First Local Agency Steps

Note: The application process varies slightly with each declared disaster event.

  • Consider declaring a "State Of Emergency" to CalOES
  • Go to the Functional Classification or CRS maps (the first layer of California Highway System) and determine which of your damaged routes are FHWA funded or "Fed-aid routes"
    • Go to: Highway System Engineering Products Data is in the Office of Highway System Information and Performance
    • All routes are federal aid eligible Except for Minor Rural Collectors and Local/Residential roads.  On the CRS maps, Local/residential roads are Grey and Minor Collectors are yellow.  To differentiate between Minor Urban Collectors and Minor Rural Collectors, which are both yellow, the latest U.S. Census Urban Area Reference Maps (2010) are used (see the “Manuals, Memos, etc.” link in the menu located below or on the right side of this page). 
    • Minor Collectors or Local/Residential roads are non-fed-aid routes and may be funded by FEMA or CALOES.
  • Take photos of the damage on federal-aid routes, prior to starting any repairs
  • Start repairs on any Emergency Opening damage
  • Fill out the Initial Damage Estimate spreadsheet (see Application/Forms) (separate FHWA [federal-aid] and non-federal-aid routes and email to and your district contact [see the DLAE contact list at: Local Assistance Contacts ])
  • Once the Governor Proclaims a State of Emergency and the TOTAL Federal aid route damage repair estimate exceeds $700,000, Caltrans will apply to FHWA for ER eligibility
  • Once FHWA acknowledges Caltrans eligibility request, start filling in DAFs for each site and scheduling field reviews with your DLAE contact
  • Once the district approves the DAF they will send them to Caltrans HQ
  • Caltrans HQ reviews the DAFs and forwards them to FHWA
  • Once the DAFs have been sent to FHWA the agency can send an E-76 (Request for Authorization) to the district, which is a request for funding see the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM ) at: Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) for the Project Authorization process

For project specific and call for projects questions, please contact your:

For general program questions you may contact:

Daniel Karavan (Districts 1,2,3)

Dalton LaBoskey (Districts 4,8,9)

Anmol Mishra (Districts 5,6,10)

Jasdeep Sandhu (Districts 7,11,12)

For Final Voucher or Statement of Final Cost Inquireries to CalOES:

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