US 101 South Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (CMCP)
What is a CMCP?
A Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (CMCP) is a long-range system plan developed in collaboration with State, regional, and local governments and communities to serve growing transportation system needs along a corridor. A CMCP identifies challenges such as congestion and climate change, while evaluating equitable opportunities for bicycle, pedestrian, transit, freight, and rail improvements to support multimodal accessibility. Transportation projects are documented as short-, medium-, and long-term projects to prioritize funding needs for shovel-ready transportation projects. This informs the decision-making process by recommending projects and strategies that will achieve State and regional goals and objectives. With input from stakeholders and communities, the CMCP is a collaborative plan to provide an overall vision for the future of the corridor.
Corridor Map
Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP)
Projects evaluated in the CMCP are eligible for Senate Bill 1: Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP), a statewide competitive program that funds projects that make specific performance improvements and are part of a CMCP designed to reduce congestion in a highly travelled corridor to provide more transportation choices for residents, commuters, and visitors while preserving the character of the local community and creating opportunities for neighborhood enhancement projects.
Public Engagement
Public engagement was conducted from Spring 2022 - Summer 2022 through surveys in English and Spanish, virtual webinars, and an in-person workshop where the public shared their experiences and suggestions for transportation along the US 101 South Corridor. Information gathered from this outreach provided invaluable insight of travel needs along the corridor is documented in the CMCP to support future funding opportunities for multimodal transportation projects that meets community needs.
Final US 101 South CMCP (May 2023)
Factsheets and FAQs
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)