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  • 09-24-24 The Environmental Management Office has updated the NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form to clarify that if an addendum is required pursuant to CEQA Section 15164 for minor technical changes or additions to the project, it must either be included on the continuation sheets of the Re-Validation Form or attached to the Re-Validation Form.
  • 09-04-24 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office has updated the “Fact Sheet on the Council on Environmental Quality’s Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.” On May 1, 2024, the Council on Environmental Quality published in the Federal Register the Final Rule to update its regulations (Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 1500-1508) for the implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The updates are effective for all NEPA reviews begun after July 1, 2024. The Fact Sheet has been updated to reflect the changes made by the May 1, 2024 Final Rule.  It is posted on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 07-23-24 DEA is happy to announce that following a review of the initial implementation phase of the NEPA Process Improvement Team flexibility in timing of Federal Endangered Species Section 7 approvals, the option to use that flexibility is now approved as permanent.  The requirement to notify Headquarters Division of Environmental Analysis has been eliminated and a revised memo and guidance have been posted to the Policy Memos page.
  • 06-25-24 The FHWA Submittal Package Checklist has been updated to provide additional information about required documentation needed for submittal. A reminder has been added that the preferred project alternative must be clearly stated in the Transportation Improvement Program and all relevant documents. Also, clarification has been provided regarding the documentation for interagency consultation to be sent after the 40 CFR 93.105(e) public consultation process is complete.

In addition, Appendix D of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis Annotated Outline has been updated to clarify the documentation required for interagency consultation. Both documents can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

  • 06-24-24 The Division of Environmental Analysis has posted a California Environmental Quality Act Signature Authorities Policy Memo that reaffirms the delegation of CEQA signature authority from the Caltrans Director to the 12 District Directors. Additional information on who may sign certain CEQA documents, determinations, and notices is included in the “Signature Authorities Under the California Environmental Quality Act” document, located on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 06-17-24 The Environmental Management Office has made additional updates to the annotated outlines for climate change analysis, which are now available on the SER Forms and Templates page for both capacity-increasing and non-capacity increasing projects.
    • The table "VMT Evaluation of Induced Demand for GHG Emissions Analysis" has been removed from the capacity-increasing annotated outline and instructions updated accordingly.
    • The new NEPA Phase 2 regulations have been included.
      • The final rule codifies that environmental effects include climate change-related effects.
    • Updated U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and California Air Resources Board GHG inventory text and figures.
    • Other minor updates to references and blue instructions.

    Revisions to sea-level rise are in progress to incorporate Caltrans’ internal sea-level rise guidance. Updated annotated outlines will be posted again once finalized.

    Districts should utilize the most recently posted versions of the Climate Change Annotated Outlines for projects that have not yet circulated the draft environmental document.

  • 06-10-24 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated Section 3.4.3 of the Air Quality Report Annotated Outline to clarify the interagency consultation requirement.