Active Transportation Program (ATP) - Cycles 1-6

Active Transportation Program (ATP) - Cycle 6

In March (and amended in August) 2022, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved the Cycle 6 ATP guidelines. The Cycle 6 Call for Projects included the 23/24, 24/25, 25/26, and 26/27 funding years totaling approximately $1.07B.

The CTC adopted the following program of projects in Cycle 6 of the ATP:

State and federal funds are assigned based on availability and eligibility. Federal Transportation Alternatives funds are suballocated based on population and region. According to the Federal-Aid Project Funding Guidelines and the ATP guidelines, projects with construction capital values over $1 million must be federal-aid eligible. Therefore, only projects with construction capital values under $1 million and quick build projects will receive priority for ATP state-only funds. Furthermore, LPAs should anticipate receiving federal funds when applying to receive ATP funding for projects with over $1 million in construction capital costs.

A project list showing state and federal fund assignments for Cycle 6 can be found below:

Active Transportation Program (ATP) - Cycle 5

In March (and amended in April) 2020, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved the Cycle 5 ATP Guidelines. The Cycle 5 Call for Projects included the 21/22, 22/23, 23/24 and 24/25 funding years totaling approximately $440M.

The CTC adopted the following program of projects in Cycle 5 of the ATP:

Active Transportation Program (ATP) - Cycle 4

In May 2018, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved the Cycle 4 CTC ATP Guidelines. The Cycle 4 Call for Projects included the 19/20, 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23 funding years totaling approximately $440M.

The CTC adopted the following program of projects in Cycle 4 of the ATP:

ATP Cycle 3(including GGRF and Cycle 3 Augmentation)

On March 16, 2016, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved the Cycle 3 CTC ATP Guidelines.  The Cycle 3 Call for Projects in 2016 included the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 state funding years, and totaled approximately $240M.

On September 14, 2016, the Governor signed the Budget Act of 2016, appropriating $10 million in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds (GGRF), to augment Active Transportation Program funding.  

The ATP was further increased during ATP Cycle 3 Augmentation, in which Senate Bill 1 added $200M more funds to Cycle 3.

ATP Cycle 3:

ATP Cycle 3 GGRF:

ATP Cycle 3 Augmentation:

Note: Some of the projects are shown on more than one list. For most of these projects, the augmentation programming supersedes the 2017 Cycle 3 list.

Active Transportation Program (ATP) - Cycle 2

As of October 22, 2015, the CTC has adopted the second Statewide and Small Urban & Rural program of projects for the ATP. This includes 114 projects utilizing $215,400,000 in ATP funds to help fund over $262M in projects. 88% of the funding will directly benefit disadvantaged communities.

On January 21, 2016, the CTC adopted the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) portion of the ATP program, which added 93 projects that will utilize $143M in ATP funds, to help fund over $230M in projects.

Adopted ATP Statewide and Small Urban & Rural Project, and MPO list- CYCLE 2

Active Transportation Program (ATP) - Cycle 1

 As of December 10, 2014, the CTC has adopted the first program of projects for the ATP.  This includes 265 projects utilizing $367,968,000 in ATP funds to help fund over $1B in projects.  Of this amount, $311,274,000 is dedicated to 220 projects that provide benefits to disadvantaged communities.

Adopted ATP Project List - CYCLE 1 - Revised 01/2016