Erosion Control Toolbox: Hydroseed and Hydromulch
Hydroseeding is a method of applying seed, fiber, tackifier and other materials, such as fertilizer, on disturbed soil areas via hydraulic spray rig. Hydromulch is similar to Hydroseed, except seed may or may not be included in the hydromulch depending on the application or desired outcome.
When to Use This Treatment
- Use for cut and fill slopes 2:1 (H:V) and flatter
- Typically used to treat disturbed areas larger than 0.5 acres. Consider using Dry Seeding to hand-seed areas less than 0.5 acre
- Protection from surface erosion due to raindrop impact
- Helps conserve soil moisture
- Low initial cost compared to other treatments
- Conforms closely to the soil surface which may result in less erosion due to surface rilling
- Vegetation provided by seed provides long-term control of erosion
- Surface treatment only - does not improve underlying soil structure, improve soil microbiology, restore nutrient reserves, or restore compacted soils, and may not provide the conditions necessary for successful vegetative cover
- Higher application rates required for steeper slopes may inhibit germination of seed and establishment of long-term vegetation
- Consider using Erosion Control (Seeding) instead
- Inefficient technique to treat disturbed areas less than 0.5 acre
Consider Using With
To effectively treat sites where Erosion Control (Hydroseed) may not stay in place, consider combining this treatment with:
To effectively treat sites with poor soils (compacted, nutrient depleted, or poorly draining), consider combining this treatment with:
Standard Specifications
- Refer to Standard Specifications - Section 21 Erosion Control
Estimate Information
- Use Bid Item Code 210430 Hydroseed for payment by SQFT
- Use Bid Item Code 210300 Hydromulch for payment by SQFT
- California Department of Transportation, "TransPLANT Seed and Plant Selection Tool", August 2009
- California Department of Transportation, January 2004
- David Steinfield, Scott Riley, Kim Wilkinson, Thomas D. Landis, Lee Riley, 2017 "Roadside Revegetation: An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat"
Updated: August 7, 2024