Caltrans Railway-Highway Crossing Program (RHCP) Section 130
RHCP -Section 130 Overview
The purpose of the Section 130 Program or Railway-Highway Crossing Program (RHCP) is to reduce the number and severity of highway accidents and to improve safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians at existing at-grade railroad crossings. The program is authorized by Title 23, United States Code, Section 130 (23 U.S.C. 130).
The Section 130 Railroad-Highway Crossings Program is managed by the Division of Local Assistance. The Caltrans RHCP is a collaborative effort led by the CPUC, funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and implemented by Caltrans in cooperation with local agencies and railroads throughout California. Caltrans is responsible for administering funds, contracting and oversight of the Section 130 projects. The CPUC is responsible for creating the Section 130 priority funding list, development of scope and preliminary cost estimates. Local Agencies and the Railroad Company must work together to complete design, environmental and construction for section 130 funded safety improvements.

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Section 130
Typical Process for Section 130 Projects
Project Eligibility Project Funding
Project Development Requirements (Design)
Environmental Review
Right of Way Certification
CPUC General Order 88-B
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Contacts, Information and Guidance
Current Project List (Excel)
Current Project List (PDF)