Earmark Repurposing 2019

FHWA Transfer Request (XLSX)

Final Approved Earmark Repurposing Project List

FHWA has completed their approval of California’s Earmark Repurposing transfer requests for 2019. Below is the list of approved projects with the appropriate funding (with Federal Program Codes). Once funds have been programmed into the FSTIP, agencies may begin working with their DLAE's to process Requests for Authorization (RFAs) in accordance with the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM).

Final Approved Earmark Repurposing Project List(PDF)


On April 25, 2019, FHWA issued guidance on the implementation of Earmark repurposing provisions contained in the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2019.

The Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2019 allows States to repurpose any earmark that was designated on or before September 30, 2008, and is less than 10 percent obligated or final vouchered and closed.

The repurposed funds may be obligated on a new or existing project in the State within 50 miles of the earmark designation. The project must be an eligible project under the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG). The Repurposing Provision is available to be applied in FY 2019.

Letter from the Division Chief

Timeline and Projects

FHWA 2019 Earmark Repurposing Guidance

 If you have any questions regarding the Earmark Repurposing, please send email to Repurposing@dot.ca.gov.

Earmark Repurposing 2018

Earmark Repurposing 2017

Earmark Repurposing 2016


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