Marin County Bi-Monthly Caltrans Update

Welcome to the fourth Marin County Caltrans E-Newsletter!
There have been plenty of fourth mainstream albums that have been memorable over the years. AC/DC’s “Let There Be Rock,” The Who’s “Tommy,” Queen’s “Night at the Opera,” “Led Zeppelin IV,” Taylor Swift’s “Red,” and 2Pac’s “All Eyez on Me” are among the most significant.
With that in mind, the Marin County Newsletter‘s newsletter will attempt to be special for the fourth time too.
The goal of this newsletter is to provide updates on the county where you live, work, represent or serve.
This newsletter will provide the status for some of the bigger projects and include other resources, content and data links to other information related to Caltrans’ work in Marin County. As you might have noticed, the area is experiencing changes, and Caltrans wants to continue to evolve.
- Customer Service Request
Online Maintenance Requests - Public Records Request
Public Information Request Form - Right Of Way & Surveys
Maps and Surveys of Caltrans Properties and Highways - Encroachment Permits
Working with Caltrans - Lane Closures
Planned Lane Closures - Job Opportunities
Work for Caltrans - Contractor's Corner
Work with Caltrans
Visit our project website for additional updates.
For project questions & to sign up for our weekly newsletter, please contact us at EMAIL.
Marin Sonoma Narrows B-7 project reaches home stretch
The Marin-Sonoma Narrows (MSN) B-7 project continues to progress into 2025, leading to High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane completion scheduled for the summer of 2025.
The project reached more milestones in the past months. Some of the biggest included the construction and paving of the Northbound US-101 lanes; the completion of the 12th and final retaining wall of the project and the finishing of the Franklin Avenue Overhead bridge structure widening.
In the coming weeks and months, the project is scheduled to hit more milestones. Among those:
- A minor shift in traffic at the Northbound San Antonio Avenue off-ramp is scheduled for March.
- Work will continue on the future Northbound lanes for concrete barrier, guard rail and new electrical facilities, which will be completed sometime around the summer.
- The retrofit of the existing Franklin Avenue Overhead bridge structure is expected to be completed next month.
A ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the entire MSN project is in the early planning stages. There will be more specific information on that in the coming months.
For more information, see The Marin-Sonoma Narrows Project
Caltrans presents on upcoming roundabout project at San Rafael City Council meeting in February
Caltrans Project Manager Daniel Cuellar and AECOM Design Engineer Matt Korve gave updates about this spring’s roundabout project at the San Rafael City Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 3.
The project at the Manuel T. Freitas Parkway and US-101 interchange in San Rafael is scheduled to go into construction around May and last about six months. Cuellar and Forve talked to the council about the need, purpose and scope of the project, the benefit to the City, as well as a timeline, detours, and public information plan.
As a part of the project, Caltrans wants to improve the intersection of Freitas Parkway, Civic Center Drive and Old Redwood Highway by installing a roundabout. This change will improve traffic flow and make this busy intersection/off-ramp safer for vehicles and pedestrians.
For more information, including a visual simulation, see Roundabout project at Manuel T. Freitas Parkway/US-101 interchange
State Route 37 (SR-37) paving and median barrier project in Marin to start in spring
State Route 37 (SR-37), which affects all of the North Bay, remains a high priority for Caltrans.
This capital maintenance pavement rehabilitation project involves paving and median barrier work in and near Novato that could start as early as mid-March. The project will grind and re-pave the roadway between the Ignacio overhead to the Petaluma River Bridge – a stretch of about three miles.
There will be no full closures. Lanes will be closed on Westbound and Eastbound SR-37 as well as some on- and off-ramps in the Novato area. The project includes 150 working days and is scheduled for night work with exceptions in some areas where work is allowed during daytime and on the weekends.
More details on the ramp closures will be available as we get closer to construction.
For more information, go to SR37 Corridor Projects
Caltrans finishes sign structure project in Sausalito
Caltrans concluded a sign structure project on Southbound US-101 at Spencer Avenue in Sausalito in late January. The corridor is especially important for traffic heading southbound toward the Golden Gate Bridge and into San Francisco.
The Spencer Avenue off-ramp sign now is moved back to make the off-ramp safer for drivers in the popular city in Marin County.
The first round of construction occurred in September 2024 as the schedule included drilling, electrical work, and the removal of the sign. The final round of work in January included installation of the new sign.
Setting the PACE: Public Affairs Customer Engagement Site is Now Live!
District 4 is proud to announce the launch of our new Customer Service Request (CSR) platform. PACE, the Public Affairs Customer Engagement site, provides a regularly updated breakdown of services requested and rendered across the district.
- The CSR dashboard aims to provide an overview of the responsiveness to maintenance services requested across the nine Bay Area counties.
- The data represented as month-to-date falls within a rolling 30-day Service Level Agreement (SLA) and is updated weekly.
- We strive to close 60% (or more) of all monthly service requests received via the CSR website portal.
- For more information or to leave comments/suggestions, please contact
- To report a highway issue/problem, please submit a CSR ticket through the Customer Service Request Form.
The Marin County newsletter will be distributed on a bi-monthly schedule.
For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit or
For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:
Marin County Public Information Officers
General Information
(510) 286-4444
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