Important Deadlines
The ER program has several important deadlines local agencies must meet to successfully deliver their ER project. Missing one or more of the deadlines may disqualify a local agency from receiving ER program funds. You will find a list of a few critical ER program deadlines to remember, listed below.
Initial Damage Assessment (a.k.a. IDE; a.k.a. Survey Summary Report)
Deadline: Due within 14 days following the disaster event start date, which start date is specified in the Governor’s Proclamation or President’s Declaration.
Reference(s): 23 CFR 668.111(b)(2)
Damage Assessment Form (a.k.a. DAF; a.k.a. Damage Survey Report)
Deadline: Due within three months following the disaster event start date, which start date is specified in the Governor’s Proclamation or President’s Declaration.
Reference(s): 23 CFR 668.113(a)
Note(s): MAP-21 Section 1107 also requires DAFs be submitted to FHWA within two years, which done by Caltrans and includes information received from the local agencies. This deadline is different than the three-month DAF deadline. See 23 USC 125(d)(1)(B).
Construction Authorization (a.k.a. ER76 CON, for both EO and PR work)
Deadline: Must have received E76 CON for both EO CON and PR CON within two Federal Fiscal Years, after the Federal Fiscal Year of the disaster event start date, which start date is specified in the Governor’s Proclamation or President’s Declaration”
Reference(s): 23 CFR 668.105(h)
Ten-Year Rule
Deadline: Right-of-Way acquisition or actual Construction must begin by the end of the tenth Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) after the FFY the Preliminary Engineering was first authorized on the project. Local agencies with projects missing this deadline must either receive an FHWA time-extension or repay all invoiced federal funds back to FHWA.
Reference(s): 23 CFR 630.112(c)(2) and USC Title 23 § 102(b)
Note, these deadlines are subject to change from time to time due to changes in the law, as well as federal policy and procedure. Should you have any questions regarding these deadlines please contact your DLAE or District ER Coordinator. You will find their contact information at the bottom of this page.
For project specific and call for projects questions, please contact your:
For general program questions you may contact:
Daniel Karavan (Districts 1,2,3)
Dalton LaBoskey (Districts 4,8,9)
Anmol Mishra (Districts 5,6,10)
Jasdeep Sandhu (Districts 7,11,12)
For Final Voucher or Statement of Final Cost Inquireries to CalOES:
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