Make every Californian count in the 2020 Census


Flier that urges Californians to participate in the 2020 Census, and how they can go about doing so.

Above is the flier that details the 2020 Census process. Click on the image to enlarge.

Screen grab from California PSA about Census 2020

Click on the image above to watch a public service announcement about the 2020 Census.

The next Census is in Spring 2020. Let’s ensure all Californians are counted so we can put those resources to good use here at home!

Each California household already has or soon will receive a letter in the mail. It explains the different ways you can fill out the Census. If you don’t receive a letter, you can still go online or call to fill it out. Be sure you include any person living in your household, family or not.

For more information about Census 2020, click on the image at left or watch Gov. Gavin Newsom's public service announcement by clicking on the image at right.