Mendocino Highways
Current Projects
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The purpose of the project is to provide a bridge across the Albion River that meets modern seismic safety standards, provides safe and reliable multimodal access, and minimizes ongoing maintenance costs.
This project will replace the existing two bridges on State Route 20 (SR20) that span the Russian River and Eastside Road in Redwood Valley.
Caltrans proposes to replace the existing Eel River Bridge (Caltrans Bridge #10-0236) on State Route 162.
Caltrans proposes to replace the existing Elk Creek Bridge (Bridge #10-120) located on State Route 1 (post miles 31.35) to improve the function and geometrics of the bridge.
Caltrans, in partnership with the Mendocino Council of Governments, proposes an enhancement project on State Route 1 through downtown Gualala (post miles 0.6 to 1.0). The current design of the downtown area of Gualala has several deficiencies that could increase conflicts between motorized users, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Caltrans proposes to construct improvements on U.S. Highway 101 in downtown Hopland (post miles 10.8 and 11.2) for compliance with the Americans for Disabilities Act. Work would include improving curb ramps, sidewalks, and driveways, reconstructing the roadway, rehabilitating pavement, upgrading drainage systems, signage, and Transportation Management Systems facilities.
The purpose of the project is to bring Jack Peters Creek Bridge up to current design standards by widening the existing structure and upgrading bridge rails.
The purpose of the project is to improve safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The project includes widening the bridge to accommodate two 12-foot-wide lanes, two 8-foot-wide shoulders, two 6-foot walkways and new bridge railings to meet current standards.
Caltrans celebrated completion of the project with a ribbon cutting ceremony in November 2023.
Caltrans proposes to replace the Salmon Creek Bridge on Route 1. The current bridge, built in 1950, has a concrete deck over steel beams. The bridge is functionally obsolete because it is narrow and does not meet current standards for shoulders and guardrails.
The purpose of the project is to remediate lead-impacted shallow soil in the State Right-of-Way and on the privately-owned parcels adjacent to the Salmon Creek Bridge. The project is needed because historic bridge painting practices resulted in elevated lead concentrations in shallow soils beneath and east of the Salmon Creek Bridge.
Mendocino County Project Locations
Coastal Mendocino project map.
Inland Mendocino project map.