District 4 - Division of Transportation Planning and Local Assistance
The Caltrans District 4 Division of Transportation Planning and Local Assistance was established to help develop a long-range vision for the multi-modal transportation system through partnerships with State, regional, and local agencies, to assist cities and counties secure Federal and State funding for local transportation projects and services, and to manage the District’s Project Initiation Document (PID) Program.
The Division consists of an interdisciplinary team of planners and engineers who play an integral role in providing planning and local assistance services to carry out the Department’s mission to provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California’s economy and livability.
Organization - The Division consists of six offices
Office of Advance Planning (OAP)
Advance Planning manages the District’s Project Initiation Document (PID) Program, which involves coordination with HQ Project Planning, District Asset Management, District Program/Project Management, District Planning Offices, and local agencies to develop and maintain current cycle 2-year PID work plans; establishes and monitors annual resource needs and expenditures; prepares the District’s SHOPP PIDs and non-SHOPP State sponsored PIDs including coordination with District functional units for PID attachments; provides Quality Management Assessment for locally funded oversight PIDs; and provides design support in the area of traffic forecasting.
Office of Local Assistance (OLA)
Office of Local Assistance provides assistance to local and regional agencies in securing federal and state financing for transportation projects, developing projects, obtaining environmental and right-of-way clearances, reviewing plans, specifications and estimates, and monitoring construction of Federal-aid and State-aid local agency administrated engineering projects within the District. Our office oversees development of local agency projects to ensure adherence to all current State and Federal guidelines and regulations.
Office of Regional & Community Planning (ORCP)
Office of Regional & Community Planning (ORCP) advances transportation solutions supporting a safe and reliable transportation network. The office coordinates with local agencies to minimize transportation impacts from local development projects; engages in regional transportation planning processes to ensure federal and state legislation, policies, and priorities are met; coordinates with the Bay Area Tribal Governments to meet their transportation-related needs; manages multimodal transportation planning grants and studies; integrates equity considerations into all District planning processes and guidance, leads the Districts’ climate adaptation and resilience planning efforts; and supports public and community engagement in all of its District planning and early project development efforts.
Office of Multimodal System Planning (OMSP)
Office of Multimodal System Planning (OMSP), in conjunction with external partners, implements the Department's Mission and Goals through evaluation of the State Transportation System and determination of future needs. OMSP informs State, regional, and local decision makers regarding the long-range vision for State Transportation System corridors with consideration for local, regional, and interregional needs. This process leads to various multimodal improvements including operational improvements and identifying future programming needs and priorities. The Office also includes District GIS support, air quality conformity, freight planning, and relinquishment. OMSP is responsible for development of Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plans, Managed Lanes System Plans, special studies, and other System Planning documents and products. OMSP collaborates with the nine Bay Area County Transportation Agencies and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to conduct strategic investment planning, project prioritization, and other transportation planning related functions.
Office of Transit & Active Transportation (OTAT)
Office of Transit and Active Transportation oversees the District’s implementation of Complete Streets and advances transportation solutions that improve multimodal access and network integration. The Office provides planning and technical expertise to support walking, biking, transit, and park and ride facilities on the State transportation network, manages the District’s Complete Streets program and performance monitoring, and administers State and Federal transit grants. The office also helps support public engagement, corridor planning, investment planning, and project delivery activities to prioritize walking, biking, and transit modes. A complete street provides mobility for people of all ages and abilities, particularly those who are walking, biking, using assistive mobility devices, and riding transit.
Office of Sustainability (OS)
Office of Sustainability advances the District’s implementation of sustainability principles by collaborating with all D4 Divisions in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of the District’s integrated multimodal transportation system in accordance with Caltrans policies and equity principles.