SB 743 Implementation Resources

Latest Guidance

The public comment period on the second editions of the DRAFT Transportation Analysis Framework (TAF) and Transportation Analysis Under CEQA (TAC) closed on November 22, 2024. The Department anticipates finalizing the guidance documents in early 2025.

Access to the first edition guidance can be found under Implementation Documents.

cartoon image of three houses lined up with a street in front of them. On the street is a bus driving on one side of the road with three cyclists biking on the other side in the opposite direction.

DRAFT Transportation Analysis Framework (TAF), 2nd Edition

cartoon image of a city block from overhead with streets, buildings, parks and cars

DRAFT Transportation Analysis Under CEQA (TAC), 2nd Edition

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Transportation Impact Study Guide (TISG) (PDF) The TISG details how the Caltrans Local Development Review (LDR) program reviews a land use project's VMT.

Local Development Review (LDR) Safety Review Practitioner's Guidance (PDF) This document establishes the recommended transportation safety impact review process for Caltrans and lead agencies for evaluating proposed land use projects in accordance with SB 743 and is intended to complement the TISG.

Transportation Analysis Framework (TAF), 1st Edition* (PDF) The TAF details the methodology for calculating induced demand for capacity-increasing transportation projects on the State Highway System.

Transportation Analysis Under CEQA (TAC), 1st Edition* (PDF) The TAC provides guidance for making CEQA significance determinations for transportation projects along the State Highway System.Transportation Under CEQA Analysis eLearning

Expert Panel Report (PDF)This paper provides background information on induced travel and the findings and recommendations of an expert panel on calculating and forecasting induced VMT resulting from highway projects.

SB 743 Environmental Essentials in Project Development and Delivery (PDF) This white paper summarizes some of the challenges and best practices involved in implementing SB 743.

*Important updates to the first editions of the TAF and TAC are posted to the "Archives" sections on this page.

Executive Order N-2-24 (PDF) This Executive Order directs Caltrans and other state agencies to facilitate the development of infill housing as an environmental mitigation strategy.

CARB 2017 Scoping Plan This plan includes technical information on what level of statewide VMT reduction would promote the achievement of statewide GHG emissions reduction targets.

OPR CEQA Guidelines (PDF) The guidelines for implementing SB 743 are on pages 11 and 12 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines(Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations).

Technical Advisory (PDF) This technical advisory is one in a series of advisories provided by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) as a service to professional planners, land use officials, and CEQA practitioners, in evaluating transportation impacts in CEQA.

California VMT Data This page includes trends in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in California and will be updated as new data emerges.


NCST Induced Travel Calculator This tool allows users to estimate annual VMT as a result of highway expansion. 

California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) CalEEMod quantifies ozone precursors, criteria pollutants, and greenhouse gas emissions from the construction and operation of new land use development and linear projects in California. The model integrates data from CalEnviroScreen®, Cal-Adapt®, and the Healthy Places Index (HPI)® to identify potential climate risks and environmental, health, and equity burdens within the project vicinity.

Mitigation Playbook (DRAFT) (PDF) This guide, developed by the Caltrans SB 743 Program, describes various quantifiable mitigation methods for VMT induced by highway capacity projects.

Handbook for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and Advancing Health and Equity This document updates the 2010 California Air Pollution Control Officer's Association (CAPCOA) GHG Mitigation Measures Handbook. The Handbook provides methods to quantify GHG emission reductions from a specified list of measures, primarily focused on project-level actions.

Fehr & Peers TDM+ (Beta) TDM+ is a quick response, an Excel-based tool developed by Fehr & Peers to assist in calculating VMT reductions from the strategies presented in the 2021 CAPCOA Report Handbook for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and Advancing Health and Equity. Its interface is designed to allow the user to update the inputs for each measure based on the specific attributes of a project or plan, as well as to pre-populate certain default values based on the project location. This version of TDM+ is currently in beta testing.

The legal CEQA jargon of SB 743 can be difficult to communicate simply. Our fact sheets below can help ease that process. 

SB 743 Fact Sheet (Overview) (PDF)

SB 743 Fact Sheet (Technical) (PDF)

A common misconception is that a reduction in VMT will remove access to destinations. Our short video series, "SB 743: Rethinking How We Build So Californians Can Drive Less", helps to dispel these misconceptions and clarifies how we are thinking about this new paradigm.

The Need for SB 743 (4:03)

Benefits of SB 743 (3:49)

Changes for Development Projects (3:23)

Changes for Transportation Projects (4:07)

Updating the Induced Travel Calculator The Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis in partnership with Caltrans, initiated a project to update the NCST Induced Travel Calculator and improve its functionality based on recent data and empirical research. Efforts included adding three more years of baseline VMT and lane mile data to the Calculator (2017, 2018, and 2019), adding ranges to the Calculator’s induced VMT estimates (+/-20%), and providing an updated review of the induced travel literature. 

Design Considerations for Vehicle Miles Traveled Mitigation Bank and Exchange Programs The UC Berkley Center for Law, Energy and the Environment released a report to inform Caltrans, fellow state agencies, and local and regional planning and land use agencies in their consideration of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) mitigation bank or exchange programs as a strategy to facilitate efficient and effective investment in location-appropriate VMT-reducing projects.

Evaluation of Sketch-Level Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Quantification Tools National Center for Sustainable Transportation "researchers compare and evaluate VMT estimation tools across a sample of land use projects. They compare the results from different tools for each project, consider the applicability of methods in particular contexts and for different types of projects, and assess data needs, relative ease of use, and other practical considerations." The research is not done within a CEQA context, but it is interesting to review the use of the VMT estimation tools.

SB 743 Case Studies The Urban Sustainability Accelerator at Portland State University created five case studies on how to apply the VMT metric to a highway project and three land use projects.

Guidelines for Transportation Impact Studies in the San Diego Region (May 2019) The San Diego Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) has prepared updated regional Transportation Impact Study Guidelines to incorporate SB 743.