Erosion Control Toolbox: Rolled Erosion Control Product (Turf Reinforcing Mat)


R E C P turf reinforcing mat

Rolled Erosion Control Product (Turf Reinforcing Mat) is a matrix-like product composed of non-degradable synthetic fibers, filaments, nets, wire mesh and/or other elements placed over bare soil areas.

When to Use This Treatment

  • Use on cut and fill slopes between 2:1 and 1:1 (H:V). For specific maximum slope gradients, consult your geotechnical engineer.
  • Use of Rolled Erosion Control Product (Turf Reinforcing Mat) in a stream or channel below the 100-year base flood elevation will be determined by the responsible charge Engineer. Planting or incorporation of seed proposed by the Landscape Architect in conjunction with the RECP (Turf Reinforcing Mat) will be evaluated by the responsible charge Engineer.


  • Provides immediate protection from surface erosion
  • Helps retain soil moisture improving seed germination and vegetation establishment
  • Longevity of 3 years (not considering vegetation)


  • Rocks and debris may lift blankets above the soil surface, allowing erosion to occur between the blanket and the soil surface
  • Surface treatment only - unlikely to improve compacted, nutrient depleted, or poorly draining soils as necessary to ensure vigorous long term vegetative cover

Technical Design Tips

In the project Special Provisions, specify the turf reinforcement type per your project requirements. Select the product considering the following factors:

  • Functional longevity required (medium term or long term)
  • Relative cost of materials, installation and maintenance
  • Material strength

Selecting a Turf Reinforcing Mat

Designers should specify a turf reinforcing mat product based upon specific site requirements. Detailed information on each of product type is listed below:

Product Functional
Max Slope
Category (1)
TRM (Type A) > 3 Years 1.5:1 5.A
TRM (Type B) > 3 Years 1:1 5.B
TRM (Type C) > 3 Years > 1:1 5.C


  • Refer to Standard Specifications - Section 21 Erosion Control

Consider Using With

Regardless of the turf reinforcing mat type specified, this material also requires the permanent vegetative protection provided by:

To effectively treat sites with compacted, nutrient depleted, or poorly draining soils, consider combining this treatment with:

Estimate Information

  • Use Bid Item Code 210290 Rolled Erosion Control Product (TRM)


  • For detailed information on ECTC product categories, please see "Table 1" on the ECTC (Erosion Control Technology Council) Toolbox web page

Updated: December 14, 2018