Hats Off

District 8 workers work to fill a void (i.e., potholes)

For Hats Off

Note: The following letter was sent to District 8 Public Affairs Chief Terri Kasinga, who supervises Patrick Munar.

My name is Mrs. Esperanza Griffiths and I reside in a senior citizen mobile home park, Panorama Cove, in Hemet.

This is regarding the recently completed Center Median Barrier Project on State Highway 74 in the Hemet/Homeland area. After over a year-plus of work being done on the highway, the project seemed to be completed but I noticed that three holes were left in the pavement in front of our mobile home park (32600 State Highway 74.)

I waited for several weeks after the completion of the project and the holes were never patched up. The holes were such that our tires would fall into the one considerable hole and were a driving hazard, causing possible tire and alignment damage. 

I called Caltrans offices in Sacramento and left a message and within a few days Patrick Munar of District 8 called me personally. I explained my concerns to him, and he stated that it was the responsibility of Caltrans to remedy the problem.  

He was so helpful, kind and courteous and understood my worries of the dangers of the holes in the pavement. I explained to him that besides the pavement hazard, many of the drivers on Highway 74 are traveling 70 to 80-plus mph, which was adding to our risk of just getting in and out of our park. (We really need a signal light here, but that is another matter.) He sent a message to the local Caltrans office (specifically to supervisor Manny) who promptly called me at 10 a.m.

I explained the situation to Manny, and he said he would send out a crew to inspect the site and said they would bring materials to patch up the pavement. Sometime in mid-afternoon I walked up to the entrance of the park and found that the holes were finally patched up.

I cannot express to everyone concerned what a swift, prompt job they did to make sure our little community did not have to navigate the holes any longer making it safe for everyone.  We appreciate everyone at Caltrans who made this happen.

Lost and found. Found, that is, by Caltrans ...

For Has Off 

Note: The following letter was sent on Nov. 22 to District 5 construction engineer Rodger Johnson by Bruce Vogel, whose briefcase was found by Johnson on State Route 1, south of Carmel.

Finding and returning a briefcase may not be one of the world’s most momentous events, but it certainly is one of the most satisfying to the recipient when fears of identity theft and more are so prevalent.

Equally, it is very gratifying to know that there are still thoughtful, honest, and conscientious people out there in the world.

It makes a lot of sense that you work for Caltrans whose entire mission is service to the public. You work to make our lives better.

Again, thanks very much.