Caltrans-LCI SB 743 Implementation Working Group


In December 2018, after over five years of stakeholder-driven development, updated California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines were adopted, including the Guidelines section implementing Senate Bill 743 (§ 15064.3), which went into full effect July 1, 2020.

In 2021, the SB 743 Implementation Working Group was formed to provide stakeholders from the public, private, and non-governmental sectors a collaborative opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the State’s climate, health, and mobility goals through the successful implementation of SB 743. The working group is led collaboratively by Caltrans and the Governor's Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI).

This ongoing stakeholder working group:

  • Shares information regarding SB 743 implementation, including specific analysis of VMT impacts and successful mitigation measures connected to specific projects in different areas of the state,

  • Provides a venue for diverse interests and a diverse membership to communicate about SB 743 implementation,

  • Helps inform how to best provide continuing support to stakeholders on VMT implementation,

  • Promotes the use of SB 743 in a manner that builds a better California for the future (healthy, sustainable, prosperous, connected, and inclusive), and

  • Consults and provides recommendations when Caltrans or the Governor's Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI) update or create additional guidance.

The SB 743 Working Group Charter (PDF) outlines the framework of the working group.


Member Name  Organization
Alejandro Huerta Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Annie Nam Southern California Association of Governments
Bill Higgins California Association of Councils of Government
Bryn Moncelsi Climate Resolve
Carter Rubin Natural Resources Defense Council
Chris Wilson Los Angeles County Business Federation
Colin Piethe Oakland Department of Transportation
Dan Dunmoyer California Building Industry Association
Darrell E. Johnson Orange County Transportation Authority
David Mogavero Council of Infill Builders
David Somers Los Angeles Department of Transportation
Don Hubbard American Council of Engineering Companies of California (ACEC)
Erik Ruehr Institute of Transportation Engineers
Gurbax Sahota California Association for Local Economic Development
Jacob Armstrong County of San Diego
Jenny Delumo San Francisco Planning Department
Jonathon Kass SPUR
Jordan Grimes Greenbelt Alliance
Keith Dunn Self-Help Counties Coalition
Keith Greer San Diego Association of Governments
Kevin Shin California Walks
Kiana Valentine Transportation California
Krute Singa Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Mark Neuburger California State Association of Counties
Marlon Boarnet USC Sol Price School of Public Policy
Mary Rancier Associated General Contractors of California
Matt Kelly Contra Costa Transportation Authority
Matthew Baker Planning and Conservation League
Michael Pimentel California Transit Association
Mike Woodman North State Super Region
Nick Cammarota California Building Industry Association
Paul Granillo Inland Empire Economic Partnership
Ramses Madou City of San Jose
Sarkes Khachek Central Coast Coalition
Sofia Rafikova Coalition for Clean Air
Susan Handy University of California Institute of Transportation Studies - UC Davis
Tapas Dutta  American Society of Civil Engineers - Region 9
Theodore Smalley Tulare County Association of Governments
Woody Deloria Rural Counties Task Force
Zach Miller Sacramento Area Council of Governments

Meeting Agendas

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