Strategic Freight Planning
California's goods movement system is a complex, decentralized, and dynamic mixture of public and private infrastructure--one that involves private carriers and shippers, government planning authorities, state regulatory agencies, and nonprofit public interest groups interacting on global, national, regional, and local scales.
Serving as major trade access gateway to the Pacific, California's supply chain systems, Port landside operations, and built infrastructure are all critical components to meeting the demands of the state's growing population and market size. While goods movement activities build stable jobs and support the economy, freight movement carries numerous environmental quality and public health impacts including air, noise, and watershed pollution. There are also traffic safety considerations that freight transportation planners must address.
Caltrans Office of Strategic Freight Planning (OSFP) develops strategies, policies, and methodologies that work to improve the freight transportation system in California. This often involves contracted and in-house research studies that fulfill federal and state statutory requirements as outlined through Federal Transportation Re-authorization and Governor's Executive Orders.
Caltrans Office of Technical Freight and Project Integration Page (OTFPI) provides technical expertise for developing and implementing the Department’s priority freight projects and planning activities. This often involves freight data and performance management, freight project integration, zero-emission freight infrastructure, interregional freight planning management, and interagency freight coordination.
California Statewide Plans
2023 California Freight Mobility Plan
2020 California Freight Mobility Plan
2018 California Freight Mobility Plan Addendum (PDF)*
2018 California Freight Mobility Plan Addendum (TXT)
2014 California Freight Mobility Plan (PDF) *
Sustainable Freight Action Plan (2016)
California Transportation Plan (CTP) 2050 (PDF)
California Statewide Truck Parking Study (PDF)
- Appendix A Truck Supply and Demand
- Appendix B TPS Profiles
- Appendix C District Profiles
- Appendix D Strategy Implementation Plan
- Appendix E Feasibility Guide
- Appendix F P3 Action Plan
- Appendix G ZEV Considerations
- Appendix H Truck Parking Demand Model
If you would like to view any of the appendices please contact us at
*Accessibility Assistance: Caltrans makes every attempt to ensure our documents are accessible. Due to variances between assistive technologies, there may be portions of this document which are not accessible. Where documents cannot be made accessible, we are committed to providing alternative access to the content. Should you need additional assistance, please contact us at (916) 654-2852, or visit
If you have any questions about the plan, please contact us at
California Regional Planning Studies
Northern California
Northern California Megaregion Goods Movement Study (2019)
North State Transportation for Economic Development Study (2013)
Bay Area
San Francisco Bay Area Freight Mobility Study (2016)
Central Valley
Warehousing, E-commerce, and Evolving Trade Patterns in San Joaquin County (2019)
San Joaquin Valley I-5/SR 99 Goods Movement Study (2017)
Central Coast
US 101 Central Coast California Freight Strategy (2016)
Central Sierras
Eastern Sierra Corridor Sustainable Freight Study (2019)
Los Angeles/Inland Empire
SCAG Last Mile Freight Study (2020)
Connect SoCal Goods Movement Study (2019)
SCAG Industrial Warehousing Report (2018)
San Diego and Border Region
San Diego Border Master Plan Update (2021)
Freight Gateway Study
California-Baja California Border Master Plan (2021)
Freight Data Tools
Freight Analysis Framework (FAF)California Critical Urban/Rural Freight Corridors (CUFCs/CRFCs) Webmap
Guidance Documents
Freight Focused Land Use Guidance for Caltrans PlannersCorridor Planning Process Guide
Critical Urban/Rural Freight Corridor Designation Guidance
NACTO Smart Growth Planning Guide for Freight
National Highway Freight Network and The California Truck Network Resources (For The Best Experience Open With Microsoft Edge)
Freight Planning Webinars
FHWA Talking Freight WebinarsFeatured Links
Latest Updates
Freight Inquiry Intake Form
The Freight Inquiry Intake Form is meant to facilitate new inquiries in the event that you are interested in Caltrans coordination on a freight-related topic but are uncertain of where to start; it is not intended to replace general inquiries nor is it intended to replace established Caltrans points of contacts, when available.
For general inquiries not specifically related to freight topics please refer here:
Meanwhile, take a moment to explore the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) Map representing your region. Also, refer to the Caltrans District Map to familiarize yourself with your local Caltrans District, ensuring that your questions or ideas align appropriately with their scope.
Related Links
Yatman Kwan, Acting Chief, Office of Strategic Freight Planning
Ryan Castle, Chief, Freight Program Support Branch
Jeffrey Morneau, Program Manager, California Freight Mobility Plan
Tracey Frost, Program Manager, Freight Special Projects
Kelly Eagan, Senior Transportation Planner, Agricultural Freight