State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
The STIP is a multi-year capital improvement program of transportation projects on and off the State Highway System, funded with revenues from the Transportation Investment Fund and other funding sources. STIP programming generally occurs every two years. The programming cycle begins with the release of a proposed fund estimate in July of odd-numbered years, followed by California Transportation Commission (CTC) adoption of the fund estimate in August (odd years). The fund estimate serves to identify the amount of new funds available for the programming of transportation projects. Once the fund estimate is adopted, Caltrans and the regional planning agencies prepare transportation improvement plans for submittal by December 15th (odd years). Caltrans prepare the Interregional Transportation Improvement Plan (ITIP) and regional agencies prepare Regional Transportation Improvement Plans (RTIPs). Public hearings are held in January (even years) in both northern and southern California. The STIP is adopted by the CTC by April (even years). This process, as well as the STIP development and resources are available on the Financial Programming website.
Local agencies should work through their Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), County Transportation Commission, or Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), as appropriate, to nominate projects for inclusion in the STIP.
Once projects are programmed, agencies may begin the project implementation process. It is important to note that there are timely use of funds rules associated with STIP projects that are established by statute and outlined in both the STIP Guidelines adopted by the CTC and Chapter 25 of the Local Assistance Program Guidelines. This website is designed to provide local agencies and the general public with information regarding STIP guidelines and procedures. Several links to other Caltrans websites are provided.
The policies and procedures for COVID Relief Funds – STIP projects are different than standard STIP projects and could be found in the 2021 Mid-Cycle STIP guidelines. (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (CRRSAA) | Caltrans) The deadline for programming COVID Relief Funds is June 2024 and funding is available for obligation through September 2024.
Chapter 25 of the Local Assistance Program Guidelines (LAPG)
This chapter outlines policies and procedures related to STIP projects. It contains website references to relevant information sources as well as exhibits and forms necessary for use by agencies implementing STIP projects. Chapter 25 supersedes Chapter 23 of the Local Assistance Program Guidelines - Local Agency State Transportation Improvement Program Projects.
Timely Use of Funds (Time Extension Requests)
The request for extension is initiated by the implementing agency and prepared on their letterhead as a letter addressed to the District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE). Requests must be submitted to the District DLAE and the District Local Assistance ATP Coordinator using the LAPG 25-A Allocation/Time Extension Form.
After reviewing the request for extension, the DLAE will sign off and forward the request to Headquarters (Division of Local Assistance) to
LAPG Chapter 25 Exhibits in Project Implementation:
- LAPG 25-A Allocation/Time Extension Form (PDF)
- Exhibit 25-C State-Only Finance Letter (Word)
- Exhibit 25-D Request for Project Scope Change (Local ATP Projects) (Word)
- Exhibit 25-D1 Instructions – Request for Project Scope Change (PDF)
- Exhibit 25-E Request for State-Only Funding for STIP Project (Word)
- Exhibit 25-G1 Instructions – Request for Funding Distribution Change (PDF)
- Exhibit 25-H State/Federal Finance Letter (PDF)
- Exhibit 25-I Project Programming Request (Excel)
- Exhibit 25-I1 Instructions – Project Programming Request (PDF)
- Exhibit 25-K Local Road Rehabilitation Project Certification (Word)
- Exhibit 25-L Pavement Management System (PMS) Certification (Word)
- Exhibit 25-M Notice of SB 184 Project Start for Local STIP Projects (Word)
- Exhibit 25-O Award Information (Word)
- Exhibit 25-P Plan Scope of Work (Excel)
- Exhibit 25-S Project Delivery Report – Local Partnership Program (Excel)
- Exhibit 25-W Project Delivery Report (Excel)
Project Programming for STIP Projects
Division of Financial Programming – Office of Capital Improvement Programming (OCIP) manage the STIP program including the programming for COVID Relief Funds - STIP. The OCIP’s website contains the most current versions of the following:
Current Adopted STIP Guidelines
These are the official guidelines adopted by the CTC to provide policy direction to the various parties involved in programming and implementing STIP projects.
The adopted guidelines related to policies and procedures for the COVID Relief Funds – STIP are the 2021 Mid-Cycle STIP guidelines. (California Transportation Commission | CTC)
Current Project Programming Request Forms
Project Programming Request (PPR) forms required to nominate projects for programming in the STIP or to amend projects already programmed in the STIP. These new procedures and forms supersede and replaces the existing STIP Project Fact and Funding Sheet.
Current Fund Estimate Information
The biennial STIP Fund Estimate released on odd numbered years by the CTC.
COVID Relief Funds – STIP are not part of the STIP Fund Estimate and are tracked separately.
Additional Program Guidelines and Procedures:
Local Assistance Program Guidelines (LAPG)
Local Assistance Procedure Manual (LAPM)
Local Programs Procedures (LPP)
Transportation Funding Opportunities Guidebook
Federal-Aid Project Funding Guidelines (2019)
STIP Contact:
For project implementation questions, please contact your:
District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE)
For general program questions you may contact:
Shalini Chandra, (Program Manager)
Please feel free to send comments regarding this web site to the DLA Webmaster.