Strategic Investment Planning

The Office of Strategic Investment Planning (OSIP), established in April 2021, has a fundamental role in linking Caltrans’ short, medium, and long-range planning to programming and project delivery. OSIP is responsible for developing and implementing investment strategies and tools to promote State goals and policies, with a focus on advancing equity and expanding multi-modal travel options that enrich all communities and respect the environment. Through continuous collaboration with key HQ programs, subject matter experts, and district offices, OSIP ensures that projects nominated for federal and state discretionary funding programs align with the 10 Guiding Principles of the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI).

Federal Programs

Federal Liaison

Please go to this link for the latest information on Federal Grant Opportunities.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) 

BRIC is a federal competitive grant program that support states, local, communities, tribes, and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards. 

Federal Emergency Management Agency Grants (FEMA Grants) 

FEMA provides funds for pre and post emergency or disaster related projects to support critical recover initiatives, innovative research, and many other programs for states, local, tribal, and territorial governments, certain private non-profits, individuals, and institutions of higher learning. 

Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) 

INFRA is a federal competitive grant program that provides funding to highway and freight projects of national or regional significance. 

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) 

RAISE is a federal competitive grant program that provides funding to multi-modal and multi-jurisdictional projects at the state and local levels that are more difficult to support through traditional United States Department of Transportation funding programs. 


State Programs 

California Grants Portal

Please go to this link for the latest information on State Grant Opportunities.

Active Transportation Program (ATP) 

ATP is a statewide competitive grant program created to encouraged increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. 

Solutions for Congestion Corridor (SCCP) 

SCCP is a statewide competitive grant program that funds projects designed to reduce congestion in highly traveled and highly congested corridors through performance improvements that balance transportation improvements, community impacts, and that provide environmental benefits. 

Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) 

TCEP is a statewide competitive grant program that funds infrastructure improvements along corridors that have a high volume of freight movement.

EXTERNAL SB1 PowerPoint Presentation

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Letters of Support (LOS) are provided to local agencies and partners by Caltrans for inclusion in their project application packages for competitive grant programs. OSIP is responsible for submitting LOS Request Packages to the Director for various state and federal grant programs. The following templates are made available to help project applicants develop cover letters and LOSs for inclusion in LOS Request Packages:  

External Caltrans Letter of Support Guidance with Authority Decision Tree and Funding Programs (February 2023) (PDF)

Generic LOS Template

Generic Partnership Template

Caltrans System Investment Strategy (CSIS)

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is committed to leading climate action and advancing social equity in the transportation sector set forth by the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI, 2021). The CAPTI supports the California Transportation Plan (CTP) 2050 (2021) goals that works to meet the State’s ambitious climate change mandates, targets, and policies set forth by Executive Order (EO) N-19-19 and N-79-20, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

Caltrans is in a significant leadership role to carry out meaningful measures that advance state’s goals and priorities through the development and implementation of the Caltrans System Investment Strategy (CSIS). The CSIS, which implements one of CAPTI’s key actions, is envisioned to be an investment framework through a data and performance-driven approach that guides transportation investments and decisions. This framework includes methodologies and processes for how Caltrans should invest billions of dollars of highly competitive fund programs that will address transportation deficiencies while also achieving the CAPTI Guiding Principles.

For the latest information on CSIS, please go to:

Electronic Project Programming Request (ePPR) Resources

The California Transportation Commission requires ePPRs to be prepared by project sponsors or implementing agencies to provide the information necessary to properly program or amend a project into state transportation funding programs. The Office of Capital Improvement Programming provides the following resources for project sponsors to properly prepare ePPRs:

Post Award Delivery Guide for USDOT Grants

*Coming Soon!*

Featured Links

California State Transportation Agency


California State Transportation Agency
California Transportation Commission


California Transportation Commission

Latest Updates

Current Call for Caltrans Letter of Support (LOS) & Partnership Request:

FY 25 Bridge Investment Program (BIP) - Regular Bridge Project Grants

Complete the BIP Intake Form.

Download the BIP Factsheet

Click the links to download the LOS template.

Due by: September 25, 2024


Strategic Investment Planning

Gustavo Alfaro, Acting Office Chief, Office of Strategic Investment Planning

Maggie Schreiner, Investment Planning Manager

Alex Padilla, Investment Planning Manager

Vacant, Acting Investment Planning Manager

Yishu Dobson, Investment & Data Manager

Larissa Lee, Acting Investment Planning Manager

Intermodal and Investment Planning Branch

Gabriel Samano, Branch Chief, Intermodal and Investment Planning

Jane Davaransky, Associate Transportation Planner

Jas Chohan, Acting for (Larissa Lee) Associate Transportation Planner

Christopher Mejia, Transportation Planner

Connor Bente, Transportation Planner

Caltrans District Representatives