DRB Candidates List


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DRB Information and Candidate List Page

Name Brief Summary of Experience Job Locations willing to Travel to: Telephone No. E-mail Resume
Abidi, Ramin Over 35 years of varied experience including: public works executive and construction management; Caltrans Construction Manager, Construction Engineer, Resident Engineer and Structure Representative; State highway, bridge and heavy marine construction projects; construction claims and disputes; Caltrans Claims Review Boards; contract change orders; CPM schedule review and analysis; construction cost estimation; and water pollution control. All of California (858) 945-8107 raminabidi@gmail.com Abidi, Ramin (PDF) 
Abuelhassan, Amr
30 years of experience in project management, construction management, and civil engineering.  Extensive construction management and contract administration experience with over 20 years’ experience as Resident Engineer on Caltrans, County, City and Local Public Agency Projects, including major Roadway, structures, infrastructure and Public Works improvements. All of California (909) 262-7858 amrabuelhassan4drb@gmail.com
Abuelhassan, Amr (PDF)      
Adams, Cliff 38 year's with Caltrans. 33 in Construction. RE, Construction Senior, Coordinator, Construction Office Chief. All of California (209) 200-9737 georgiaadams@comcast.net Adams, Cliff (PDF)

Afanan, Majid

28 years of civil engineering experiences with emphasis on construction contract management for public works. Diverse contract administration experiences including: new bridges, widening existing highways, interchanges, roadway rehabilitation, retaining walls, water supplies, buildings and drainage systems.

All of California

(951) 376-9658

zaid_2000@msn.com Afanan, Majid (PDF)
Allegro, Joseph  41 years’ experience in design and construction of highways, bridges, and transit; served as Chair or Member on 17 DRBs since 2010  All of California  (617) 504-1735  jjallegro.ja@gmail.com Allegro, Joseph (PDF) 
Anderson, Norman C. Over 40 yrs diversified experience in construction with a record of success in construction management, dispute resolution, dispute prevention and engineering. DRB member or project neutral on over 80 projects. Served as Contractor's and Agency's representative in dispute resolution. All of California (360) 754-3819 normananderson@msn.com Anderson, Norman C. (PDF)
Anziano, Tony Twenty-nine (29) Years of experience with Caltrans as both an Attorney and as a Program Manager of for a $9 Billion construction Program with minimal claims due to aggressive partnering and positive use of Dispute Resolution Boards. All of California (415) 279-8055 tanziano@yahoo.com Anziano, Tony (PDF)
Asgari, Saeid A. 30 years of Resident, Sr. Resident Engineer, Construction Engineer and Construction Chief experience in D-11 and D-12. Over 250 projects totaling over $5 Billion. I have dealt with many types of disputes including differing site conditions, Potential claims and claims. Orange, San Luis Obispo, San Bernadino, Ventura, San Diego, Riverside and Los Angeles counties (949) 379-4481 sasgari@cemscorp.com Asgari, Saeid A. (PDF)
Ballard, Edward R.

37.5 yrs. Experience in Heavy Civil Infrastructure Public Works Contracting. This includes 7.5 yrs. of Executive level Contract & Alternative Dispute Resolution Management, Project level Commercial Management, and contract consulting for three (3) large National/International contractors.10 yrs. with Caltrans as an engineer in contract management, design, and construction of bridges, INCLUDING 2 yrs. as a Deputy Attorney defending Caltrans in construction contract arbitration cases. 20 yrs. in Private Law Practice representing contractors in arbitrations of construction contract disputes. All the above has involved my participation in all facets of the Dispute Resolution Board {ORB) process on numerous Heavy Civil Infrastructure Construction Projects (Bid-Build, Design-Build, CM/GC, 3P)

throughout my career. 
All of California (619) 253-0915 erballard09@gmail.com Ballard, Edward R.(PDF) 
Barakat, Sam  Over 23 years of experience in construction, a PE, Esq, Expert Witness, an Arbitrator, and a PSP.  All of California  (480) 828-6651  sbarakat25@gmail.com  Barakat, Sam (PDF)
Bauer, Carl F. 60 years in the construction industry, from a construction laborer to the Executive Vice President of a major highway and bridge contractor working throughout California and the Western U.S.  Retired from C. C. Myers, Inc. in 2002, having been responsible for the management of all company activities of this $100 million dollar per year company. Has served on 149 DRBs and DRAs since retirement. Has also provided consulting services and advice to construction contractors and law firms. All of California (916) 765-9134 c.bauer@sbcglobal.net Bauer, Carl F. (PDF)
Barnett, Brett My experience is working with or for Caltrans for more than 25 years managing Resident Engineers and Structure Representatives or acting as a Senior Resident Engineer or Senior Structure Representative on projects from $50,000 to more than $1 Billion. All of California (949) 246-4472 bb45482@gmail.com Barnett, Brett (PDF)
Berning, Paul W. Construction lawyer for 27 years, representing contractors, design professionals, public and private owners. Experience includes new Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Eurotunnel, wide variety of other projects. Member of the American Arbitration Association's Roster of Neutrals for arbitrations and its Panel of Mediators. Significant design-build, EPC experience. All of California except counties of Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Tulare, or Ventura. (510) 863-8118 paulberning@paulberninglaw.com Berning, Paul W. (PDF)
Bishop, David L. I have over thirty years of experience in engineering design, construction and construction litigation. I have extensive experience in claims analysis and resolution. All of California (530) 749-8004 davidbishopesq@gmail.com Bishop, David L. (PDF)
Bobotis, Mark 33 years experience in Highway Construction with roles as a Construction Manager, Construction Engineer and Resident Engineer. My experience includes projects with new freeway alignments, widening of freeways, movable barriers, bridges, bridge widenings, extensive utility work, paving, earthwork and claim resolution. All of California (619) 995-1454 markbobotis@gmail.com Bobotis, Mark (PDF)

Bocchicchio, Ken

34 years of construction experience partnering with the Contractor and Local Agencies to build Great transportation projects for the people of California.

Southern California

(949) 431-4266 bocchicchiodrb@cox.net Bocchicchio, Ken (PDF)
Bowles, John C. 40 years of experience working for CA General Contractor specializing in structural concrete, deep foundations and civil infrastructure.  Retired Exec. Vice President.
All of California (650) 823-5600 John@Johncbowles.com  Bowles, John C. (PDF)
Bowling, Randy 50 years of diverse civil engineering experience, including over 10 years in highway construction in urban and rural areas. Experienced Nevada DOT DRB chair.  All of California (775) 742-4510 rbowlingnv@gmail.com  Bowling, Randy (PDF)
Britt, Wm. Butch Civil Engineer, licensed in CA, with over 40 years of worldwide construction administration and management experience. 17+ years as Director, Transportation Dept for Co. of Ventura - over $90 million of construction contracts completed with zero contract claims proceeding to litigation. Experience reviewing and resolving claims and change orders in accordance with Public Contract Code, FHWA/Caltrans Local Program Policies and Procedures, and Federal Acquisition Regulations. All of California (805) 312-4895 wbbritt@gmail.com Britt, Wm. Butch (PDF)
Brosamer, Mychal 25 years of experience in construction industry. Primary responsibility throughout my career was claims management and dispute resolution. CPM scheduling expert and forensic cost analyst. All of California (480) 250-3880 mychal.brosamer@gmail.com Brosamer, Mychal (PDF)
Brown, Ernest 30 years of experience on Caltrans and NV-DOT Highway, Bridge, and Tunnel projects as a Licensed Civil Engineer, Attorney, & Arbitrator.  All of California (415) 317-1708 EB@ErnestBrown.com  Brown, Ernest  (PDF)
Burton, Bob 20 years as a Caltrans resident engineer on approximately 50 projects. The largest being the $36,000,000 Truckee bypass. District 3 (916) 759-0340 Bobburton325@comcast.net Burton, Bob (PDF)
Busch, Jeff With 40 years of experience, Jeff is a recognized authority in project management and scheduling. Extensive forensic project claims experience with all entities Qualified as an expert in multiple courts and US Federal District Court. All of California +1 (503) 481-1538 Busch@teleport.com Busch, Jeff (PDF) 
Carlson, William 40+ years of heavy/highway experience. DRBF Presidents list. 25+ DRBs both owner & contractor appointee, 13 as chair. Member of the DRBF. Participated in dozens of dispute hearings. All of California (760) 742-3702 wjccal@aol.com Carlson, William (PDF)
Charles, George Lyle Jr.  Mr. Charles has forty-five years of experience in the construction industry representing contractors, subcontractors, design firms, Owners, and insurance clients. Project Management Professional (PMP) assisting in resolving scheduling disputes, defective or incomplete contract document issues, and evaluating claims pricing. Thirty-five years as an American Arbitration Association mediator, successfully resolving disputes involving matters in the structural and reinforcing steel bridge industry. Familiar with bridge welding issues and cleaning/painting inspection matters.  All of California  (334) 798-2527  lyle@lylecharles.com Charles, George Lyle Jr. (PDF) 
Clough, Russell G. Construction Engineer specializing in dispute resolution and providing workshops to better work with difficult people, understand risk and uncertainty, etc. Selected Member of National Academy of Construction. Served on about 80 boards and mediations, teach students and industry professionals to avoid and deal with conflict. Licensed Civil, Geotechnical, Safety Engineer, and Contractor in Calif.; Certified Blaster, Tunnel Safety Rep, MSHA Rescue Team Leader, AGC Negotiating Committee.

Northern California

(650) 814-0266 russellgclough@gmail.com Clough, Russell G. (PDF)
Cochetas, Danny Over 40 years of construction experience, 22 years involving the management of Caltrans related projects. I have obtained an extensive understanding of Caltrans special provisions, drawings and the General Provisions. All of California (831) 239-4587 dan.cochetas@gmail.com Cochetas, Danny (PDF) 
Connally, Patrick 36+ years with Caltrans. 21+ years in construction management. Managed up to $500 Million in on-going contracts (District 5). 15 years in Hwy. design (Office Chief). Participant in numerous Boards of Review (BORs), most as Chairman. Settled many high-profile claims through mediation, partnering, or legal negotiations during my career. All of California (805) 257-7596 pconnally805@charter.net Connally, Patrick (PDF)
Corn, William A. BS in Civil Engineering and a JD in law that have been utilized in estimating, scheduling, and managing Heavy Civil project including dispute resolution for 32 years. All of California (808) 216-0410 Wcorn@TeamGMG.com Corn, William A. (PDF)
Coupe, Robert W. Over 40 years experience as a general contractor building Caltrans highway and bridge projects. Broad experience with contracts, specifications, technical construction challenges and project scheduling. All of California (916) 919-2428 rwcoupe@rwc214.onmicrosoft.com Coupe, Robert W. (PDF)  
Davila, Hector A licensed Civil Engineer with over 20 years of Caltrans Construction experience. I was the District 8 Construction Deputy providing direction on all aspects of Highway/Transportation and structure projects. As a member of the statewide construction management board I provided construction expertise, dispute prevention and claim resolution on a multitude of projects ranging from $50,000 to $400 million. All of California (909) 677-8888 davila_clan@verizon.net Davila, Hector (PDF) 
Davis, Terry A. Licensed CA Civil Engineer with broad construction experience with Caltrans and other public agencies. As Caltrans Construction Manager, involved with many DRBs/DRAs, negotiated claims settlements, held claims hearings, involved in many Partnering contracts, used CPM schedules on many projects. All of California (707) 601-6113 terry@tjdavis.us Davis, Terry A. (PDF)
Deines, Tom  43 years of diverse construction experience in a variety of management roles, most related to Agency bridge and highway projects throughout the NW and California.  All of California  (541) 285-4113   tntconsulting14@gmail.com Deines, Tom (PDF) 
DerMatoian, Mark

During my 36 years of experience at Caltrans, I was part of the teams that developed and implemented the DRB system and the Partnering program, and our collaboration with industry was the key to making both of them useful and successful.   For the last 20 years with Caltrans, I served as Deputy Regional Director of Construction for Districts 5, 6, 9, and 10. During my tenure as the Deputy for Construction for the Central Region, achieving conflict resolution, both internal and external, was a main part of my responsibilities.  Clear and Honest communication was the key to success in that area.  I listen, work to understand, and carefully consider the position of both parties and then provide a clear recommendation and the reasoning behind it.

All of California (559) 250-2790  dermatoian@yahoo.com DerMatoian, Mark (PDF) 
Dettman, Kurt L. Oversaw 46 DRBs on the $15B “Big Dig” Project. Serves on 3 Ohio Dept of Transportation DRBs, writes articles on DRB practice, and conducts DRB training for transportation agencies. Has Caltrans DRB and DRA training. On DRBF's President's List. All of California (781) 749-2990 kdettman@c-adr.com Dettman, Kurt L. (PDF)
Deylamian, Sirous 43 years of experience in planning, design and construction of roads, interchanges, and bridges. Have held a wide variety of management positions with both contractors and owners, including Regional Project Manager/Office Chief, Senior Construction/Resident Engineer, Construction Claim Manager and Program Manager. My strong leadership ability and neutral thought process combined with my communication and people skills resulted in the successful delivery of over 500 projects with a total value of approximately $1 billion. All of California (925) 989-1918 sdeylamian@gmail.com Deylamian, Sirous (PDF)
Elhage, Maurice Licensed Civil Engineer with over 36 years of experience in Construction Management. My experience is working with Caltrans in D-04 as a Resident Engineer, Construction Senior Engineer and Construction Office Chief. For the last 20 years, assigned as a Construction Area Manager administering projects in Santa Clara county and I-880 Corridor. Over 200 projects totaling over $1.5 Billion ranging from new alignments, reconstructing freeway interchanges, widening bridges and roadways, paving, earthwork, utility relocation, maintenance station, and drainage/Sewer line installation. Resolved multiple claims and disputes as well as referring NOPC’s to DRB/DRA panels. All of California (408) 665-6420  maurinoor@hotmail.com               Elhage, Maurice (PDF)
Eng, Donald 45 years of experience in public works projects, as inspector, resident engineer, construction manager, project manager, designer, etc. Registered Civil Engineer and licensed contractor, state of California. Chief (retired) of Construction Management, City and County of San Francisco. Served as DRB member for 2 Caltrans projects. CM over major complex multi-discipline projects and small projects including; dams, reservoirs, water transmission and distribution pipeline systems, roadway and highway construction, bridges, tunnels, underground utilities, high voltage power stations, water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, seismic retrofits, hospitals, libraries, fire stations, police stations, jails, office buildings, recreation centers, schools, swimming pools, parks, mass transit railway, traffic signals, street lighting and fueling stations. 41 years in construction contract negotiations and dispute resolution. Member of DRBF. Northern California (650) 257-0711 donald.j.eng@gmail.com Eng, Donald (PDF)

Eshghipour, Nader

36 years of technical and management expertise including a unique combination of heavy highway/bridge construction and infrastructure maintenance.  30 years with Caltrans from the entry level engineer to the executive deputy district director.  21 years in the Division of Construction.  Successful construction delivery of over $500 Million of major transportation infrastructure projects throughout the Nine Bay Area Counties.  9 years as the Deputy District Director in the Division of Maintenance in District 4.  This included overall maintenance of toll bridges, roadways, tunnels, building facilities, engineering aspects including civil, mechanical, and electrical systems, along with the implementation of asset management in support of all facets of the transportation infrastructure system.  Retired from Caltrans in 2016.  From 2017 to 2021 worked with AECOM as a Consultant Construction Manager for the statewide Caltrans Construction Projects for highways and bridges in Districts 3, 4, 6 and 10, and managing consultant construction contracts for MTC/BATA and other Local City and County Agencies in the Nine Bay Area Counties.

All of California

(925) 768-9237

neshghipour@gmail.com Eshghipour, Nader (PDF)
Fagone, Philip Civil Engineer and Construction Attorney with 39 yrs experience overseeing highway and bridge projects, managing building construction projects - including Caltrans District 4 Headquarters building and including CM/GC and Design-Build projects, and mediating or arbitrating over 200 disputes. District 4 (650) 654-0574 pef.counselor@gmail.com Fagone, Philip (PDF)
Felice, Conrad A registered professional civil engineer with 37 years of direct project experience in heavy civil infrastructure built with traditional and alternative delivery contracts. Experienced in contract and risk management as an owner, contractor, and designer. All of California (425) 753-3316 conrad.felice@cwfelicellc.com Felice, Conrad (PDF)
Fichtelman, Troy R. 27 yrs experience in Public Works contracting. This experience includes contract administration and management, financial management, Arbitrator, Mediator, DRB Member or Chair for Government agencies and private firms. All of California (760) 212-8487 RTFichtelman@outlook.com Fichtelman, Troy R. (PDF)
Finney, Robert (Bob) 32 years at Caltrans, 30 in construction, 17 as Bay Area Construction Deputy. Experience range: local streets, heavy highway, emergency recovery, toll bridges and tunnels.  All of California (925) 360-3734  BobmFinney@gmail.com Finney, Bob (PDF) 
Fisher, Cherrie A construction neutral with the American Arbitration Association, Ms. Fisher brings more than three decades of on-site construction and claims experience to her Early Dispute Resolution practice. She oversaw Environmental Services for AT&T where she was responsible for disaster recovery, underground storage tank remediation and utility relocations for all projects west of the Mississippi including California. Adept at breaking down complex technical issues into clear, concise summaries, she provides construction claims analysis, litigation support and expert testimony to attorneys, insurance companies and public entities. In addition, Ms. Fisher serves as a DRB panel member for the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR). All of California (214) 808-6743 cherrie@fisher-partnering.com
Fisher, Cherrie (PDF) 
Flaherty, Keith Senior Resident Engineer for Caltrans and Local Agencies on large scale highway and bridge projects. Claims and scheduling consultant for major projects in Caltrans - District 10. All of California (916) 826-3943 keith.flaherty@gmail.com Flaherty, Keith (PDF)
Foley, James W. 50+ years engineering & construction: bridges, highways, streets, rail, signals, streetlights, sewers, drains, pipelines, tunnels, excavations, foundations, buildings. 30+ years DRB/DRAs, arbitrations, mediations, project neutral. Licensed CE/SE/GE. Licensed Contractor A&B. All of California (408) 777-9917 jim@jimfoley.com Foley, James W. (PDF) 
Fredrickson, Ken Decades of experience as a contractor and as an owner’s representative for transportation, environmental, water/wastewater, and industrial projects and programs.  Project values ranged from $1 million to several billion dollars using a variety of delivery methods.  A Registered Professional Engineer and Contractor in several states and a Certified Construction Manager and Designated Design-Build Professional. All of California (310) 781-0181 Ken@D-IPartners.com Fredrickson, Ken (PDF)
Freeman, Daniel (Dan)
Has 28 years of experience with Caltrans working directly with dispute resolution in a variety of roles. At Caltrans, served as a Structure Representative, Resident Engineer, Construction Office Chief, and Deputy District Director of the Construction Division in District 7 as well as Deputy District Director of the Maintenance Division in District 7. Served as Board of Review member for Caltrans projects in District 7, 8,11,and 12. As Deputy District Director worked closely with Headquarters Construction and the Legal Division to resolve construction project claims. All of California (562)925-2928


Freeman, Daniel (Dan) (PDF)
Gale, Dean Has 35+ years of construction industry experience, worked for both Contractors and Owners, and completed a wide range of building project and civil project types. Districts 7, 8, 11, & 12 (949) 293-2223 DGale8888@gmail.com Gale, Dean (PDF)
George, Philip Multiple DRB's & DRA's (all decisions accepted); Partnering Facilitator (>200 sessions on > 60 projects), Contractor/Engineer since '76 on private, Local, CA, NV & Federal (FHWA, BuRec, BIA, USFS, NRCS, COE) General & Heavy Engineering Projects (dams, bridges, fwys, airports & matl's prod'n) in 10 Western States. Focus on claims avoidance & early resolution via DRB and Partnering to enable good working relations between the parties. Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10 (530) 949-8768 phil.grg@gmail.com George, Philip (PDF) 
Gigliotti, Michael P. A seasoned graduate and registered civil engineer who has spent his 48 year career in heavy-highway construction. Twenty-one years’ experience in Pennsylvania and Arizona, managing major projects in those regions. Twenty-seven years of California experience working for as major heavy civil contractor in southern California. All aspects of construction management including specific project management as well as an executive with a construction firm. All of California
(951) 830-8719 mikegig@pacbell.net Gigliotti, Michael P. (PDF)
Gladych, John A. For the past 20 years, law practice has focused primarily on the resolution of complex heavy bridge, foundation, and road construction disputes. Member of the approved arbitrators for the California Office of Administrative Hearings, Public Works Contract Arbitration Panel. Districts 8, 12 and LA, Riverside, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties. (949) 678-1234 John@Gladychlaw.com Gladych, John A. (PDF)
Gollhofer Raines, Diane 35+ years of “hands on” experience directing and overseeing major transportation public work projects (light and commuter rail, roadways, and facilities), ranging up to $1 billion.  As the Central Region Dispute Review Board (DRB) Foundation Representative Diane successfully brought and implemented the DRB concept to Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), where she successfully used both the 3-person and single member panels for over 15 years. She has an in-depth knowledge of project controls; including many years of developing, preparing, and utilizing construction schedules, resource-loading estimates, and project costing and years of successfully preparing contracts and negotiating complex construction changes and disputes. All of California (214) 328-9677 Diane@DGRconsultants.com Gollhofer Raines, Diane (PDF)
Gordon, Laura "During my career, I have managed many construction projects including building, highway, and wastewater treatment plants projects, from small to $100M+, in many capacities. Over the years I have participated in many DRB / DRA sessions and the projects I have worked on have a record of resolving the majority of potential claims at the lowest level. I have analyzed many potential claim notifications, reviewed them against the specifications, and worked to resolve them within the specifications. When resolution was not possible, I have written and reviewed many potential claim reports and presented the Departments position. In addition to managing construction projects, I have also owned my own business and have been self-employed, giving me a perspective from both sides and have allowed me to understand both sides of a potential claim.” All of California (559) 871-8488 lauralynngordon@hotmail.com Gordon, Laura (PDF) 
Haag, Alan Has 33 years in California highway construction and associated fields with Caltrans. Practical experience has reinforced the importance of resolving contract issues at the lowest level in order to minimize costs & delays. For 23 years, was the Senior Construction Engineer in Santa Barbara County for Caltrans Central Region, District 5, recently retiring in Dec. 2015. All of California (805) 534-3895 arhaag2@gmail.com Haag, Alan (PDF)
Hamamoto, H. Tony Three decades resolving claims: from design and specification issues to differing site conditions to loss of efficiency. Both roadways and structures. Also worked as a project scheduler and estimator. All of California (530) 642-9132 hatchandhama@sbcglobal.net Hamamoto, H. Tony (PDF)
Hargrove, Benjamin (Ben)  1 year private, 24 years District 3 Caltrans experience: 20+ as RE, 2+ as CE, 1 as Contracts Office Chief, and 1 as Project Manager.  All of California (Other than: Orange, San Bernardino, Ventura, San Diego, Imperial, Riverside & Los Angeles Counties)  (530) 521-4172  benhargrove@hotmail.com  Hargrove, Benjamin (Ben) (PDF) 
Harmon, Clay C. 30 + years experience as a Sr. Manager, Contractor, California Civil Engineer: Bid-Build / Design Build - highway, bridges, dams & light rail. All of California (916) 208-7963 c.harmon@me.com Harmon, Clay C. (PDF)
Harris, Guy G. Professional Civil Engineer, Expert Witness, CPM Scheduler, Construction Claims Resolver, Contract Administrator, Specifications Writer, Farmer, Mechanic, Fabricator. All of California (530) 701-2360 guygharris@yahoo.com Harris, Guy G. (PDF)  
Harvey, Steven 

Professional Engineer with 33+ years of heavy construction projects, construction administration, partnering, DRB/DRA, and claims resolution experience for Caltrans as RE/Structure Representative, Senior Transportation Engineer, Senior Bridge Engineer, Area Bridge Construction Manager, and assignments as District Area Construction Manager and Chief of North Region Construction.

All of California (530) 521-2204 steveneharvey@hotmail.com Harvey, Steven (PDF)
Hegab, Mohamed 10 years, General Engineering Contractor; 20 years in claims management, CPM scheduling analysis, and forensic cost analysis.  Ph.D., PE, PMP, CCM, Special experience and knowledge of Design-Build and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) (P3) delivery methods. Served as DRB member and chairs for multiple large projects and DRA as well. Projects included tunneling, bridges, overlay, electrical, widening, etc. All of California (818) 441-1055 mhegab@capmc.net Hegab, Mohamed (PDF)  
Heine, Amy S. 25 years experience in Heavy Civil Construction Industry representing both the Contractor and Owner on large complex bridge, tunnel, light rail, marine and roadway contracts across the nation.  Extensive experience in Project Management, Project Scheduling and Claims.  Experienced in Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build and Public Private Partnership delivery methods.  Serving on multiple DRB’s. All of California (410) 609-6338 (410) 533-1833 (cell) aheine@hhaconsulting.com Heine, Amy S. (PDF)
Hinton, Wilburt Professional Engineer with over 50 years of experience. Early career was as a bridge engineer. Construction experience includes bridges and highways, power plants, water and wastewater treatment plants, mining facilities, dams, industrial facilities, schools and high rise office buildings as field superintendent, project manager, division manager, managing general partner and company owner. Extensive experience in scheduling, contracts and claims, and corporate management. ADR work includes serving as an arbitrator and Dispute Review Board member. All of California (303) 355-6988 seabee1111@msn.com Hinton, Wilburt (PDF) 
Hodge, Dean Professional civil engineer and licensed contractor with over thirty five years of construction experience. Expertise in estimating, bidding, scheduling and project management of building, engineering and heavy construction. Projects include flood control, highway and bridge construction for municipal, state and federal agencies. Building construction management assignments have included water treatment, educational facilities and municipal buildings. Most of Northern and Central California (530) 672-1061 dean-hodge@sbcglobal.net Hodge, Dean (PDF)
Holen, Douglas Over 30 years experience in planning, design and construction of Public Works. Have served on or Chaired DRBs for both building and transportation projects. Coastal areas south of Humbold Co., Central Valley, and Southern California (505) 670-3301 holendouglas@gmail.com Holen, Douglas (PDF)
Howze, Kevin Licensed civil engineer in California with over 30 years of experience in public works contracting. Fifteen years preparing plans & specifications for road & bridge improvement projects. 17 years of construction contract administration, all with Sonoma County Transportation and Public Works. Experience with retrofits (13 highway bridges), new bridge construction with driven pile or CIDH foundations, large grading/earthmoving projects buildings, signalized intersections and slide repairs. Very familiar with Caltrans Standard Specifications and Special Provisions. Practiced at dispute resolution, mediation and arbitration. All of California (707) 484-2693 kevinhowze@sbcglobal.net Howze, Kevin (PDF)
Hughes, Ed 42 years of construction experience, Dillingham, Kasler, Washington Construction and Morrison Knudsen. Construction Consultant 1998-2009. Participant in 17 DRB's, 3 as chairman. BSCE. Southern California, San Francisco, and Sacramento (602) 300-3364 edhughes44@gmail.com Hughes, Ed (PDF)
Hurtado, Jose L. Over 40 years experience. Designer, Contractor, Owner, City Engineer, and Construction Manager for rail facilities, steel facilities, design build project, dams, roads, canals, and bridges. All of California (760) 789-5245 handhcms@yahoo.com Hurtado, Jose L. (PDF)
Irwin, Don Resident Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the building/civil/highway and rail projects. Executive for Construction Company. AAA Arbitrator since 1994 and been serving on DRB boards since 2002. Experience in Design Build, CM/GC and Public Private Partnerships (PPP). All of California (503) 869-3653 donirwinadr@gmail.com Irwin, Don (PDF)
Jaiyesimi, Sunday A.  Forty (40) years of construction and design experience in roads and bridges. Certified DRB candidate since 2016. DRB member on MDOT projects of over $300M.  Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings,  Los Angeles, Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Ventura & Tulare Counties  (313) 434-8282   sjaiyesimi@urbanengineeringsolutions.com Jaiyesimi, Sunday A. (PDF) 
Jardin, Manuel

50 years’ experience in the construction industry, including 42 years as a General Engineering Contractor. Have participated in 23 DRBs, 2 DRAs, including 4 as Chairperson. These DRBs/DRAs have involved Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build and Construction Manager-General Contractor project delivery methods. Member of and Trainer for Cal Trans and the DRBF workshops.

All of California (916) 927-2923 mcjardin@msn.com Jardin, Manuel (PDF)
Johns, Gary  43 years of construction experience, retiring from Teichert Construction in 2013 as VP of estimating. I have experience in management positions on highways, bridges, airports, and levees with involvement in change orders, owner negotiations, claim resolutions, A+B bids, and Joint Venture bides.  All of California  (530) 304-2470  garyj.srcdavis@gmail.com  Johns, Gary (PDF) 
Jones, Jeff

35 years of experience in the construction industry, 29 years as the owner of a General Engineering Construction Company. Specializing in structural concrete and infrastructure construction. Have served on or am currently serving on 12 DRB's, with 2 of those being as Chairman.

All of California (408) 858-7714 jeffjonesbros@aol.com Jones, Jeff (PDF)
Jones, Vernon 

Over 37 years with Caltrans expertise resolving thousands of contract disputes through the claims process, Dispute Review Boards, Boards of Review, mediation, and arbitration.

All of California  (916) 351-0280 vernj@msn.com Jones, Vernon (PDF) 
Kanaan, Majdi 33-years of multi-disciplined structural engineering experience in the design and construction management of transportation projects in California and Nevada. Experience with new bridges, bridge replacements, light rail transit structures, tunnels design/build projects and seismic retrofits. Expertise includes preliminary engineering, final design, specification writing, cost estimating, value engineering, falsework design, contract administration and contract management. All of California (916) 768-8154


Kanaan, Majdi (PDF)
Kayser, Ken 36 yrs experience in the construction of roads, interchanges, and bridges. Have held a wide variety of management positions from Project Manager to Company President. Focus on early claims resolution and avoidance. All of California (916) 296-6554 kenakayser@gmail.com Kayser, Ken (PDF)
Keown, James G. Over 35 years heavy/civil experience Project Eng to VP Operations. Caltrans and ADOT,NDOT, UDOT Experience: structures, falsework, shoring, PCC and AC paving, underground, foundations, canals, municipal public works. All of California (831) 539-3692 jimkeown1@outlook.com Keown, James G. (PDF) 
Khan, Abdul R. Mr. Khan has 36 years of experience overseeing all phases of multimillion-dollar design, construction, and maintenance of major transportation projects for government and private-sector organizations. Construction Manager and Design Engineer with Caltrans District 11 and-the private sector. Strong credentials and proven history of on-time, on-budget, and high quality project delivery of major transportation projects with over $750 million in construction costs. He has directed multiple projects to successful completion through effective management and team collaboration, and has the proven ability to train, evaluate, motivate, and lead large and successful teams. All of California (858) 956-9189 ark356@yahoo.com Khan, Abdul R. (PDF) 
Kim, Ju 29+ years in Civil Engineering; 21 years in Caltrans and 10 of those years as Senior Bridge Engineer; 3 years as County of Orange Contract Manager ; 5 years as Consultant Project/Construction/Structure Manager.  All of California (714) 425-3930 juskim67@gmail.com Kim, Ju (PDF)
Koffman, Henry M. I am a Professional Engineer (PE) for the last 48 yrs. I am an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association (AAA) for 20 yrs. I have served on Caltrans Dispute Resolution Boards. I have 30 yrs industry experience and 22 yrs as a Professor and Director at the University of Southern California. All of California (213) 740-0556 koffman@usc.edu Koffman, Henry M. (PDF)  
Larrabee, Merle 41+ total years with Caltrans. 28+ in Hwy. Construction (Surveys to Div. Chief). Participant in numerous DRBF Workshops. Served or serving on 45 DRB’s - Chairman of 15. Southern Dist 1, Southern Dist 2, Dist 3, Dist 4, Northern Dist 5, Northern Dist 6, Dist 10 (916) 207-1698 merlelarrabee@gmail.com Larrabee, Merle (PDF)
Larsen, Lynn 40 years experience in highway, bridges, structures and other heavy engineering and building projects as an attorney, claims consultant, construction manager, and damages expert. Skilled in CPM analysis, cost evaluations, and interpretation of construction contracts. In 1982-83, served as chairman of AGC of California Legal Advisory Committee. 2015-2016 President of Utah Chapter of AACE, Int. Now work as an AAA arbitrator, CDRS neutral, DRB member, claims consultant, and expert witness in construction contract disputes. All of California (801) 541-9155 lynn@larsenanalytics.com Larsen, Lynn (PDF)
Leja, Mark

39 years of Civil Engineering experience. 31 years with Caltrans in various engineering, management, and leadership positions.  Former Chief of Construction, Chief of Design, and District 10 Director.  Served on ADR boards for more than 55 projects.

All of California (530) 329-4668 markleja530@gmail.com Leja, Mark (PDF)
Lloyd, Thomas M. Licensed Civil Engineer (PA) has broad construction experience with major excavation, concrete, and erection of major components through hands-on work on locks, dams, cofferdams, and a nuclear plant. Involved in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution since 1978. All of California (916) 989-2249 tomlpcci@aol.com Lloyd, Thomas M. (PDF)
Loloee, Rosa  Seasoned Civil Engineer with a specialization in heavy civil and transportation projects, particularly focused on dispute resolution and complex project claims.  All of California  (949) 257-9893  rloloee@nustandard.com  Loloee, Rosa (PDF) 
Marquez, Pamela  33 years of highway construction experience as a Resident Engineer, Senior Transportation Engineer, and Office Chief for Caltrans Central Region and District 10 Construction All of California  (209) 402-7780 rpracing67@sbcglobal.net Marquez, Pamela (PDF) 
Martin, Jerry Forty-two years with Caltrans. Registered Civil Engineer. Construction Division Chief Headquarters’ Construction Coordinator. Construction Engineer. I have served as a member on over 35 DRBs and 3 DRAs. Anywhere in California, except remote areas of Districts 8 and 11 (916) 988-9243 j_m_martin95630@yahoo.com Martin, Jerry (PDF)
McGuire, David
Vast experience in the management of Heavy Civil construction, structural design of bridges, CPM Scheduling expert and resolution of Builders Risk claim disputes. All of California (530) 398-5251
davidmcguire@civilconcepts.biz  McGuire, David (PDF)
Melehani, Nizar Experience in Design-Bid-Build, also specialize in contracts utilizing Design-Build, Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC), and P3. All of California (916) 316-6630 nizarmelehani@comcast.net Melehani, Nizar (PDF)
Melvin, Richard Have a substantial work history with Caltrans for over 26 years as a contract administrator on public works heavy highway construction projects. As a Resident Engineer for District 1,  as a Senior Area Construction Engineer for District 2 and as the District I Construction Manager. I have extensive experience in construction contract management, not limited to assessment of claims based on the contract documents, critical path scheduling impacts, change orders as well as DRA/DRB presentations. All of California (707) 499-0278 fogbay6@att.net Melvin, Richard (PDF)
Miller, Dan 5 years Owner/ General Contractor. 32 years Lic. Civil Eng, Caltrans, with 23 year as Sr Construction Eng. I have successfully administered over 800 projects ($100,000 to $60 million) with heavy concentration of prompt payment, constructability, disputes and claims resolution. Served as the Construction Engineer and RE on bridge, viaduct, and retaining wall construction. Used skills and knowledge to successfully resolve constructability and claim issues including differing site conditions, ground water, large and small diameter pile installations, pile driving, post tension anchorage, concrete and asphalt quality testing and issues. All of California (805) 441-7890 Roadman345@live.com Miller, Dan (PDF)
Molineux, Karl  Thirty years of experience in construction litigation and now working full time in the field of ADR All of California  (925) 357-2682  kmolineux@kmolineuxlaw.com Molineux, Karl (PDF) 
Morrison, Mark I have 43 years of construction management experience as a General Contractor and Subcontractor with a focus on Caltrans Slope Stabilization, and Foundation projects.
All of California (510) 715-0010 mrkmorrison515@gmail.com Morrison, Mark (PDF)
Naderi, Nader Over 28 years of experience, 8 yrs. Caltrans Construction, 14 yrs. Consultant CM, 3 yrs.  contractor, and 5 yrs. Consultant Structural Designer. Experienced in application and interpretation of Caltrans Standards, Manuals, and procedures: Hands-on and technical. Familiar with Critical Path Method (CPM) Scheduling forensic techniques. Some CA legal Education. Full Resume upon request. All of California (949) 310-9362 nnaderi2013@yahoo.com Naderi, Nader (PDF)
Nelson, John 40 yrs experience in heavy civil engineering projects including earthwork, underground, CIP and cable suspension bridges, and light rail. I have served as a superintendent, project manager, operations manager, vice president and president. Districts 7, 8, 11, 12 and San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Kern Counties (619) 520-9344 nelsonjohn411@yahoo.com Nelson, John (PDF)
Newell, Loren

Professional Engineer, 37 years in Bridge Construction for Caltrans from Structure Representative to Bridge Construction Manager.

Embraced Partnering as the only way to do business. 
All of California  (916) 895-8854 lnewell52@gmail.com  Newell, Loren (PDF) 
Nugteren, Bill Fields of expertise are: Tunnels, Bridges, Roads, Earthworks, Utility work & Mechanical. Well acquainted with contracts, contractual obligations, changed conditions, entitlement, time matters and cost. Within 150 miles from Palo Alto, CA, unless special arrangements are made. (650) 493-8177 wnugteren@aol.com Nugteren, Bill (PDF)
Oles, Karl  For over 35 years, have represented owners, designers, contractors, and subcontractors on large public and private construction projects. During this time, have drafted and negotiated construction and design contracts and litigated major claims in court and in arbitration. Familiar with public bid, negotiated, fixed price, guaranteed maximum price, design-build, progressive design-build, and EPC contracts.  All of California  (206) 386-7535  karl.oles@stoel.com  Oles, Karl (PDF)
O'Malley, Denis 40 yrs experience in engineering including engineering studies, design, construction, and construction management (primarily in environmental engineering and heavy construction projects) and QSD/QSP training. Parts of Districts 1, 3, 4, 5, and 10 (925) 682-3472 DOMalley43@gmail.com O'Malley, Denis (PDF)
Ott, William P. Served on over 100 DRBs (26 as Chair). Retired VP of Mowat Construction, currently perform construction consulting, DRBs, arbitration, cost estimating, constructability reviews, value engineering for Owners and Prime Consultants. All of California (425) 890-3533 williamott129@yahoo.com Ott, William P. (PDF)
Over, Randall  Three years of Civil Engineering experience; administration of over $2.4B of State DOT construction projects including the administration of disputes and claims.  All of California   (440) 263-3435 randall.over@mac.com Over, Randall (PDF) 
Pastorius, Bruce Retired in 2015 with over 20 years as a Senior Construction Engineer and ten years as a Resident Engineer. Worked as Senior Resident Engineer and supervisor responsible for coordinating dispute resolution/partnering as well as the resolution of claims. Partnering Coordinator and trainer in Central Region. All of California (805) 536-9428 BEP53@outlook.com Pastorius, Bruce (PDF)
Pearman, Robert C. 30+ years Attorney: Design-Build, Housing, Public Works, Transportation, Construction, AIA Forms. Public Works Contract Arbitrations panel. AAA arbitrator - Construction, Commercial, Public Contracts. Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernadino, Riverside, San Diego and Ventura (213) 426-5000 Ext. 3345 rpearman@sandersroberts.com Pearman, Robert C. (PDF)   
Pegg, Kurt I am a Civil Engineer with extensive Caltrans experience on large scale freeway projects in the State of California. I have worked for both the Owner and the Contractor for over 25 years. I have served on multiple DRB boards for Caltrans, Counties and Cities. All of California (951) 500-7979 kurtpegg@yahoo.com Pegg, Kurt (PDF)
Pelz, Kriston
Ms. Pelz has over 30 years of transportation construction industry experience. Held positions of Structure Representative and Resident Engineer on a variety of highway construction projects. Worked on structural steel bridges, precast segmental bridge, MSE walls, pumping stations, and retrofits. Done both traditional design-bid-build and design-build project delivery methods. Provided scheduling support services, as well as claims analysis and dispute resolution services. All of California (619) 246-5951
PelzADR@gmail.com Pelz, Kriston (PDF)
Peterson, Barry 45 years of construction experience. Worked for large national firm and then was a co-owner of a small regional firm. Have experience on bridges, cofferdams, pile driving, girder erection, fish facilities, and piping installations. Have served on six DRB boards. All of California (208) 859-3577 spudcjp68@aol.com Peterson, Barry (PDF)
Peterson, Dan 10 yrs as a highway Engineer, Division of Highways, 18 yrs as a General Engineering Contractor building highways & bridges, 25 yrs as a Construction Consultant, including over 35 Caltrans Disputes Resolution Boards and other dispute resolution procedures. All of California (626) 446-3117 djpco33@gmail.com  Peterson, Dan (PDF) 
Pettiette, Patrick Accomplished project/program manager and corporate executive with broad experience in the design, construction, operations, executive management and development of some of the most complex, logistically difficult and politically sensitive projects in the engineering and construction industry. President of an international management consulting firm which serves project owners as their representatives in the planning, budgeting and assessments of their large capital project developments. All of California (208) 949-6517 pettiette5rmk@aol.com Pettiette, Patrick (PDF)
Pieplow, Bob Licensed Professional Engineer with 33 years of experience with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Experience includes leading large multidisciplinary engineering organizations and the delivery of a wide variety of transportation infrastructure projects. Successful in leadership roles including North Region Construction Division Chief, Construction Division Chief, Engineering Services Division Chief and Interim Chief Engineer. All of California (916) 872-7535 repieplow@gmail.com Pieplow, Bob (PDF)  
Place, Dave 50 years in the Construction Industry, specializing in bridge, highway, and tunnel construction. Retired VP of Hamilton Construction, Eugene, OR and Sole Proprietor of David Place Construction Consultant, providing Owners and Contractors Construction Schedules, “Hard Dollar” Cost Estimates and Constructability Reviews. Member of the DRBF and have served on over 60 DRB’s in Washington, Idaho, and California, 32 as the Chairman. All of California (541) 788-5456 dplace@bendbroadband.com Place, Dave (PDF)
Preston, Guy

PE and Executive Director.  34-years of diverse experience including Caltrans plans and specifications for roadway and structure projects focusing on partnering and dispute resolution.

All of California (831) 226-6766 iguypreston@gmail.com Preston, Guy (PDF)
Price, Stephen Served on or chaired Caltrans Contract Claim Board of Reviews beginning 1994 for contracts in San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland, Marysville, and San Luis Obispo.  Managed major damage restoration Force Account projects beginning in 2000 through retirement in 2014. Was a Resident Engineer for minor contracts from 1986-1988 and was a Sr. Construction Engineer from 1990-1992. Consulted and testified as an expert on Caltrans maintenance policy and procedures and design immunity from 2015-present. All of California (805) 704-6273 Steve@chamisa.net Price, Stephen (PDF) 
Puchi, Edmundo (Ed) Puchi Executive level construction management and contract administration. Executive Project Manager and Chief of Contracts Administration for major highway bridge contractor for 23 years. Six (6) years with Caltrans in the design and construction of bridges. Participated in numerous projects involving the DRB process and represented the contractor in arbitration of construction contract disputes. All of California (916) 715-8931 tataesq@gmail.com Puchi, Edmundo (Ed) Puchi (PDF)
Purdy, Robert 46 years of experience working on the Contractor side of Heavy Civil Construction, 21 years with a DBE subcontractor specializing in concrete flatwork, concrete barriers and concrete paving.  25 years with RGW Construction as Operations Manager and Vice President building major highway projects, underground projects and water treatment plants.   I have personally dealt with Owners, Developers, Public Agencies, Regulatory Agencies, General Contractors and Subcontractors in resolving complex issues on a wide variety of heavy civil construction projects.  Responsibilities for last 15 years included claim and dispute resolution for projects ranging from $1 million to $62 million.   My major goal has always been the successful resolution of issues at the project level, in a fair and equitable manner, resulting in the best engineering solution to the issue at hand. All of California (510) 376-7013 robertpurdy@comcast.net Purdy, Robert
Ravanipour, Mohammad 

Over thirty-eight years of experience in project management, Construction administration, project engineering, design and construction of roads, freeways, highway bridges, railroad bridges, retaining walls.

Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco  (949) 891-4171   mohammadravanipour@gmail.com Ravanipour, Mohammad (PDF) 
Reading, Ron 45 Years experience as Proj Superintendent - Gordon H Ball; Vice Pres - Ball, Ball, Brosamer; President - RGW, Inc.; Vice Pres - Dillingham Construction. All highway and heavy Civil. All of California (925) 464-7611 r-mreading@msn.com Reading, Ron (PDF) 
Restaino, Michael A. (Mic) I have been involved in Construction Engineering almost continuously, beginning as an Inspector in 1970 and retiring as a Senior Resident Engineer in 2010. All of California (530) 622-9098 micrestaino@comcast.net Restaino, Michael A. (Mic) (PDF)
Rice, Mark For over 33 years, as a trial attorney and strategic advisor, Mr. Rice has extensive experience in resolution of heavy highway construction disputes, including paving, deep shoring, landscaping, pile driving issues, differing site condition and constructability claims, delays and liquidated damage issues, change orders, and bid disputes. Mr. Rice is an Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) arbitrator. Mr. Rice is a frequent lecturer on construction related topics, including digital design documents, construction teaming, bid protests, differing site conditions, and project safety systems. All of California (415) 472-3434 markjrice@msrwlaw.com Rice, Mark (PDF)
Rhoden, Larry 42 yrs of heavy and highway experience in positions of authority, ranging from Superintendent, General Superintendent, Construction Manager, Project Manager, and Vice President and Division Manager. All of California (530) 334-0226 lr.cherokeegec@gmail.com Rhoden, Larry (PDF)
Rohrer, Jon 33 years of construction engineering experience including Caltrans Bridge Construction and Consultant Project Management working closely with owners/agencies and contractors to produce excellent projects. Southern California (562) 431-1644 jrohrerDRB@gmail.com Rohrer, Jon (PDF)
Ruelas, Ramon  Professional Engineer in California and Nevada with 35+ years of experience (mostly in construction) working as public agency employee for Caltrans-D11 and MTDB/SANDAG.  All of California (619) 961-2824  ramon.ruelas@psomas.com Ruelas, Ramon (PDF) 
Saad, Azzam 

Licensed Civil engineer over 30 years and attorney over 19 years worked on large highway projects in Southern CA with owners, consultants, and contractors. 

All of California (714) 318-3902  azzamsaad@verizon.net  Saad, Azzam (PDF)
Saddik, Farid Project forensics expert. Schedule, cost, labor and productivity claims, DRB preparation/presentations. Expertise in large or complex contracts. Over 33 years of experience in domestic and international project estimating, engineering, management and project controls. Strong construction management, technical and engineering background. Experience spans heavy-civil, highway and commercial. All of California (925) 348-0177 farid@saddik.net Saddik, Farid (PDF)
Sanders, Carole Have worked on Heavy Construction Caltrans related projects since 1991 at all levels of bridge, roadway, office engineer, Sr. Resident Engineer, Construction Manager or practice director. Experience in construction administration and claim resolution. Managed other construction engineers on such projects since 2003, beginning with the I-210 project that covered over $300 million of heavy construction. Alameda, San Bernardino, Ventura, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Riverside, San Francisco, LA, Sacramento (909) 732-9450 asacdj@aol.com Sanders, Carole (PDF) 
Saunders, Siobhan  Have 35 years Caltrans experience, 33 in heavy highway construction, including experience as a Caltrans Resident Engineer (RE), a Caltrans Area Construction Engineer (AKA Construction Senior), and a Local Assistance Construction Oversight Engineer teaching State and Federal contract administration requirements to Local Public Agencies and monitoring their projects for compliance. All of California (831) 251-3445  SiobhanSaunders831@gmail.com  Saunders, Siobhan (PDF) 
Schneider, Bob With a law degree, extensive DRB experience, and over 30 years working in heavy civil construction, my expertise is centered on freeway infrastructure development. Extensive background encompasses Caltrans projects, including those executed through the design-build approach. Possess an in-depth familiarity with Caltrans specifications and am well-versed in the prevailing industry practices within California. All of California (714) 412-3882 BSinHB@aol.com Schneider, Bob (PDF)
Seferian, Grace California licensed Professional Engineer and licensed General Contractor. Founder of ResolveWithGrace and practices alternative dispute resolution specializing in mediation, arbitration and dispute review boards. Has over 20 years of experience in the construction industry and has resolved hundreds of construction disputes and potential claims. P.E., PMP, M.E.M., LEED AP, QSD/P, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management. All of California (510) 520-1364 graceseferian@resolvewithgrace.com Seferian, Grace (PDF)
Shepard, Richard Over 38 years as Caltrans RE/SR, DOT Director El Dorado County, PW Director City of Elk Grove. I have resolved numerous construction disputes and have gained a reputation from Agency Staff and Contractors as being fair and reasonable. All of California (916) 802-3333 richshepard@yahoo.com Shepard, Richard (PDF)
Slattery, R.P. (Dick) 50 Years diversified experience in Heavy Construction, 14 years in executive positions, including Corporate Officer. Former member DRBF & SCCA Board of Directors. Participated in 19 DRBs, 2 as Chairman and 1 DRA. Attended Caltrans sponsored DRB member seminars and DRBF Chairman's seminar. All of California (562) 822-5715 peaqup9@yahoo.com Slattery, R.P. (Dick) (PDF)
Smith, Hugh Over 30 years (28 with the County of Riverside and 5 with Caltrans Structures) of public works experience in administering transportation and flood control related infrastructure construction projects with the County of Riverside, many on State or Interstate Highways or on behalf of other local agencies. As the Construction Engineering Division Manager with Riverside County, I managed the highway public works construction program that grew to over $100 million annually, as well development related road construction. I was heavily involved in resolving construction/constructability issues, construction claims, contract disputes and other legal issues, through various forms of negotiation and dispute resolution processes, and occasionally, through more formal court ordered mediation or trial. I have participated in many DRBs over the years, both as the owner and board member. All of California (951) 563-2650 hugh.smith.handz@outlook.com Smith, Hugh (PDF)  
 Sperow, Janice L. 35+ years dispute resolution expertise. Attorney and arbitrator for construction and commercial matters. Full time neutral with the American Arbitration Association. Organized and clear writer. All of California  (619) 508-6868 janicesperow@sperowadr.com
Sperow, Janice L (PDF)
St. Martin, Jim Over 40 years experience in Heavy Highway Construction with Bridge Department, Heavy Highway Contractor and Industry Trade Association. Registered Civil Engineer and Licensed Contractor. All of California (949) 933-3905 stmartin.jim@gmail.com St.Martin, Jim (PDF)
Stark, Timothy Professor of Geotech Engineering and Construction Law at Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, PE and Attorney in Illinois, 22 yrs teaching and consulting experience, DRB member for Ohio DOT, extensive experience in retaining walls, foundations, landslides, tunnels, differing site conditions, and the like. Districts 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 (217) 840-8263 tstark32@gmail.com Stark, Timothy (PDF) 
Stayton, John C. Caltrans: Dep. Div. Chief, Div. of Construction; Office Chief, Structure Design & Structure Office Engineer; Area & Office Constr. Senior, RE and Structure Rep. Knowledge of Caltrans Policy and Procedure, specification development, contract plans, specification & estimates. Committees: rock Products, Partnering Steering Committee. All of California (916) 712-2996 jcstayton@outlook.com  Stayton, John C. (PDF)
Stewart, William 36  year construction industry executive, operations manager, project manager, superintendent and engineer. Built more than $2B of Cal Trans projects in Northern and Central California for RGW/Gradeway Construction. Was able to resolve almost all contract disputes with Cal Trans at the project and district levels ahead of arbitration. During this time we were unable to resolve 4 large disputes. Successfully arbitrated twice, successfully mediated once and successfully resolved outstanding issues at the Board of Review once. All of California (510) 714-9011 wsstewart58@gmail.com Stewart, William (PDF)
Straub, Scott

Registered civil engineer with 33 years of experience providing design, construction and program oversight for bridge projects, throughout the State of California. Scott has a strong sense of pride in his communications skills and the relationships he has built over the years within FHWA, Caltrans, local agencies, and the consultants.

All of California (916) 847-8900 1962straub@gmail.com Straub, Scott (PDF)
Syftestad, Brian

35 years of experience at Caltrans. Professional Engineer (civil). Headquarters Construction Field Coordinator. Construction Engineer. Construction Claim Analyst.

All of California (916) 708-3220 briansyf@comcast.net Syftestad, Brian (PDF)
Tappan, Susan 25 years with Caltrans; 2011-2015 serving as North Region Construction Manager, responsible for administration of construction contracts in Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, and Lake Counties. All of California (707) 599-1340 stappan53@gmail.com Tappan, Susan (PDF)              
Tapping, Jonathan Over 30 years of practical experience managing (in many roles/capacities) the resolution of complex construction contract change orders, disputes, and claims on heavy highway, bridge, building, tunneling, and rail projects -- including mega projects such as Caltrans Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit/Replacement Program and the California High-Speed Rail Program. All of California (916) 873-9219 jontapping@gmail.com Tapping, Jonathan (PDF) 
Tarassoly, Vida Ph.D. civil / structural engineer and expert witness, Contractor (A, B, Hazmat), California Attorney, Certified Mediator with over 25 years of experience in design and construction including Caltrans highway construction projects. Utilizes both her technical and legal expertise and is capable of applying the evaluative ADR methods to provide confidential assessment of the strengths of the parties’ claims so the parties can make informed resolutions of their disputes. All of California (818) 426-9567 vtarassoly@aol.com Tarassoly, Vida (PDF)
Thomas, Dan 32 yr bridge construction; in all my assignments, my goal has been to deliver a quality product. I've always tried to put the project first. All of California (808) 321-9643 danthomas@hntb.com Thomas, Dan (PDF)
Thompson, Richard 12 years as a Senior Bridge Engineer and Bridge Construction Engineer for Caltrans. 29 additional years of bridge, building, and highway construction experience. All of California (707) 923-4477 (707)223-3993 cell gm4rich@gmail.com Thompson, Richard (PDF)
Tippin, Elizabeth A. Over 30 years of experience in construction dispute resolution, including over 1500 hearings as an administrative law judge, dispute board chair/member, arbitrator, and mediator. Past President of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation. Extensive experience in negotiating design/construction contracts and risk management. All of California (415) 835-1332 etippinlaw@gmail.com Tippin, Elizabeth A. (PDF)
Vacura, Peter Professional Engineer with over 32 years of experience in bridge and pavement design, maintenance and construction. Well versed in contract administration, claims reviews and resolution. All of California (916) 897-0351 petervacura@yahoo.com Vacura, Peter (PDF) 
Valencia, Fred Licensed California Civil Engineer. 31 years of Caltrans Experience. 20 years in Construction where I served as Construction Engineer and Construction manager, Specialized in contract administration and claim resolution, served on several Boards of Review. All of California (909) 915-4825 1fred.valencia@gmail.com  Valencia, Fred (PDF)
Ventoza, Luis S. 35 years of Heavy Construction experience in estimating, project management, executive management and dispute management with DOT and Municipal Projects. Primary responsibility throughout my career was contract management, claims management, dispute resolution, CPM scheduling and cost analyst. All of California (602) 828-8110 LSVentoza@gmail.com Ventoza, Luis S. (PDF)
Von Berg, Paul 45 years experience as a heavy/highway constructor primarily in California. Familiar with bridges, structures, concrete pavement and earthwork. Responsibilities - estimating, supervision and upper management. All of California (951) 743-6951 1pvb@cox.net Von Berg, Paul (PDF)
Walker, Scott 30 years of extensive transportation infrastructure experience working for owners and contractors enables straight forward resolutions embraced by both parties creating the maximum project benefit. All of California (714) 875-4714 scott@dankencm.com  Walker, Scott (PDF)
Walker, Wayne Recently retired in 2020 with 35 years of experience with Caltrans highway construction. Worked 5 years as a Senior Construction Engineer and worked 25 years as a Structure Representative. Experienced in all types of construction claims evaluation and dispute resolution. All of California (805) 459-4617 wjwalker266@gmail.com              Walker, Wayne (PDF)             
Wang, Chia-Chi Over 23 years of highway construction experience with Caltrans; served as Resident Engineer, Construction Engineer, and Construction Manager; Specialized in contract administration and claim resolution. Districts 7, 8, 11, and 12 (951) 892-1420 ccwangdrb@gmail.com Wang, Chia-Chi (PDF)
Warrener, Douglas

Professional Civil Engineer with 46 years of “boots on the ground” experience in most phases of the construction of freeways, interchanges, AC & PCCP paving, airports, dams and consulting on the above.  DRB and DRA experience since 2011 with service on over 35 projects (many as chairman).

All of California (916) 205-1081 warrenerdn@comcast.net Warrener, Douglas (PDF) 
Wilde, Monty Licensed contractor with 30 years of experience in general engineering estimating, project management, and as VP/General Manager doing road construction, HMA,(asphalt paving), subgrade compaction, aggregate base, asphalt emulsion seals, chip seals, slurry seals. All of California (619) 994-6558 montywilde@gmail.com Wilde, Monty (PDF)
Winning, Janie Instrumental in the successful delivery of complex construction projects. She strengthens project teams in structured dispute resolution integration, efficient contract use, and streamlined processes.  All of California  (916) 509-2291  janie@winningcms.com  Winning, Janie (PDF)
 (PDF)Yee, Steve 38 ½ years of experience with Caltrans as RE/SR in construction contract administration, construction field engineering including falsework and shoring analysis, partnering and dispute resolution, post tension box girder bridges, steel girder bridges, conventionally reinforced box girder bridges, pre-cast I girder bridges, bridge widenings, seismic retrofits, field welding, structural steel bolting, earth retaining structures, bridge painting contracts, enforcement of permit and environmental requirements, bridge deck rehabilitation including methacrylate and polyester concrete, and the construction of highway maintenance and roadside rest area buildings, both new and remodels. All of California (858) 444-5003 stevengrantyee@gmail.com Yee, Steve (PDF)
Yogarajah, Manny Professional Engineer and Licensed Contractor with 25 years of construction management experience with Caltrans as a Senior Resident/Construction Engineer, Area Manager and Design-Build Quality Assurance Manager. All of California (951) 750-2468 manny.yogarajah@gmail.com

Yogarajah, Manny (PDF)