified Asphaltic Emulsion

(Withdrawn, it is no longer maintained by Caltrans)

CT 331 September 1, 2017 (PDF)
CT 331 September 1, 1998 (PDF)
332 CT 332 July 6, 2022 (PDF) Method of Test for Torsional Recovery of Polymer Modified Asphalt Emulsion Residue
CT 332 November 1, 2017 (PDF)
CT 332 January 1, 2000 (PDF)
356 CT 356 June 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Test to Obtain Flexible Pavement Deflection Measurements for Determining Pavement Rehabilitation Requirements
CT 356 June 1, 2004 (PDF)
357 CT 357 July 28, 2023 (PDF) Method of Test for Obtaining Deflection Measurements and Layer Thickness Information for Rehabilitation Design of Pavements Using Mechanistic-Empirical Design and Analysis Procedures  
CT 357 March 1, 2014 (PDF)  
359 CT 359 August 1, 2003 (PDF) Method of Test to Estimate the Modulus of Reaction of Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement from Pavement Deflection
CT 359 November 1, 1999 (PDF) Method of Test to Predict K-Values of Existing Asphalt Concrete Roadways from Pavement Deflection Measurements
367 CT 367 November 1, 2010 (PDF)

Method of Test for Optimum Binder Content (OBC) for HMA Type A, B, C, and RHMA-G

CT 367 June 1, 1999 (PDF) Method for Determining Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC)
368 CT 368 November 1, 2010 (PDF) Method of Test for Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) for Open Graded Asphalt Concrete
CT 368 August 1, 2003 (PDF) Standard Method for Determining Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) for Open Graded Asphalt Concrete
CT 368 January 1, 2003 (PDF)
CT 368 January 1, 2000 (PDF)
370 CT 370 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Moisture Content of Bituminous Mixtures or Graded Mineral Aggregates Using Microwave Ovens
CT 370 September 1, 2002 (PDF) Method of Determining Moisture Content of Asphalt Mixtures or Mineral Aggregate Using Microwave Ovens
CT 370 January 1, 2000 (PDF)
371 CT 371 January 1, 2005 (PDF) Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to Moisture Induced Damage
CT 371 January 1, 2003 (PDF)
375 CT 375 February 1, 2012 (PDF) Determining the In-Place Density and Relative Compaction of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Using Nuclear Gages
CT 375 May 1, 2004 (PDF) Determining the In-Place Density and Relative Compaction of AC Pavement
CT 375 January 1, 2003 (PDF)
CT 375 March 1, 1998 (PDF)
382 CT 382 October 9, 2014 (PDF) Determination of Asphalt Content of Bituminous Paving Mixtures by the Ignition Method
CT 382 August 1, 2003 (PDF)
CT 382 August 1, 2001 (PDF) Determination of Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures by the Ignition Method
CT 382 June 1, 2001 (PDF)
CT 382 December 1, 1999 (PDF)
384 CT 384 June 1, 2015 (PDF)

Method of Test for Combining Gradations for Hot Mix Asphalt Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) and/or Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS)

To obtain the worksheet for this test method, contact the CT Coordinator at

CT 384 January 1, 2014 (PDF) Method of Test to Determine Combined Gradations for Hot Mix Asphalt Using up to 25% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
385 CT 385 July 6, 2022 (PDF) Method of Test for Crumb Rubber Modifier
CT 385 November 1, 2016 (PDF)
CT 385 December 1, 2015 (PDF)
CT 385 February 1, 2014 (PDF)
387 CT 387 September 2023 (PDF) Method of Test for Operation, Calibration and Operator Certification of Inertial Profilers  
CT 387 April 1, 2016 (PDF)  
401 CT 401 October 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Latex Concentration in Asphalt Emulsions
CT 401 November 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 401 June 1, 1998 (PDF)
404 CT 404 November 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for the Chemical Analysis of Portland Cement, Portland Cement Concrete, Fly Ash, Pozzolan, and Blended Cement
CT 404 January 1, 2007 (PDF) Test Method for the Chemical Analysis of Portland Cement, Portland Cement Concrete, Fly Ash, Pozzolan, and Blended Cement
CT 404 August 1, 1998 (PDF) Test Method for the Chemical Analysis of Portland Cement, Fly Ash, Pozzolan, and Blended Cement
413 CT 413 November 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Testing Cold Applied Two-Component Polysulfide Polymer Type Joint Sealing Compound
CT 413 November 1, 2005 (PDF)
415 CT 415 December 1, 2012 (PDF) Determination of Chloride Content in Organic Additives for Portland Cement Concrete
CT 415 January 1, 2007 (PDF)
CT 415 December 1, 1995 (PDF) Method for Determining the Chloride Content in Organic Additives for Portland Cement Concrete
416 CT 416 December 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Concrete Admixtures
CT 416 January 1, 2007 (PDF) Test Method for Concrete Admixtures
CT 416 January 1, 1999 (PDF) Method for the Comparison of Additives for Portland Cement Concrete
417 CT 417 April 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Testing Soils and Waters for Sulfate Content
CT 417 June 1, 2014 (PDF)
CT 417 March 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 417 November 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 417 March 1, 1999 (PDF)
422 CT 422 April 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Testing Soils and Waters for Chloride Content
CT 422 June 1, 2014 (PDF)
CT 422 March 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 422 November 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 422 April 1, 2000 (PDF)
423 CT 423 July 23, 2021 (PDF) Method for Testing Thermoplastic Traffic Line Material
CT 423 December 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 423 December 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 423 May 1, 1998 (PDF)
434 CT 434 March 1, 2013 (PDF) Method for Testing Epoxy Resin Adhesive, Binders, and Sealants
CT 434 January 1, 2009 (PDF)
CT 434 November 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 434 March 1, 2001 (PDF)
CT 434 May 1, 1998 (PDF)
435 CT 435 August 20, 2021 (PDF) Method of Test for Two-Component, Type A and AL Joint Sealants
CT 435 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Machine Mixed, Two-Component, Type A Sealants
CT 435 November 1, 2005 (PDF)
438 CT 438 December 1, 2013 (PDF) Method for Determination of Rheological Properties of Chemical Adhesives Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer
CT 438 December 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 438 January 1, 2002 (PDF)
CT 438 January 1, 2001 (PDF)
504 CT 504 July 7, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method
CT 504 June 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 504 December 1, 1999 (PDF)
515 CT 515 March 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Test for Relative Mortar Strength of Portland Cement Concrete Sand
CT 515 December 1, 2995 (PDF)
518 CT 518 July 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Unit Weight of Fresh Concrete
CT 518 June 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 518 November 1, 1999 (PDF)
521 CT 521 August 19, 2022 (PDF) Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
CT 521 January 4, 2021 (PDF)
Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
CT 521 July 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders
CT 521 June 1, 2012 (PDF)
CT 521 February 1, 2001 (PDF)
Note: ASTM C39, which was previously specified for this test, has been superseded and should not be used for routine quality assurance testing. CTM 521 should be used instead. A Contract Change Order may be needed to implement this change for an on-going contract.
523 CT 523 May 1, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Flexural Strength of Concrete
CT 523 July 1, 2012 (PDF)
CT 523 December 1, 1999 (PDF)
524 CT 524 March 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Test for Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength Concrete
CT 524 May 1, 2005 (PDF)
526 CT 526 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Operation of California Highway Profilograph and Evaluation of Profiles
CT 526 April 1, 2002 (PDF) Operation of California Highway Profilograph and Evaluation of Profiles
CT 526 January 1, 2000 (PDF)
529 CT 529 January 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Test for Proportions of Coarse Aggregate in Fresh Concrete
CT 529 November 1, 1999 (PDF)
530 CT 530 March 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining the Effect of Water-Reducing and Set-Retarding Admixtures on the Drying Shrinkage of Concrete
CT 530 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
531 CT 531 January 1, 2014 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Length of Drilled Concrete Cores
CT 531 July 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 531 September 1, 1998 (PDF)
533 CT 533 January 1, 2014 (PDF) Method of Test for Ball Penetration in Fresh Portland Cement Concrete
CT 533 June 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 533 November 1, 1999 (PDF)
534 CT 534 December 1, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Water Retention Efficiency of Liquid Membrane-Forming Concrete Curing Compounds
CT 534 December 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 534 November 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 534 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
535 CT 535 January 1, 2014 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Application Rate of Concrete Curing Compound in the Field
CT 535 June 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 535 November 1, 1999 (PDF)
539 CT 539 July 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Sampling Fresh Concrete
CT 539 December 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 539 June 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 539 February 1, 2001 (PDF)
Note: ASTM C142, which was previously specified for this test, has been superseded and should not be used for routine quality assurance testing. CTM 539 should be used instead. A Contract Change Order may be needed to implement this change for an on-going contract.
540 CT 540 January 4, 2021 (PDF) Method of Test for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
CT 540 July 22, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Making, Handling, and Storing Concrete Compressive Test Specimens in the Field
CT 540 August 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 540 November 1, 2005 (PDF) Method for Making, Handling, and Storing Concrete Compressive Test Specimens in the Field
CT 540 July 1, 2001 (PDF)
CT 540 October 1, 1999 (PDF)
541 CT 541 March 1, 2014 (PDF) Method of Test for Flow of Grout Mixtures (Flow Cone Method)
CT 541 November 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 541 February 1, 2000 (PDF)
543 CT 543 July 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method
CT 543 December 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 543 July 1, 2001 (PDF)
Note: ASTM C173, which was previously specified for this test, has been superseded and should not be used for routine quality assurance testing. CTM 543 should be used instead. A Contract Change Order may be needed to implement this change for an on-going contract.
547 CT 547 June 1, 2016 (PDF) Method of Test for Operation of Bridge Profilograph and Evaluation of Profiles
CT 547 May 1, 2014 (PDF)
CT 547 March 1, 2012 (PDF)
CT 547 March 1, 2000 (PDF) Operation of Bridge Profilograph and Evaluation of Profiles
548 CT 548 March 1, 2014 (PDF) Method of Test for Evaluation of Aggregate for Lean Concrete Base (LCB)
CT 548 March 1, 2002 (PDF)
CT 548 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
551 CT 551 August 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Suitability of Materials for Overlayment and Repair of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement and Structures
CT 551 February 1, 2000 (PDF)
554 CT 554 June 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Sampling for and Reporting the Results of Tests for Alkali Silica Reactivity
CT 554 April 1, 2001 (PDF)
556 CT 556 July 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Slump of Fresh Portland Cement Concrete
CT 556 December 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 556 June 1, 2010 (PDF)
CT 556 November 1, 2003 (PDF)
557 CT 557 July 2, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Cement Concrete (November 2014 version is equivalent to January 2016 version)
CT 557 January 1, 2016 (PDF)
CT 557 July 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Cement Concrete
CT 557 November 1, 2003 (PDF)
559 CT 559 February 1, 2013 (PDF) Method for Determining Cementitious Materials Content or Water/Cementitious Material Ratio for Concrete Pavements
CT 559 December 1, 2002 (PDF)
643 CT 643 April 10, 2020 (PDF) Method of Test for Laboratory Resistivity and pH for Soil and Water
CT 643 June 1, 2007 (PDF) Method for Determining Field and Laboratory Resistivity and pH Measurements for Soil and Water
CT 643 November 1, 1999 (PDF) Method for Estimating the Service Life of Metal Culverts
644 CT 644 July 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Shear Strength of Brick Cores
CT 644 March 1, 2000 (PDF)
662 CT 662 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Seam Quality Control Standard for Helical Lock Seam Corrugated Metal Pipe
CT 662 October 1, 1997 (PDF) Seam Quality Control Standard for Helical Lock Seam Corrugated Metal Pipe
663 CT 663 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Bridge Bearing Pads
CT 663 December 1, 1995 (PDF)
664 CT 664 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Crushing of Longitudinally Welded Steel Tubular Products (Universal Crushing Test)
CT 664 October 1, 1997 (PDF)
665 CT 665 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Seam Quality Control of Helical Continuously Welded Seam Corrugated Metal Pipe
CT 665 October 1, 1997 (PDF)
666 CT 666 December 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Fracture and Deflection of Metal Traffic Signal Section Housing
CT 666 March 1, 2012 (PDF)
CT 666 November 1, 1998 (PDF)
669 CT 669 December 1, 2013 (PDF) Test Method for Non-Reflective and Reflective Pavement Markers
CT 669 November 1, 2006 (PDF)
CT 669 January 1, 2003 (PDF)
CT 669 August 1, 2002 (PDF)
CT 669 July 1, 1998 (PDF)
670 CT 670 December 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Tests for Mechanical and Welded Reinforcing Steel Splices
CT 670 April 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 670 February 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 670 February 1, 2011 (PDF)
CT 670 September 1, 2004 (PDF)
CT 670 May 1, 2004 (PDF)
CT 670 October 1, 1999 (PDF) Method of Tests for Steel Reinforcing Bar Butt Splices
673 CT 673 July 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Determining Movement Rating of Type B1 and B2 Preformed Elastomeric Joint Seals
CT 673 October 1, 1997 (PDF)
674 CT 674 March 1, 2012 (PDF) Method of Test for Fence Posts and Braces
CT 674 September 1, 2005 (PDF)
CT 674 October 1, 1997 (PDF)
681 CT 681 August 19, 2022 (PDF)

Method of Testing Creep Performance of Concrete Anchorage Devices

(Withdrawn, it is no longer maintained by Caltrans)

CT 681 December 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 681 August 1, 2001 (PDF)
CT 681 October 1, 1999 (PDF)
682 CT 682 August 19, 2022 (PDF)

Method for Determining Ultimate Tensile Strength of Concrete Anchorage Devices

(Withdrawn, it is no longer maintained by Caltrans)

CT 682 December 1, 2013 (PDF)
CT 682 August 1, 2001 (PDF)
CT 682 October 1, 1999 (PDF)
685 CT 685 August 1, 2013 (PDF) Method for Holiday Detection in Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel
CT 685 February 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 685 December 1, 2002 (PDF)
686 CT 686 August 1, 2013 (PDF) Method for Evaluating Bend Test Results of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings on ASTM Designation: A934/A 934/M Steel Reinforcement
CT 686 February 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 686 December 1, 2002 (PDF)
687 CT 687 August 1, 2013 (PDF) Method of Tests for Measuring Epoxy Coating Thickness on Steel Reinforcing Bars, Wire Mesh, and Dowel Bars using Type 2 Test Instruments
CT 687 February 1, 2008 (PDF)
CT 687 August 1, 2003 (PDF)