SER Posting History

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007

March 2025

  • 03-03-25 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated the SER Volume 1, Chapter 8 - Paleontology. Updates were made throughout the chapter to reflect the most recent paleontology guidance and regulations.

February 2025

  • 02-24-25 The Office of Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise & Paleontology has created three new templates for paleontological resources. The Paleontological Identification Report, Paleontological Evaluation Report, and the Paleontological Identification Report/Paleontological Evaluation Report can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. Updates to Volume 1, Chapter 8 – Paleontology will be coming soon.

    In addition, the SER Forms and Templates page has been reorganized to allow for easier navigation.

January 2025

  • 01-02-25 The NEPA Assignment Office has updated the Internal Quality Certification Form to identify the requirements for Individual Section 4(f) Evaluations and the FHWA Conformity Determination. The Internal Quality Certification Form has been updated to capture QA/QC findings encountered in our 2024 Desktop reviews.

January 2024 - December 2024

  • 12-16-24 The Cultural Studies Office has updated the Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) form and the Historical Resources Compliance Report (HRCR) form on the Cultural Studies Templates page to reflect the newly executed renewed Section 106 PA and the renewed PRC 5024 MOU. The other forms will be updated in January 2025.
  • 12-16-24 Caltrans has executed a renewed Section 106 Programmatic Agreement (Exhibit 1.1) and a renewed Public Resources Code 5024 Memorandum of Understanding (Exhibit 1.2) effective December 6, 2024, which replaced the 2014 106 PA and the 2015 5024 MOU. The Cultural Studies Office is updating SER Volume 2 to reflect changes to the 2024 agreements, and they will be posted below as soon as they are available. 
  • 09-24-24 The Environmental Management Office has updated the NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form to clarify that if an addendum is required pursuant to CEQA Section 15164 for minor technical changes or additions to the project, it must either be included on the continuation sheets of the Re-Validation Form or attached to the Re-Validation Form.
  • 09-04-24 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office has updated the “Fact Sheet on the Council on Environmental Quality’s Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.” On May 1, 2024, the Council on Environmental Quality published in the Federal Register the Final Rule to update its regulations (Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 1500-1508) for the implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The updates are effective for all NEPA reviews begun after July 1, 2024. The Fact Sheet has been updated to reflect the changes made by the May 1, 2024 Final Rule.  It is posted on the SER Other Guidance page
  • 07-23-24 DEA is happy to announce that following a review of the initial implementation phase of the NEPA Process Improvement Team flexibility in timing of Federal Endangered Species Section 7 approvals, the option to use that flexibility is now approved as permanent.  The requirement to notify Headquarters Division of Environmental Analysis has been eliminated and a revised memo and guidance have been posted to the Policy Memos page. 
  • 06-25-24 The FHWA Submittal Package Checklist has been updated to provide additional information about required documentation needed for submittal. A reminder has been added that the preferred project alternative must be clearly stated in the Transportation Improvement Program and all relevant documents. Also, clarification has been provided regarding the documentation for interagency consultation to be sent after the 40 CFR 93.105(e) public consultation process is complete.

In addition, Appendix D of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis Annotated Outline has been updated to clarify the documentation required for interagency consultation. Both documents can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

  • 06-24-24 The Division of Environmental Analysis has posted a California Environmental Quality Act Signature Authorities Policy Memo that reaffirms the delegation of CEQA signature authority from the Caltrans Director to the 12 District Directors. Additional information on who may sign certain CEQA documents, determinations, and notices is included in the “Signature Authorities Under the California Environmental Quality Act” document, located on the SER Other Guidance page.  
  • 06-17-24 The Environmental Management Office has made additional updates to the annotated outlines for climate change analysis, which are now available on the SER Forms and Templates page for both capacity-increasing and non-capacity increasing projects.
    • The table "VMT Evaluation of Induced Demand for GHG Emissions Analysis" has been removed from the capacity-increasing annotated outline and instructions updated accordingly.
    • The new NEPA Phase 2 regulations have been included.
      • The final rule codifies that environmental effects include climate change-related effects.
    • Updated U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and California Air Resources Board GHG inventory text and figures.
    • Other minor updates to references and blue instructions.

    Revisions to sea-level rise are in progress to incorporate Caltrans’ internal sea-level rise guidance. Updated annotated outlines will be posted again once finalized.

    Districts should utilize the most recently posted versions of the Climate Change Annotated Outlines for projects that have not yet circulated the draft environmental document.

  • 06-10-24 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated Section 3.4.3 of the Air Quality Report Annotated Outline to clarify the interagency consultation requirement.
  • 05-07-24 An update to the CEQA Administrative Record policy memo has been finalized. This memo supersedes the April 18, 2022 memo "CEQA Administrative Record and Email Retention."

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide updates, clarification, and guidance on Caltrans practices regarding retention of email communications relating to highway projects in conformance with state law (Public Resources Code, section 21167.6[e]), federal guidance (Federal Highway Administration Records Disposition Manual), and existing Caltrans policies.

Updates from the April 18, 2022 memo include the removal of active management of the email project inboxes, clarification pertaining to the confidentiality laws and requirements of Caltrans' cultural resource documents, clarification of email project inboxes for projects that reached Project Initiation Document stage prior to the issuance of this memo, and minor adjustments to the closure of email project inboxes and roles and responsibilities.

This memo can be found on the SER Policy Memos page.

  • 04-05-24 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Community Impact Assessment Template. The updates include adjustments to boilerplate language for environmental justice, as well as the addition of language from FHWA Order 6640.23A (2012), under Section 4.5 – Environmental Justice.  The Community Impact Assessment Template can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

The environmental justice updates are not currently reflected in the annotated outlines, which will be updated soon.

  • 03-01-24 The Environmental Management Office has updated the NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form to add a reminder to check conformity status (if applicable) prior to approval. 
  • 02-02-24 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated the Air Quality Report Annotated Outline to show comparisons between baseline and design-year GHG emissions. 
  • 01-31-24 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has created a new Energy Analysis Report (EAR) Annotated Outline for NEPA (EIS) and CEQA (IS/ND/MND and EIR) to document potential energy impacts of projects. In addition, the Energy Analysis Outline (Memo Format) was renamed to the Energy Analysis Technical Memo and conversion factors of BTU were updated. Both documents can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 01-29-24 The Environmental Management Office has updated the SER Volume 4, Chapter 8 - Title VI and Environmental Justice to include language from USDOT Order 5610.2C (2021) and FHWA Order 6640.23A (2022). Changes to this SER chapter also include the following: updated links, the removal of outdated language, additional guidance on environmental justice analyses, and the addition of new resources. 

January 2023 - December 2023

  • 12-29-23 The Cultural Studies Office has extended the duration of the existing Section 106 Programmatic Agreement (PA) and the PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) effective January 1, 2024 for twelve months or until the draft amended PA and MOU are executed. For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.

  • 12-11-23 The Environmental Management Office has made new updates to the annotated outlines for climate change analysis, which are now available on the SER Forms and Templates page for both capacity-increasing and non-capacity increasing projects. Substantial revisions have been made to boilerplate text and instructions for GHG and sea-level rise analyses, along with various minor revisions. These annotated outlines are to be used for both new and in-progress documents.
  • 12-06-23 The Environmental Management Office has made updates for Executive Order (EO) 14096 - "Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All.” Language has been added under Regulatory Setting in the Environmental Justice section of the Annotated Outlines. This language has been provided by FHWA and must be included in active NEPA documents. In addition, sections and 1.2 and 4.5 of the Community Impact Assessment (CIA) template and Volume 1, Chapter 25 - Environmental Justice of the SER have been updated to include this language.
  • 11-09-23 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated the SER Volume 1, Chapter 13-Energy. Edits were made to the Energy Sources and Consumption section. Figure 1 and the following paragraph were updated to correct fuel retail sales volumes.
  • 11-08-23 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated the Property Disposal section of the SER Volume 1, Chapter 10- Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Waste, and Contamination. Updates made to this section clarify current District hazardous waste review procedures and in particular procedures of the Environmental Disclosure Memorandum (EDM). The updates also improve consistency with other functional unit procedures pertaining to property disposal.

  • 11-07-23 The Division of Environmental Analysis has prepared Fact Sheets for the following Senate Bills (SBs):
    • SB 145 – Accelerating Environmental Mitigation for Transportation
    • SB 147 – Fully Protected Species: California Endangered Species Act: Authorized Take
    • SB 149 – CEQA: Administrative and Judicial Procedures: Record of Proceedings: Judicial Streamlining

    The Fact Sheets summarize each bill and can be found on the SER Other Guidance page.

  • 10-26-23 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology (HWANP) Office has updated the SER Volume 1, Chapter 13-Energy. Updates were made throughout the chapter to reflect the most recent energy guidance and regulations.
  • 09-01-23 The Notice of Statute of Limitations on Claims template has been updated to include current contact information and instructions for electronic submittal. The updated template can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

  • 08-31-23 The Environmental Management Office is pleased to announce that a new chapter for Climate Change has been posted in Volume 1 of the SER. Chapter 16-Climate Change covers the regulatory framework, an overview and background for general climate change (greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions and adaptation) and recommended procedures for conducting climate change analysis and evaluation for projects on the State Highway System (SHS) for which Caltrans is the lead agency under CEQA.  As this is an ever evolving topic with new reports, guidance and information always in development, DEA will update as necessary.
  • 08-10-23 The CEQA Writing Templates (IS/EA, EIR/EA, EIR/EIS) have been updated to include headings for the Climate Change section located in the CEQA Chapter. Staff should use the latest information in the appropriate Climate Change Annotated Outline (capacity increasing or non-capacity increasing) to complete this section. The updated Writing Templates and the Climate Change Annotated Outlines are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 07-18-23 The Environmental Management Office has updated the NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form to make it clear that an addendum prepared under CEQA must state why the decision was made to NOT prepare a supplemental or subsequent environmental document. It must also include a brief summary statement explaining the project changes that required the preparation of an addendum. The new form can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

  • 02-23-23 DEA has posted the new Middle-Mile Broadband Network (MMBN) EA Writing Template, the MMBN CE Form, and the MMBN CE Checklist. These may be used for all MMBN projects but must be used for any project crossing federal land management agency lands. The new forms can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 02-08-23 Updates have been made to the Writing Templates to correct a heading in the Noise section. The “Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation Measures” header has been changed to “Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Abatement Measures.” Minor typographical errors have also been corrected in the EIS templates.
  • 02-02-23 The CIA template has been updated to include FHWA’s definition of a “Disproportionately High and Adverse Effect on Minority and Low-Income Populations."  The updated template is located on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 02-01-23 The Environmental Management Office has created new writing templates to aid staff in preparing ADA compliant environmental documents. The use of the new templates is not mandatory. However, staff are encouraged to use the templates as they have been tested with the PDF Accessibility Checker 3 (PAC 3) and contain several formatting tips to reduce the amount of PAC 3 errors.

    The templates contain new sections for Equity and Senate Bill (SB) 743/Induced Demand Analysis. Guidance for these sections will be included in the next Annotated Outline update. Please follow the placement of these sections in documents currently in progress (i.e., Equity should follow the Environmental Justice section and SB 743 should be placed in the CEQA chapter).

    The EIS templates contain new information about adding the total estimated cost to prepare the EIS to the Title Sheet. There is also a new section for “Submitted Alternatives, Information, and Analyses.” Instructions have been added to the General Information page asking the public to comment on this section. The Comments and Coordination chapter also includes instructions for comments received during the Draft EIS scoping process. Please see the Fact Sheet for Updated NEPA Regulations for additional information.

    The Streamlined EA Writing Template has also been updated to include additional instructions and headings that can be used.

    Please report any issues with the templates to
  • 1-12-23 The climate change chapter annotated outlines for capacity-increasing and non-capacity increasing projects have received minor updates. Two references have revised URLs: "California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). 2020. Caltrans Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Report" and "California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). 2021a. California Transportation Plan 2050". Please use these AOs for new projects or copy the two revised references to the documents you are already working on.
  • 1-12-23 The Environmental Management Office has updated the CTC Submittal Guidance page to 1) reflect the permanent move to electronic submittals, 2) the new requirement, effective immediately, that CEQA addendums be submitted to the CTC, and 3) to update the contact information to Mitch Doucette who is our new DEA CTC Liaison! 

    Please note that the requirement to submit addendums only applies when a project revalidation required an actual addendum under CEQA (i.e., the box on the revalidation form has been checked indicating that “an addendum has been or will be prepared”). Do not submit the revalidation form until the addendum is complete and included on the revalidation form or included as an attachment.  Please submit addendums as soon as they are completed to avoid delays when projects go before the CTC for allocation requests.  

January 2022 - December 2022

  • 12-16-22 The DEA Stormwater Management Program has made the following recent updates:
    • Edits to the SER Volume 1, Chapter 15 to add a section on “National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System [NPDES] Permits and Relation to other Regulations” and “District NPDES Coordinators Roles and Responsibilities.” Minor edits were also made to the rest of the chapter.
    • Edits to the “Water Quality Assessment Report Template” and “Water Quality Scoping Questionnaire” to reflect the recently updated NPDES permits. Both forms are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.
    • Release of a new memo on the SER Policy Memo page that outlines the requirements for the new “Stormwater TBMP Certification” forms.
  • 12-07-22 The Hazardous Waste, Air Quality, Noise, and Paleontology Office (HWANP) Office has updated and clarified the Property Disposal (previously named Excess Parcel Disposal) section of the SER Volume 1, Chapter 10. This update reflects new procedures for excess lands, relinquishments, and vacations and the use of a new template for abbreviated initial site assessments, called the Environmental Disclosure Memo (EDM). Disposal of excess land, relinquishments, or vacations require an both an EDM and a Hazardous Materials Disclosure Document-Disposal (HMDD-D) ENV-0001-D form. For questions, please contact Chris Dennis
  • 11-28-22 New versions of the annotated outlines for the climate change section of environmental documents have been posted. These include updated sections and figures for national and state greenhouse gas inventories and related text throughout; revised citations and references; revised instructions for use of greenhouse gas emissions models; updated hyperlinks; and numerous other edits to red boilerplate text and blue instructions. Please use the new outlines for all new documents and those currently in development. 
  • 11-04-22 The FHWA Submittal Package - Request for FHWA Conformity Determination form has been updated to include a signature line for the Caltrans HQ reviewer, as well as to clarify the need for a CTIPS listing in the FHWA submittal package.  The updated checklist can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 10-06-22 In order to ensure Caltrans Stormwater commitments required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, and Sections 401 and 404 certifications are met, new “Permanent Stormwater Treatment Best Management Practice (TBMP) or Alternative Compliance Certification” forms have been created and will be required at the following milestones: Ready to List (M460), Construction Contract Acceptance (M600), and Project Closeout (M800). The Caltrans District NPDES Coordinator is responsible for completing these forms.

    In addition, the Environmental Certification, Certificates of Environmental Compliance (M600 and M800), and the PS&E/Ready to List Review Tool, have been updated to include the Stormwater TBMP certifications. TBMPs must also be included in the Environmental Commitments Record (ECR) for each project.

    The new Stormwater TBMP Certifications and the updated Environmental Certification, Certificates of Environmental Compliance, and PS&E/Ready to List Review Tool can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 08-12-22 The Office of Biological Studies has made minor updates to both the NES and NESMI templates.  All Biological Technical Document templates can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 08-05-22 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office has updated the “Fact Sheet on the Council on Environmental Quality’s Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.”  On April 20, 2022, the Council on Environmental Quality published in the Federal Register a Final Rule to reverse a number of the updates to the NEPA regulations that were enacted by a Final Rule published on July 16, 2020.  In particular, the previous definitions of effects were restored.  These revisions were effective May 20, 2022.  This Final Rule was considered a “Phase I” rulemaking and further revisions are anticipated in a “Phase 2” rulemaking. The Fact Sheet has been updated to reflect the changes made by the April 20, 2022 Final Rule.  It is posted on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 08-03-22 FHWA and Caltrans have renewed the 23 USC 326 MOU effective April 18, 2022 and the 23 USC 327 MOU effective May 27, 2022 for a term of 5 years and 10 years, respectively. This renewal will maintain Caltrans’ ability to streamline the federal environmental review and approval process and allow districts to continue their amazing work delivering projects statewide. A new memo has been prepared that announces the renewal of the MOUs and highlights the changes associated with each MOU. It can be found on the SER Policy Memo page.
  • 07-28-22 The Environmental Management Office has created a Fact Sheet entitled “Environmental Requirements for Encroachment Permits” which discusses CEQA and NEPA requirements for encroachment permits and other right-of-way use agreements, clarifies the meaning of highway versus non-highway uses, and also briefly touches upon other requirements such as Section 106 compliance, Section 7 consultation, and Section 4(f). The Fact Sheet can be found on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 07-27-22 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Community Impact Assessment (CIA) template to include Equity considerations, along with other minor changes and ADA updates. Please note that the CIA template contains the most up to date information for the community impact sections of the environmental document. The Annotated Outlines will be updated soon to reflect the new equity guidance. The CIA template can be found on the SER Other Guidance page
  • 06-14-22 The Division of Environmental Analysis has added a new policy memo entitled “CEQA Administrative Record and Email Retention” to the SER Policy Memo page.  The purpose of this memorandum is to provide updates, clarification, and guidance on California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) practices regarding retention of email communications relating to highway projects in conformance with state law (Public Resources Code, section 21167.6(e)), federal guidance (Federal Highways Administration Records Disposition Manual), and existing Caltrans policies. 

    Effective immediately, Caltrans project delivery staff for capital improvement projects, including managers and supervisors, shall ensure that substantive project emails and attachments are retained via the use of an email “Project Inbox.” Please see the attachments for more details and distribute to your respective environmental teams/staff.
  • 06-07-22 The Cultural Studies Office has updated the Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) forms and Ex 2.6 (Historic Property Survey Report Format and Content Guide) with the new dates for the 23 USC 327 MOU. All cultural templates are available on the Cultural Templates page. SER Volume 2 Exhibits are available on the Volume 2 Cultural Resources page.
  • 06-03-22 FHWA and Caltrans have renewed the 23 USC 327 MOU effective May 27, 2022 for a term of 10 years. This renewal will maintain Caltrans’ ability to streamline the federal environmental review and approval process and allow districts to continue their amazing work delivering projects statewide. If you have any questions, please contact the NEPA Assignment Office.

    The updated MOU can be found on the SER MOUs, MOAs, and Agreements page. In addition, Chapter 38 of the SER Volume 1 has been updated to reflect the new MOU. Also, edits have been made to the CE/CE Form, Annotated Outlines (AOs), Streamlined EA Writing Template, and FONSI Sample, that are located on the SER Forms and Templates page. Other technical reports that reference the MOU will be updated shortly to reflect the new effective date.

  • 05-26-22 The Division of Transportation Planning, Office of Air Quality and Climate Change has updated the Project-Level Conformity Process Flowchart located in the SER Volume 1, Chapter 38. This new flowchart also replaced the previous Conformity Flowchart located in the SER Volume 1, Chapter 11.
  • 05-16-22 The Cultural Studies Office has updated the Historical Resources Compliance Report (HRCR) templates.  All cultural templates are available on the Cultural Templates page.
  • 04-29-22 The Office of Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise and Paleontology (HWANP) has created a new “Energy Analysis Outline-Memo Format” for use on projects that will not create potentially substantial energy impacts. The new outline can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 04-27-22 The Division of Environmental Analysis has prepared a “Roadway Lighting Environmental Assessment Fact Sheet” to provide a basic summary of environmental resources that may require assessment for the potential of roadway lighting to produce adverse effects. The fact sheet can be found on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 04-27-22 FHWA and Caltrans have renewed the 326 MOU (CE Assignment MOU) effective April 18, 2022 for a term of 5 years. With this renewal, the Programmatic Agreement for Non-Highway Projects approved on May 24, 2021 has been superseded as the language in the 326 MOU has been modified to cover those type of projects. This renewal will maintain Caltrans ability to streamline the federal environmental review and approval process and allow districts to continue their amazing work delivering projects statewide. If you have any questions, please contact the NEPA Assignment Office.

    The updated MOU can be found on the SER MOUs, MOAs, and Agreements page. In addition, Chapters 30 & 38 of the SER Volume 1 have been updated to reflect the new MOU. Also minor edits have been made to the CE/CE Form and Categorical Exclusion Checklist which are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 03-28-22 The Environmental Management Office has posted a new Fact Sheet entitled “Considering Equity in Community Impact Analysis for Projects.”  This guidance was developed by the Community Impacts Analysis Working Group in cooperation with the Environmental Management Office and can be found on the SER Other Guidance page.  
  • 02-23-22 Chapters 11 and 38 of the SER Volume 1 have been updated to reflect the new requirement for FHWA Conformity Determinations. Conformity determination requests must be submitted to the Caltrans Division of Transportation Planning (DOTP) - Air Quality office and the Caltrans Division of Environmental Analysis (DEA) - Air Quality office for review and approval prior to sending to FHWA. Requests must be accompanied with the new FHWA Submittal Package Checklist located on the SER Forms and Templates page. Headquarters staff will coordinate with FHWA on behalf of the district. Technical questions should be directed to DOTP-AQ. Current contact information can be found on the Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist (also updated), located on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 02-18-22 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Climate Change Annotated Outlines for Capacity Increasing and Non-Capacity Increasing projects. They can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. These AOs include updated boilerplate text and analysis methodologies.
  • 02-15-22 The Environmental Management Office has updated Chapters 35-37 of the SER Volume 1 to reflect the recent changes to CEQA enacted by AB-819 (electronic filing and posting requirements for notices and documents).
  • 01-10-22 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Annotated Outlines (AOs) to reflect the extension of the NEPA Assignment MOU. Edits were made to the “NEPA Assignment” paragraph in Chapter 1 of the IS/EA and to the first “NEPA Assignment” paragraph in the Summary section of the remaining AOs. No other edits were made. The AOs can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

January 2021 - December 2021

  • 12-31-21  The Cultural Studies Office has added three new Exbibits to the Cultural Resources volume of the SER, Exhibits 3.2-3.5. These exhibits provide guidance on integrating tribal expertise in our process, reimbursement for tribal expertise, and a tribal sample outreach and consultation log. For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.
  • 12-10-21  The NEPA Process Improvement Team has approved a new “Streamlined” Environmental Assessment Writing Template. The intention of the “Streamlined” Environmental Assessment Writing Template is to provide more concise environmental assessments for those projects that have 1-2 build alternatives and for which the potential for significant effect to resources is limited. The new writing template is located on the SER Forms and Templates page. For additional information, please see the policy memo.
  • 12-10-21  The Cultural Studies Office has updated the Professionally Qualified Staff (PQS) guidance in the Cultural Resources volume of the SER. This update includes revisions to Chapter 2 and Exhibits 1.7. For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.
  • 11-19-21 The Hazardous Waste, Air Quality, Noise, and Paleontology Office (HWANP) Office has updated the SER Volume 1, Chapter 10 to reflect current Caltrans policies and procedures used to address hazardous materials, including hazardous wastes and contamination during the project planning and delivery process. The updates include revisions to project screening for hazardous materials/wastes, site investigations, acquisition of contaminated property, the contamination and unanticipated contamination decision trees, and property relinquishments and vacations. Please contact the DEA HWANP office for more information.
  • 10-29-21 The Cultural Studies Office has updated the Native American Consultation guidance in the Cultural Resources volume of the SER.  This update includes revisions to Chapter 3 and Exhibits 3.1 and 3.6. For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.
  • 10-26-21 The NEPA Process Improvement Team has approved a proposal to modify Caltrans’ environmental document quality control review procedures and certification forms. The purpose of the new “Integrated Quality Control/Quality Review Procedures” is to increase efficiency of the environmental documentation review and approval process and set achievable required review timeframes. This new process applies to all NEPA documentation, including categorical exclusions. The new process, including a table that summarizes the major changes are included in a memo on the Policy Memo page.

    Additional updates include edits to Chapter 38 of the SER and new internal and external certification forms located on the SER Forms and Templates page.

    For projects that have not yet circulated a draft environmental document (DED), this new process is to be used effective immediately. Even if technical studies for those projects have already been approved, it is highly recommended that those technical studies be sent to the Headquarters Environmental Coordinator ahead of the submission of the administrative DED. For projects that have already circulated a DED, it is intended that this new review process be used as the document moves forward to administrative final environmental document; however, if the timing of the administrative final environmental document is such that the new review process causes undue hardship please contact your Headquarters Environmental Coordinator regarding the option to use our prior review process for the final environmental document. 
  • 10-12-21 The AB 1282 Implementation Subgroup, Recommendation 3.8: Emergency Projects, in cooperation with the Environmental Management Office, has updated the “Emergency Projects: Environmental Process and Requirements” guidance to meet the goals of AB 1282. The new guidance, renamed, “Caltrans Emergency Projects Permitting Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions” can be found on the SER Emergency Projects page.
  • 08-20-21 The NEPA Process Improvement Team has approved the release of the Biological Compliance Programmatic No-Effect Memo for Caltrans and Local Assistance Projects (programmatic memo). The purpose of the programmatic memo is to streamline the no-effect documentation for projects with very minor to no biological impacts. This memo can be found on the SER Policy Memo page.
  • 07-16-21 The NEPA Process Improvement Team has approved a proposal to add two alternative processes to existing Caltrans guidance for projects undergoing Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) Section 7 Consultation (Consultation). These alternative processes are: 1) using the Natural Environment Study (NES) or NES Minimal Impact for Consultation, and 2) solely using a Biological Assessment (BA) to support all biological documentation on projects that require Consultation. The alternative process guidance and a decision tree are contained in a policy memo located on the SER Policy Memo page.
  • 07-12-21 The Division of Environmental Analysis has created a brief video tutorial on “Navigating the SER.” The video provides a high level overview of the five SER volumes and other content pages. It will be most useful to new employees or anyone needing a refresher on the SER organization.  A link to the video can be found at the top of the SER homepage.
  • 07-09-21 The Cultural Studies Office has updated the archaeology guidance in the Cultural Resources volume of the SER. This update includes revisions to Chapters  1 and 5, and Exhibits 5.1-5.14. For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.
  • 06-10-21 The Cultural Studies Office has a new context and research design exploring the potential eligibility of bedrock milling (BRM) features. This is a part of our ongoing thematic archaeological research designs to assist in the treatment of specific types of cultural resources throughout the state. This study can be found on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 06-07-21 The NEPA Process Improvement Team has prepared a memo that describes the initial implementation of a proposal to allow flexibility in the timing of obtaining biological opinions as long as certain conditions are met, as part of the federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) processes.  This memo can be found on the SER Policy Memos page.

    In addition, the CE Checklist (optional) has been updated to reflect this memo and the previously posted memo on “Changes to Species List Requirements.”  The CE Checklist can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 06-04-21 Caltrans and the FHWA have worked to develop a Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Agreement (PCE Agreement) that addresses actions that are subject to NEPA and are classified as non-highway projects. These projects may involve actions related to encroachment permits and other right-of-way use agreements. Projects that qualify for a CE under 23 CFR 771.117 but that do not meet the definition of a “highway project” under 23 CFR 773.103 shall be processed under the 2021 PCE Agreement between the FHWA and Caltrans.

    The new PCE Agreement can be found on the SER MOUs, MOAs, and Agreements page.  In addition, a policy memo has been created that outlines the use of the PCE Agreement which has been posted on the SER Policy Memos page.  Projects that meet the criteria identified in the PCE Agreement shall use the new Categorical Exclusion/Categorical Exemption (CE/CE) Form for Non-Highway Projects that has been created.  The Categorical Exclusion (CE) Checklist (optional) has also been updated to include CEs that fall under the PCE Agreement.  The new CE/CE Form for Non-Highway Projects and the CE Checklist can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 04-19-21 In August 2019, the Division of Local Assistance and Division of Environmental Analysis formed the NEPA Process Improvement Team (Team) to review Caltrans’ current NEPA and other federal environmental procedures and policies. The Team is considering federal statute, FHWA’s current regulations and policies, and other state departments of transportation’s implementation of NEPA to determine whether and how to modify our existing procedures and policies to provide for more efficiencies and flexibilities in delivery of Federal-aid projects. The Team has produced two memos that outline changes made regarding the requirements for the CE Checklist and for species lists obtained as part of the FESA Section 7 process.  Both memos can be found on the SER Policy Memos As the Steering Committee approves other proposals by the Team, new memos reflecting those decisions will also be posted here.

    Edits to the SER will be forthcoming and will reflect the changes made by these memos. 
  • 03-10-21 A Traffic and Transportation/Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities section has been added to Volume 1: Chapter 5 of the SER.  It includes information regarding SB 743 and reversible lanes.
  • 03-04-21 The Office of Environmental Management has updated Chapters 30-37 of the SER.  Edits we made to reflect the new digital submission requirements for the State Clearinghouse and the revocation of Executive Order 13807 (One Federal Decision).
  • 02-18-21 A link has been added to the Senate Bill (SB) 743 Implementation website on the SER Other Guidance page.  The website includes information about SB 743 and contains links to the Transportation Analysis Framework (TAF) and the Transportation Analysis under CEQA (TAC) guidance documents.
  • 02-01-21 The Cultural Studies Office is in the process of updating the Cultural Resources volume of the SER.  The most recent update includes revisions to Exhibit 1.7 -- Guidance for Professionally Qualified Staff (PQS) Applications.  For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.

January 2020 - December 2020

  • 11-23-20 The Cultural Studies Office is in the process of updating the Cultural Resources volume of the SER.  The most recent update includes revisions to Chapters 4 and 6 and their related exhibits.  For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.
  • 11-12-20 A new Sample Environmental Commitments Record (ECR) has been created.  It can be found along with the blank ECR form on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 10-14-20 The Sample Air Quality Conformity Analysis Cover Letter has been updated for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).  It is located on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 10-12-20 The Cultural Studies Office is in the process of updating the Cultural Resources volume of the SER.  The most recent update includes revisions to Chapters 1 and 2 and their related exhibits.  For additional information, please see the SER Volume 2.
  • 10-07-20 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office has revised the Fact Sheet on the Council on Environmental Quality’s Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.  Details were added to the Introduction section regarding the need for agencies to indicate whether they are following the revised regulations or the 1978 regulations for NEPA reviews that began before September 14, 2020.  The updated Fact Sheet is posted on the SER Other Guidance page. 
  • 09-29-20 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office has prepared a Fact Sheet on the Council on Environmental Quality’s Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.  The Fact Sheet provides a high-level overview of the recent changes to the NEPA regulations.  It is posted on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 08-27-20 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office and the Division of Transportation Planning, Office of Regional Planning have updated the Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist.  Step 16 of the checklist has been edited to clarify that projects located in a non-attainment/maintenance area for ozone only and considered not regionally significant/non-exempt, do not require an air quality conformity determination from FHWA.
  • 07-02-20  The Environmental Management Office has changed the ordering of attachments for the PEAR and Mini-PEAR to allow for easier insertion of the attachments into the final PEAR/Mini-PEAR. The previous PEAR Attachment B (Support Cost Matrix) is being replaced by the new “Bottom Up Tool” and will now be referred to as Attachment D. In addition, the previous PEAR Attachment D (Environmental Commitments Cost Estimate) has been renamed to “Mitigation and Compliance Cost Estimate (MCCE)” and will now be referred to as Attachment B.  The PEAR and Mini-PEAR forms have also been updated to refer to the new attachments. The new forms can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. If there are any problems with the forms, please contact
  • 06-29-20  The following forms have been updated for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).  They are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.
    • Blank PEAR Format
    • Blank Mini-PEAR Format
    • Attachment A - PEAR Environmental Studies Checklist
    • Attachment D - PEAR Environmental Commitments Cost Estimate
    • Template for Uniform Filing System Tabs
    • Notice of Intent - EIS Sample
    • Notice of Statute of Limitations on Claims
    • Natural Environment Study (NES)
    • NESMI
    • Biological Assessment (BA)
    • PS&E / Ready to List Review Tool
    • Environmental Commitments Record (ECR)
    • Location Hydraulic Study
    • Summary of Floodplain Encroachment Report

    If there are any problems with the forms, please contact  For the biological forms (NES, NESMI, and BA), please contact

  • 06-19-20 The following forms have been updated for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).  They are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.

    • Categorical Exclusion Checklist
    • Environmental Document Review Checklist
    • CEQA Checklist

    In addition, the SER Chapter 30 - Categorical Exclusions, has been updated to include the list of classes in 771.117(c) and 771.117(d).
    If there are any problems with the forms, please contact

  • 05-29-20 The following forms have been updated for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA):
    • Air Pollution Standards Table
    • NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form
    • CEQA Findings
    • Certificate of Environmental Compliance at CCA (MS 600)
    • Certificate of Environmental Compliance at Project Closeout (MS 800)
    • Environmental Certification

    They are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.  If there are any problems with the forms, please contact


  • 05-21-20  The SER, Chapter 20-Section 4(f), has been updated.  The Distribution List for Draft Section 4(f) Evaluations has new submittal information for the Department of Interior, including preferred formats and cover letter instructions.
  • 05-12-20 The following forms have been updated for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA):
    • CEQA Exemption/NEPA Categorical Exclusion (CE/CE) Form
    • Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist
    • Conformity Streamlining Exemption Form
    • FONSI Sample
    • EIR Certification Form
    • Statement of Overriding Consideration Form
    They are located on the SER Forms and Templates page. If there are any problems with the forms, please contact
  • 03-25-20  The Division of Environmental Analysis and the Division of Design have provided guidance on addressing FHWA's updated "Policy on Access to the Interstate System."  This guidance is outlined in a letter from Phil Stolarski and Janice Benton to FHWA and can be found on the SER Policy Memos.

    The purpose of the updated FHWA policy was to streamline the requirements to obtain an FHWA "Determination of Engineering and Operational Acceptability," and reduced the number of policy considerations and requirements in an Interstate Access Change Request from eight to two.  The policy considerations that have been eliminated from Design's request to FHWA are related to social, economic, planning, and environmental impacts and are adequately addressed either through NEPA compliance or in Corridor System Management Plans, Transportation Concept Reports, the Regional Transportation Plans, and other long-range planning documents.

    In addition, each of the Environmental Document Annotated Outlines has been updated to include this new appendix.  The updated AOs are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.

    The only change is that for projects that include new or modified access to the Interstate System and require FHWA approval, the “Final Determination of Engineering and Operational Acceptability” from FHWA needs to be included as an appendix in the final document (EAs and EISs) or as an attachment to CEs.  More information can be found in the letter to FHWA.

  • 03-02-20  The Environmental Management Office (EMO) has updated the following forms for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA):
  • Internal Quality Control Certification Sheet
  • External Quality Control Certification Sheet
  • District Quality Control Checklist (previously named Quality Control Checklist)
  • Notice of Availability – FONSI
  • Negative Declaration (ND)
  • Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)

They are located on the SER Forms and Templates page.  As our forms will be continually updated for ADA compliance, please make sure to always download the most recent version.  If there are any problems with the forms, please contact

January 2019 - December 2019

  • 12-10-19 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Annotated Outlines (AOs) to include various updates and to reflect recent changes to the CEQA Guidelines.  A summary of the changes and grandfathering guidelines has been posted.  The ED Review Checklist has also been updated to reflect changes made to the AOs.

    In order to improve efficiency, the required text for the Climate Change section for ISs and EIRs has been relocated and can now be found as two separate Climate Change AOs, one for capacity increasing projects and one for non-capacity increasing projects.  Please choose the outline most appropriate for your project and include in your environmental document.

    All of the above mentioned files can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

    In addition, Chapter 13 of the SER, Energy, has been updated to reflect recent changes to the CEQA Guidelines.     
  • 11-01-19 The Environmental Management Office has updated the stand-alone CEQA Checklist to include checkboxes for Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 
  • 06-03-19 SER Chapter 32 has been updated to reflect changes made to the 23 USC 139 Efficient Environmental Review Process by both the FAST Act as well as Executive Order 13807. The revised chapter includes the combined requirements of 23 USC 139 and the process established by Executive Order 13807 known as "One Federal Decision." 
  • 05-16-19 SER Chapter 1 (under "Additional Regulations, Policy, Guidance, and Resources") has been updated to include a link to FHWA's Environmental Review Toolkit "One Federal Decision" page.
  • 05-07-19 FHWA renewed the Caltrans 23 USC 326 CE MOU on April 18, 2019 for a three-year term. 
  • 04-09-19 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office and the Division of Transportation Planning, Office of Regional Planning have updated the Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist and the Air Pollutions Standards Table. Both documents can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. The fact sheet for NEPA CEs and Transportation Conformity Requirements has also been updated and can be found on the SER Other Guidance page. 
  • 03-01-19 An updated version of Attachment B, used in Preliminary Environmental Assessment Reports, has been posted to the SER Forms and Templates page. Updates were made to reflect recent changes to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and level 7 and 8 tasks were added, where appropriate. 
  • 02-07-19 The Environmental Management Office has updated the CE Checklist to update the dollar amounts for CEs under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(23) "Projects with limited federal assistance."
  • 02-01-19 The Environmental Management Office has created a fact sheet summarizing the recent updates to the CEQA Guidelines. These updates must be applied to steps not yet undertaken in the CEQA process by the effective date of April 27, 2019. Please see the fact sheet for full details. In addition, Chapters 35, 36, and 37 of the SER have been updated to reflect the new guidelines.

    Please contact your District HQ Coordinators if you have any questions. To view all of the amendments to the CEQA Guidelines shown in underline/strikeout format, please see the "Final Adopted Text" at the following link:
  • 01-31-19 The Environmental Management Office has created a fact sheet for Different Types of Caltrans Projects. This document provides a basic summary of Caltrans roles and responsibilities under CEQA and NEPA for different project types.
  • 01-17-19 The stand alone CEQA Checklist, located on the SER Forms and Templates page, has been revised to reflect the recent updates to the CEQA Guidelines.
  • 01-10-19 Chapter 38 has been updated. The "Quality Control Program" section has been revised to clarify the requirements for completion of the External Certification form related to Local Agency certification.
  • 01-10-19 District 5 has received an extension to the Routine Maintenance Agreement (RMA) for various routine maintenance activities located in Santa Cruz County from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The RMA is now valid until December 31, 2023.
  • 01-07-19 The Environmental Management Office has created a Significance and Mitigation Under CEQA flowchart to use as a supplement to the Mitigation Under CEQA guidance. Both items can be found in the Other Guidance section of the SER.
  • 01-04-19 The Environmental Management Office has revised Chapter 34 of the SER to reflect the updated CEQA Guidelines and other needed edits. Changes include the addition of a section on the Common Sense Exemption (formally referred to as the General Rule Exemption) and updates to the language for Emergency Exemptions. In addition, the CEQA Exemption Decision Tree has been updated to show that the exceptions listed in 14 CCR 15300.2 apply specifically to the Categorical Exemptions listed in 14 CCR 15300 et seq.

    The Categorical Exemption/Exclusion (CE/CE) Form on the SER Forms and Templates page has also been updated to show the change of the General Rule Exemption to the Common Sense Exemption.

January 2018 - December 2018

  • 12-13-18 The Environmental Management Office has made minor changes to the Blank PEAR Format, including the removal of references to the now-retired PEAR Handbook. The updated form can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 11-28-18 Effective November 28, 2018, Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 771 (23 CFR 771) has been updated to incorporate changes due to the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The Environmental Management Office has updated the CE Checklist to reflect these changes. The CE class for projects within the existing operational right-of-way (23 CFR 771.117(c)(22)) has been updated and other minor grammatical changes were made.
  • 11-27-18 The HRCR and Supplemental HRCR forms have been updated effective 11/27/2018.
  • 11-21-18 Chapter 38 NEPA Assignment has been updated with a link to FHWA’s new guidance for submitting Statute of Limitations (SOL) to the Federal Register. The guidance can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. The "Notice of Statue of Limitations on Claims" template has been updated to reflect the new guidance.
  • 10-12-18 The Environmental Records Retention Policy has been added to Chapter 38 of the SER. See "Project Files and Document Retention" section for details.
  • 09-25-18 The Historical Resources Compliance Report (HRCR) forms have been updated on SER Volume 2 and Cultural Templates pages.
  • 09-14-18 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defined some project type descriptions belonging to 40 CFR 93.126 "Table 2- Exempt Projects" that are exempt from conformity and would not need a PM hot-spot analysis. This information is reflected in the updated Fact Sheet developed by both The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office and the Division of Transportation Planning, Office of Regional Planning that provides clarification on projects exempt from air quality conformity requirements under 23 CFR 93.126 "Table 2-Exempt Projects."
  • 08-08-18 The Environmental Management Office is pleased to announce that Chapter 5 of the SER, "Preliminary Environmental Scoping," has been completely revised to incorporate the contents of the PEAR Manual and updated to include the most up-to-date information on PIDs, scoping tools, etc. The PEAR Manual has been retired and all of the PEAR templates and attachments have been moved to the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 07-27-18 The Environmental Management Office has updated the sample Air Quality Conformity Analysis Cover Letter on the SER Forms and Templates page. The sample letter includes the 2015 Quantitative Hot-spot Analysis Guidance and current FHWA contacts.
  • 06-13-18 Chapter 38 has been updated. The "Quality Control Program" section has been revised to clarify the timing for completion of the Internal and External Certification forms and the order of signatures for externally-prepared environmental documents requiring multiple reviews. The "Environmental Impact Statement, Complex Environmental Assessment, and Individual Section 4(f) Evaluation Review Procedures" section has been clarified regarding completion of the Internal Certification Form for stand-alone Section 4(f) evaluations and the number of copies of the administrative environmental document that districts are required to submit to DEA.
  • 06-11-18 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Internal and External Quality Control Certification Sheets to include a checkbox for Stand-alone Individual Section 4(f) documents.
  • 06-11-18 The Environmental Management Office has updated the CE Checklist. Edits have been made to the cultural resources, biology, and relocation/right of way sections; and the section on constraints for CEs under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(26), (c)(27), or (c)(28); based on district input and NEPA Assignment Monitoring reviews.
  • 05-25-18 The Environmental Management Office has modified the CE/CE Form to clarify that the "General Rule" exemption under CEQA is independent of the categorical exemptions under CEQA and that the exceptions under 14 CCR 15300.2 only apply to the 33 classes of categorical exemptions listed in 14 CCR 15301-15333.
  • 05-02-18 The Environmental Management Office is pleased to announce the creation of a new SER page with updated and expanded guidance for emergency projects.
  • 04-30-18 The Division of Environmental Analysis has posted the newest Title VI Policy Statement to the Forms and Templates page of the SER.
  • 04-13-18 The Environmental Management Office has prepared Environmental Risk Register Guidance and two example risk registers to assist Environmental staff in the identification of environmental risks for project risk registers. The guidance and example risk registers can be found on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 04-09-18 The Environmental Management Office has prepared a CEQA Document Types Fact Sheet to provide direction on determining the appropriate CEQA determination/document type for projects on the State Highway System (SHS) where Caltrans is the CEQA lead agency.
  • 03-22-18 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Internal Quality Control Certification Review Sheet on the SER Forms and Templates page. The form has been formatted slightly so that the required checkboxes above the NEPA QC Reviewer line are more visible.
  • 03-15-18 The Environmental Management Office has updated the CE Checklist to update the dollar amounts for CEs under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(23) "Projects with limited federal assistance."
  • 03-15-18 The CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC) forms have been updated to include a signature and date line. The forms show the District Director as the signatory, however, this may be delegated based on district signature delegation protocols. The updated forms can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 03-02-18 The Environmental Management Office has updated the Certificate of Environmental Compliance to consist of two forms. The first form, to be completed at Construction Contract Acceptance (CCA) is required for all projects. The second form, to be completed at project closeout, is only required for those projects that have environmental commitments that extend beyond CCA. Two forms were deemed necessary as responsibilities for both the Resident Engineer and the Environmental Construction Liaison end at CCA and new staff take on the responsibilities for long-term mitigation requirements. The new CEC forms can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. Chapter 39 of the SER, “Incorporating Environmental Commitments into Design” has also been updated to reflect the new process.
  • 02-21-18 The Environmental Management Office has released a mid-year update to the Annotated Outlines (AOs). The AOs have been updated to include a more usable navigation pane and a few minor revisions. The AOs and a summary of changes can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 02-14-18 The Office of Biological Studies has posted the recently signed Lake and Streambed Alternation Notification Process Improvement Partnership Agreement between the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Caltrans. The primary purpose of this Partnership Agreement is to express leadership support of the efforts by both agencies to improve the Lake and Streambed Alteration (LSA) Agreement process. The agreement has been posted on the SER MOU page.
  • 02-09-18 The Stormwater Program Implementation Office has developed a new Water Quality Assessment Report Template. This template and a Water Quality Scoping Questionnaire can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.

January 2017 - December 2017

  • 12-20-17 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office and the Division of Transportation Planning, Office of Regional Planning have developed a Fact Sheet to clarify when a transportation conformity determination may be required for a project for which a Categorical Exclusion (CE) will be prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
  • 12-20-17 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office and the Division of Transportation Planning, Office of Regional Planning have developed a Conformity Streamlining Exemption Form. This form is to be used to determine if projects that fall under the category "correct, improve, or eliminate a hazardous location or feature" from Table 2 of 40 CFR 93.126 could be exempt from air quality conformity. This form is only for projects located in non-attainment and maintenance areas for ozone, CO, PM2.5, PM10 and NO2.
  • 12-19-17 The Environmental Management Office has updated the FSTIP Fact Sheet to include the latest fiscal constraint guidance from FHWA and to clarify requirements in metropolitan areas.
  • 12-15-17 The Hazardous Waste, Air, Noise, and Paleontology Office (HWANP) is pleased to announce the creation of a new Air Quality Report Annotated Outline, which can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. For information on when a technical report is required, please see "Determining the Need for a Technical Report" section of Chapter 11 ("Air Quality") of the SER.
  • 12-15-17 The Division of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management Office and the Division of Transportation Planning, Office of Regional Planning have developed a Fact Sheet that provides clarification on projects exempt from air quality conformity requirements under 23 CFR 93.126.
  • 09-18-17 FHWA has provided guidance regarding additional flexibilities in categorical exclusions. This memo can be found on the SER, Chapter 1, Federal Requirements, and Chapter 30, Categorical Exclusions.
  • 09-15-17 Chapter 38 NEPA Assignment has been updated to clarify the change in language required for environmental documents, technical studies, and public and agency outreach, per the 2016 MOU.
  • 09-13-17 FHWA has provided clarifying fiscal constraint guidance. A link to this guidance can be found on the SER, Chapter 1, Federal Requirements.
  • 09-11-17 The Environmental Management Office has updated the CE/CE form and the FONSI sample to reflect the NEPA Assignment language contained in the new NEPA Assignment MOUs.
  • 08-24-17 The standalone CEQA checklist posted on the SER forms and templates page has been updated to include the most recent language for greenhouse gas emissions. Please use this checklist for any documents currently in progress that do not require a full update to the new annotated outline format. See the Summary of AO Updates and Grandfathering Guidance for additional information.
  • 08-02-17 New to Volume 5 and the Updated Environmental Document Annotated Outlines is the Coastal Act Chapter Three Policy Consistency Summary Table. This table is intended to be utilized in Environmental Documents for projects in the Coastal Zone. The table provides example analysis for most Coastal Act Chapter 3 Policy areas, such as Coastal Wetlands, Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas, Agricultural Lands, and Coastal Access, as well as instructions for how to complete the table. The table can be found at the beginning of the SER Volume 5 - Coastal Requirements.
  • 08-02-17 The Environmental Management Office is happy to announce the release of the updated Environmental Document Annotated Outlines as well as an updated Environmental Document Review Checklist! The updated documents and a summary of changes and grandfathering guidelines can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 07-13-17 Caltrans has completed a regional archaeological context and research design for the San Francisco Bay-Delta is intended to provide Caltrans District 4 staff and consultants working in the area with guidance for evaluating and mitigating Native American archaeological sites under National Register Criterion D.
  • 07-10-17 USDOT has posted detailed Questions and Answers on the procedural changes to 23 U.S.C. 139 (Efficient Environmental Reviews) made by section 1304 of the FAST Act. A link to this guidance has been added to Chapter 1 of the SER under Additional Regulations, Policies, Guidance, and Resources.
  • 06-27-17 The Division of Environmental Analysis has posted a Long Term Mitigation Guidance memo on the SER Policy-Related Memos page. This memo outlines the preferred process for mitigation commitments.
  • 05-25-17 The Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) forms have been updated to include NEPA Delegation language. Please use the new forms on the internet rather than earlier versions saved on your computer.
  • 04-05-17 The Environmental Management Office has updated the CE Checklist to update the dollar amounts for CEs under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(23) "Projects with limited federal assistance."
  • 03-31-17 The Division of Environmental Analysis is EXTREMELY happy to announce that NEPA Assignment has been reinstated and the MOU is in effect immediately! Updates to the SER include the removal of the PCE Form and Checklist, reposting of the original CE/CE Form and Checklist, reposting of an updated SER Chapter 38, reposting of the original Blank PEAR Form and Blank Mini-PEAR Form, and updates to DEA's NEPA Assignment internet page.
  • 02-03-17 During the suspension of NEPA Assignment, Caltrans can approve PEARs and Mini-PEARs. However, if a class of action determination is required, it should be termed a "preliminary class of action determination." The PEAR form and the Mini-PEAR form have been updated to include this change and can be found on the SER PEAR page. Following the resumption of NEPA Assignment, the original forms will be restored.
  • 01-09-17 The Biological Studies Office has updated the Species List Validity policy memo on the SER Policy-Related Memos page. Please note that Districts now must get separate lists from NOAA Fisheries (NMFS) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), as both agencies have separate species list generators; web links are included in the policy memo for each species list generator. We will also be updating Volume 3, Chapter 4 of the SER to provide specific direction on the requirements for developing federal species lists for projects.
  • 01-03-17 The SER Forms and Templates page has been updated to include the new CE/PCE form and PCE checklist.

January 2016 - December 2016

  • 12-21-16 The Environmental Management Office has developed a Fact Sheet for FAST ACT Section 1304 Amendments to the 23 USC 139 Efficient Environmental Review Process.
  • 11-28-16 The Environmental Management Office (EMO) has posted guidance on Mitigation under CEQA.
  • 11-22-16 The Cultural Studies Office has completed a new publication called "A Historical Context and Methodology for Evaluating Trails, Roads, and Highways in California." This publication documents the development of trails, roads, and highways in California from prehistoric times to the creation of today’s modern highway system.
  • 11-10-16 The Environmental Management Office (EMO) has updated the Community Impact Assessment (CIA) template to include a heading for Relocations and Real Property Acquisition and to update links. The CIA template can be found on the SER Other Guidance page.
  • 10-07-16 The Environmental Management Office has updated the AB 52 language in Chapter 28 of the SER.
  • 10-06-16 The California Natural Resources Agency recently proposed changes to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines (CEQA Checklist) based on AB 52. The California Office of Administrative Law approved these changes on September 27, 2016. EMO has posted an updated CEQA Checklist to the SER Forms and Templates page which includes these changes.
  • 09-13-16 The new SER Volume 5 - Coastal Requirements has been posted.
  • 09-08-16 The Environmental Management Office (EMO) has posted a new Community Impact Assessment (CIA) template which can be found on the SER Other Guidance page. EMO would like to thank the CIA Statewide Working Group for all of their hard work and dedication in developing this template!
  • 08-12-16 It is our great pleasure to announce that the SAMI MOU has been renewed with our partner agencies.
  • 08-04-2016 A new CE Checklist has been posted to the Forms and Templates page.  The CE Checklist posted on July 8, 2016 was missing the hazardous waste section.  Staff who completed a CE during this time do not need to prepare a new CE or Checklist.  However, a brief memo to the project file should be prepared that addresses the hazardous waste questions found in the CE Checklist.
  • 07-18-2016 The MOU page and Chapter 38 have been updated to reflect the most recent status of the 326 and 327 MOUs.
  • 07-08-2016 The Environmental Management Office has updated the CE Checklist to:
    • Update the dollar amounts for CEs under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(23) “Projects with limited federal assistance”
    • Add a checkbox confirming that the project description matches that found in the FSTIP and RTP and that the appropriate page of the FSTIP has been added to the project file
    • Add a section on US Coast Guard Coordination
    • Make clarifications to the Cultural Resources, Biology, and Wetlands sections based on NEPA Assignment Monitoring Reviews
    Additionally, a peer review is no longer required for categorical exclusions under 23 USC 326 or 23 USC 327. The CE checklist as well as Chapters 30 and 38 of the SER have been updated accordingly.
    The CE/CE form has been updated to clarify when a categorical exemption under CEQA would not be prepared and to change the effective date of the 23 USC 326 CE Assignment MOU.
  • 06-30-2016 The Environmental Management Office has prepared a new fact sheet outlining the requirements for FSTIP considerations in NEPA approvals. In addition, a sample ESR has been provided on the SER forms and templates page. The ESR contains a new checkbox for the FSTIP/RTP project page attachment. Districts are encouraged to incorporate the changes into their ESRs.
  • 06-29-2016 The Environmental Management Office has updated SER Chapter 11 "Air Quality," as well as the "Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist" to clarify that certain categorical exclusions under 23 USC 326 may require the preparation of an Air Quality Conformity Analysis.
  • 06-24-2016 The Biological Assessment document has been revised with input from the Biological Consultancy Group, the Environmental Management Board and the resource agencies.
  • 05-31-2016 On May 31, 2016, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) renewed the 23 USC 326 CE MOU for another three year term. No comments related to this MOU were received during the public comment period that ended May 11, 2016.
  • 04-27-2016 The Environmental Management Office has updated the "Fact Sheet for Categorical Exclusions under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(22) and 771.117(c)(23)" for projects within an existing operational right-of-way and projects receiving limited federal funding. This update was required to reflect that Section 1314 of the FAST Act provided for annual inflation adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index.
  • 04-27-2016 The Environmental Management Office has posted new Draft EIR/EIS and Final EIR/EIS Distribution List samples on the SER Forms and Templates page to reflect the Department of the Interior's new submittal requirements (effective February, 2016). Chapter 32 has also been updated.
  • 01-12-2016 The Environmental Management Office has added a link to the 2015 FSTIP on the left navigation menu of the SER Home Page. This link will assist staff in verifying key information (project description, funding status and sources) from the FSTIP in order to be in compliance with federal requirements prior to NEPA Approval.

January 2015 - December 2015

  • 12-08-2015 The Environmental Management Office has added the FAST Act (signed by President Obama on December 4, 2015) to Chapter 1 of the SER. Links to more information regarding the provisions of the FAST Act have also been included.
  • 12-08-2015 The Divisions of Design and Environmental Analysis have issued a Policy Memorandum which directs that the FHWA's 1981 "Visual Impact Assessment for Highway Projects" will continue to be used until the FHWA's new guidance (January 2015) has been evaluated and any applicable tools, guidance, and templates/outlines have been updated.
  • 10-28-2015 The Division of Environmental Analysis has updated, and provided expanded instructions for, the Air Pollution Standards Table.
  • 8-26-2015 The SERv2 Table of Contents has been updated to reflect changes made in the chapters and exhibits to address the new 2015 PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding and recent revisions. The entire Volume 2 is now available in Adobe Acrobat Portfolio and includes the new Exhibit 2.12: Letters and Memos Format and Content Guide.
  • 8-24-2015 Exhibit 7.3 - Historic Bridges and Tunnels Screened Undertakings and Activities has been updated to include the PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding for state-owned bridges and tunnels. Exhibit 7.4 – Historic Bridges and Tunnels No Adverse Effects with Standard Conditions has been updated to include the PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding for state-owned bridges and tunnels. Exhibit 7.5 - Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (SOIS) Action Plan Format and Content Guide has been updated to include the PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding for state-owned historical resources. Exhibit 7.6 - Heritage Documentation for HABS/ HAER / HALS has been updated to include the PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding for state-owned historical resources.
  • 8-21-2015 Templates for the HPSR form and narrative format, Supplemental HPSR form and narrative format, HRCR form and narrative format, and Supplemental HRCR form and narrative format have been updated to include statements about continuing CSO/SHPO consultation in the following sections of the above named documents: HPSR to District File, HRCR to District file and Findings for State-owned cultural resources.
  • 8-18-2015 The Federal Highway Administration has posted new "Guidelines for the Visual Impact Assessment of Highway Projects" (FHWA, 2015).
  • 8-14-2015 Exhibit 2.12: Letters and Memos Format and Content Guide provides guidance for drafting and sending official correspondence in compliance with the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement and with the PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding. The exhibit explains when to use the Caltrans letterhead versus the memo format, specific content needed, who should receive copies, the order in which certain information should appear and standard language to use for specific actions. There are also annotated letters and memos included.
  • 8-13-2015 The Division of Environmental Analysis has issued a new Policy Memo to clarify existing federal policies for noise analysis to ensure consistency in District practices.
  • 8-07-2015 The following exhibits to the SER Volume 2 Cultural Resources page have been updated:
    • Exhibit 2.6: Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) Format and Content Guide has been updated to include an annotated HPSR that shows how the activities and conclusions described in the HPSR correlate to the federal and state regulations, the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement, and for state-owned cultural resources, the 5024 Memorandum of Understanding.
    • Exhibit 2.14: Historical Resources Compliance Report (HRCR) Format and Content Guide has been updated to include an annotated HRCR that shows how the activities and conclusions described in the HRCR correlate to the state regulations and for state-owned cultural resources, the 5024 Memorandum of Understanding.
  • 7-31-2015 The following exhibits to the SER Volume 2 Cultural Resources page have been updated:
    • Exhibit 2.3: Time and Effort Required for Cultural Resources Compliance was updated to reflect the most recent WBS Codes and now includes additional work items.
    • Exhibit 2.9: Finding of Adverse Effect (FAE) Format and Content Guide was updated to correct terminology.
    • Exhibit 2.10: Guidelines for Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) has a new name, was updated to reflect the 2014 First Amended Section 106 Programmatic Agreement and now has sections on standard clauses that need to be in all Memoranda of Agreement and typical mitigation stipulations. The exhibit also has guidance in the form of checklists for MOA content and for MOA reviewers, as well as sections on MOA amendments and programmatic agreements for projects.

      The following exhibits have been updated to include references to the January 2015 PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding for Caltrans-owned cultural resources:
    • Exhibit 5.1: Archaeological Survey Report Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.2: Extended Phase I Proposal Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.3: Extended Phase I Report Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.4: Archaeological Evaluation Proposal (Phase II) Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.5: Archaeological Evaluation Report (Phase II) Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.6: Data Recovery Plan Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.7: Archaeological Data Recovery (Phase III) Proposal Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.8: Archaeological Data Recovery (Phase III) Report Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.11: Post-Review Discovery and Monitoring Plan Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.12: Post-Review Discovery – Without Plan Format and Content Guide
    • Exhibit 5.13: Construction Impacts to Cultural Resources Report Format and Content Guide
    • The two remaining exhibit to Chapter 5, Exhibit 5.9 and 5.10 did not need to be updated.
  • 7-10-2015 Chapter 7: Built-Environment Cultural Resources Evaluation and Treatment and Exhibit 2.17: Excess Property Transfers and Route Relinquishments have been updated to include the Caltrans procedures that implement the January 2015 PRC 5024 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Caltrans and the State Historic Preservation Officer for built-environment state-owned resources. Exhibit 2.17 focuses on the procedures for complying with the PRC 5024 MOU when Caltrans transfers or relinquishes State-owned historical resources out of its ownership.
  • 6-25-2015 The Division of Environmental Analysis has posted a new policy memorandum, “Begin Environmental Studies Milestone for Environmental Tracking Databases” (Katrina Pierce, June 23, 2015). This policy memo requires that each District use an Environmental Study Request (ESR) that includes the signature of the Senior Environmental Planner or designee. The date that the ESR is signed by the Senior Environmental Planner shall be the “Begin Environmental Studies” date entered into any environmental tracking databases. A sample ESR has also been posted.
  • 5-05-2015 Chapter 2 of Volume 2 of the SER has been updated.
  • 4-01-2015 The Division of Environmental Analysis has updated both Chapter 12 (“Noise”) of the SER and the Noise Study Report (NSR) Annotated Outline. Both have been updated to:
    • Provide more consistency with the 2011 Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol.
    • Provide more consistency with the 2013 Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol.
    • Provide additional information on noise analysis under CEQA.
    • Provide updated links to additional guidance and information.
    • Improve formatting.
  • 3-02-2015 The Division of Environmental Analysis has updated the SER to reiterate that the Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist is required for any project for which a NEPA environmental document or determination will be prepared (Chapters 11 and 38) and to clarify that if a project’s class of action changes after the initial determination and concurrence, any subsequent change in class of action determination must be made by the Deputy District Director for Environmental or designee, with written concurrence from the Headquarters Environmental Coordinator (Chapter 38).
  • 2-10-2015 SER Chapter 11 has been completely revised and updated. Revisions include updated information on project-level PM analysis, clarification on when conformity is required for construction impacts, and more information on the use of the Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist and conformity procedures under 23 USC 326 (CE Assignment) and 23 USC 327 (NEPA Assignment). In addition, a new Air Quality Conformity Analysis Cover Letter (sample) has been posted to the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 2-06-2015 NEPA Assignment Fact Sheet (December 2014) is now available. Fact Sheet includes current environmental approval time savings (through December 31, 2014).
  • 1-22-2015 DEA has posted a new Sample Environmental Commitments Record (ECR) which can be found on the SER Forms and Templates page. This sample ECR has a new “field” for listing mitigation that is required for significant impacts under CEQA, which should be called out separately from other avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation measures. Although Districts are free to continue using the form of their choice for recording environmental commitments, mitigation measures for significant impacts under CEQA need to be listed separately, regardless of the form that is used. Chapter 39 of the SER has also been updated.
  • 1-12-2015 Chapters 2 “State Requirements” and 28 “Cultural Resources” of the SER have been updated to include reference to Governor’s Executive Order B-10-11, the new PRC 5024 MOU, and to provide guidance on Assembly Bill 52 which amended CEQA to identify a “Tribal Cultural Resource” as a new, separate, and distinct resource to be analyzed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
  • 1-02-2015: Volume 2 of the SER had been updated to reflect the new Memorandum of Understanding Between the California Department of Transportation and the California State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding Compliance with Public Resources Code 5024 and Governor's Executive Order W-26-92 (PRC 5024 MOU) that went into effect January 1, 2015.

January 2014 - December 2014

  • 12-15-2014: SER Chapters 30 and 38 have been updated to be consistent with the new CE Checklist.
  • 12-03-2014: The Environmental Management Office has updated Chapter 23 (Farmlands) in Volume 1 of the SER.  It includes updated farmland definitions, an updated flow chart, more information on completing NRCS Forms CPA-106 and Form AD-1006, and additional information on Williamson Act coordination with the California Department of Conservation. Additionally, both the CPA-106 and the Form AD-1006 have been added to the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 12-03-2014: The Environmental Management Office has updated the Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist to include a hyperlink that provides additional information on applicable PM control measures and to clarify the conformity documentation required for the project file.
  • 11-14-2014: The Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impacts) (NESMI)) has been revised by the Biological Consultancy Group (BCG). Effective December 1, 2014, the revised outline is to be used to develop all new NESMI reports for Caltrans, Local Assistance, and Oversight projects. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Gillies at (916) 653-6976.
  • 11-05-2014: The Emergency Projects Environmental Process and Requirements Guidance has been updated to repair broken hyperlinks and to re-format the document.
  • 11-05-2014: The CE Checklist has been updated to include four new Categorical Exclusions under 23 CFR 771.117(c), three CEs that have been moved FROM the “d list” TO the “c list, and one new Categorical Exclusion under 23 CFR 771.117(d). These CEs are effective 11-05-2014.
  • 10-30-2014: The Division of Environmental Analysis (DEA) has developed the "Fact Sheet for New Categorical Exclusions under 23 CFR 771.117(c), CEs moved FROM the “d list” TO the “c list,” and Programmatic Agreements for CEs.” These CEs are effective November 5, 2014.
  • 07-24-2014: This checklist is intended to clarify and streamline Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 consultations, between U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The purpose of this checklist is to identify important information needs and analysis to complete Section 7 consultations in a timely and efficient manner.
    These information needs are based on the six items that are described in 50 CFR §402.14 to initiate formal ESA, Section 7 consultation process, but are also applicable to informal consultations. The checklist is for general project use as a guidance tool. For questions regarding this checklist, please contact Jim Henke , Senior Environmental Planner, HQ Division of Environmental Analysis.
  • 07-10-2014: Chapter 2 of the SER has been updated to fix broken hyperlinks, add additional state laws and regulations, and to add a new "CEQA Process Overview" flowchart.
  • 07-02-2014: A new NMFS BA Checklist has been posted to the Forms and Templates page of the SER. This checklist is intended to clarify and streamline coordination for the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), and Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultations between NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The purpose of this checklist is to identify important information needs and analysis in order to complete Section 7 and EFH consultations in a timely and efficient manner. This checklist is for general project use as a guidance tool. For questions regarding this checklist, please contact Jim Henke , Senior Environmental Planner, HQ Division of Environmental Analysis.
  • 06-30-2014: The Natural Environment Study (NES) has been revised by the Biological Consultancy Group (BCG). Effective July 1, 2014, the revised outline is to be used to develop all new NES reports for the Caltrans, Local Assistance, and Oversight projects. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Gillies at (916) 653-6976.
  • 06-12-2014: Attachment B to the Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report (PEAR) has been updated to reflect WSG 11.0, including Task 280 (Administration of Permits, Licenses, Agreements and Certifications [PLACs] and Environmental Stewardship).  Additionally, a PERT version of Attachment B has been posted. Both versions can be found at:
  • 06-09-2014: Chapters 1 and 38 of the SER have been updated.
    • Chapter 1 has been updated to fix broken hyperlinks, add additional federal laws and regulations, and to add a new "NEPA Process Overview" flowchart.
    • Chapter 38 has been updated to add a new "Lead Agency Decision Tree for FHWA or Caltrans (as Assigned) Actions."
  • 05-21-2014: The SER MOU/MOA/Programmatic Agreements page has been updated to include a new Section 7 Programmatic Letter of Concurrence for Districts 1 and 2 and a new Streambed Alteration Agreement for routine maintenance activities in District 9.
  • 05-05-2014: The Environmental Certification form has been edited to enlarge the DIST/CO/RTE/PM and EA/Project No. fields, and to add more rows for project PLACs.
  • 04-24-14: The MOU/MOA page has been updated to include a broader range of agreements, to remove expired or superseded agreements, and to better organize the material on this page.
  • 02-27-14: The Environmental Certification form has been updated to include the Record of Decision (ROD) date.
  • 02-20-2014: The SER MOU/MOA page has been updated to post the Section 7 NOAA-Fisheries Programmatic Biological Assessment, which provides the assessment of impacts used in developing the Programmatic Biological Opinion for Pacific salmonids, Pacific eulachon, and green sturgeon and which covers coastal draining portions of Caltrans Districts 1, 2, and 4; roughly the range of coho salmon.
  • 02-12-2014: The CE/CE form, the CE Checklist, the Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist, and the Air Quality Conformity Analysis Outline have been updated to include two new categorical exclusions available for use under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(22) and 771.117(c)(23) (Projects Within an Existing Operational Right-of-Way and Projects Receiving Limited Federal Funding).  These CEs are effective 02-12-2014.
    Additionally, the Division of Environmental Analysis has prepared a Fact Sheet for these categorical exclusions which can be found on the SER’s Other Guidance page.
  • 02-11-2014: SER Vol. 1, Chapter 30 (“Categorical Exclusions") and Chapter 34 (“Exemptions to CEQA") have been updated to include more information on Project Description.

    Additionally, the Air Quality Conformity Analysis Cover Letter Sample has been updated and moved to the Forms and Templates page, and the air quality section of Chapter 38 (“NEPA Assignment") was revised to include some minor technical corrections, provide a new link to the revised Cover Letter Sample, and to include an updated Project-Level Conformity Process Flowchart.
  • 1-24-14: The PS&E / Ready to List Review Tool has been updated to improve quality and consistency.
  • 1-14-14: The SER MOU/MOA page has been updated to post the Section 7 NOAA-Fisheries Programmatic Biological Opinion (BO) for Pacific salmonids, Pacific eulachon, and green sturgeon, effective 10-18-13. The Programmatic BO covers routine maintenance, small capital projects, and geotechnical investigations. Areas covered include coastal draining portions of Caltrans Districts 1, 2, and 4; roughly the range of coho salmon.

January - December 2013

  • 12-31-13: SER Volume 1, Chapters 28 and 38 have been updated to reflect the First Amended Programmatic Agreement among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the California State Historic Preservation Officer, and the California Department of Transportation Regarding Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as it Pertains to the Administration of the Federal-aid Highway Program in California (PA).
  • 12-19-13: The Division of Environmental Analysis (DEA) has developed the Mini-PEAR as a tool to provide the minimum level of environmental scoping that should be undertaken at the PID phase of a project. The addition of the Mini-PEAR as a tool does not change any existing policy regarding when a PEAR must be prepared, and the use of the Mini-PEAR is not required. The Mini-PEAR can be found on the PEAR web page.
  • 12-19-13: SER Volume 1, Chapters 35, 36, and 37 have been updated to reflect the CDFW Environmental Filing Fees effective January 1, 2014.
  • 11-15-13: SER Volume 1, Chapter 27 has been updated to include information on the Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) Questionnaire, the VIA Annotated Outlines, and to clarify when a Scenic Resources Evaluation (SRE) is required.
  • 11-15-13: The Environmental Certification form and the Certificate of Environmental Compliance form have been updated to improve quality and consistency and to reflect MAP-21 changes. Samples of the Environmental Commitment Record known as the Permits, Agreements, and Mitigation (PAM) form for District 4 and the Environmental Commitment Record form for District 11 have been updated.
  • 10-9-13: To reflect legislative changes, including MAP-21, and to improve quality and consistency, the following “Training on Demand” presentations have been updated:
    • Section 4(f), the “How Come and the How To”
    • The Importance of the Administrative Record
    • NEPA/404 MOU
    • The 23 USC 139 (Formerly Section 6002) Efficient Environmental Review Process
    • Introductory Course on Purpose and Need 
  • 8-13-13: The Annotated Outlines for the joint and NEPA-only environmental documents have been updated. Key updates include:
    • An introduction was added which provides a brief history of the development of the AOs and their intended use.
    • The Coastal section was expanded and coastal considerations were incorporated throughout the AOs.
    • More information on the Park Preservation Act was added to the joint AOs.
    • Clarifications were made to CEQA section of the joint AOs under the header "Effects of the Proposed Project."
    • A List of Preparers was added.
    • Minor changes were made to the Visual/Aesthetics, Geology/Soils/Seismic/Topography, Paleontology, Hazardous Materials, Air Quality, and Climate Change sections.
    • Hyperlinks were checked and updated as needed.
    • Minor edits were made throughout each AO to incorporate "Plain Language" principles.
    In addition, the Environmental Document Review Checklist has been updated to reflect the most recent changes to the AOs.
  • 7-26-13: The Title VI Policy Statement: updated by Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty March 2013.
  • 7-10-13: "A Historical Context and Archaeological Research Design for Work Camp Properties in California" has been added to the Other Guidance SER page. This is the fourth document in our archaeological research design series.
  • 6-7-13: The SER MOU Page, SER Volume 1 Chapters 5, 15, 20, 30, and 38, and the CE/CE form and CE Checklist have been updated pursuant to the renewed 23 USC 326 CE Assignment MOU. The MOU is in effect from June 7, 2013 through June 7, 2016.
  • 5-29-13: The SER Acronyms and Abbreviations List has been updated and a new SER Glossary has been created. Both documents are in Microsoft Word format and can be incorporated into environmental documents or easily adapted to other uses. The Glossary is formatted as a Microsoft Word table.
  • 5-10-13: The Air Pollution Standards Table has been revised and posted on the SER Forms and Templates.
  • 5-6-13: The SER MOU/MOA page has been modified to include updates to the federal notification letters.
  • 5-6-13: SER Volume 1, Chapter 38, NEPA Assignment, has been modified to include updates to the federal notification letters.
  • 3-26-13: SER Volume 1, Chapter 38, NEPA Assignment, has been updated to provide live links to the NEPA Assignment MOU (October 1, 2012).
  • 3-12-13: SER, Volume 1, Chapter 6 has been updated to reflect changes associated with MAP-21 and NEPA Assignment.
  • 2-8-13: The Programmatic Section 4(f) Evaluation (Annotated Outline) has been updated to reflect changes associated with the July 2012 Section 4(f) Policy Paper, MAP-21, and NEPA Assignment.
  • 1-17-13: A SER Acronyms and Abbreviations List has been compiled and posted on the SER. The link to the list is located on the left navigation column of the SER above the glossary link. This list contains the most common acronyms and abbreviations found on the SER and may also be adapted for use in environmental documents.
  • 1-2-13: SER, Volume 1 Chapters 35, 36 and 37 have been updated pursuant to AB 2402, which amended the California Fish and Game Code to designate the Department of Fish and Game as the Department of Fish and Wildlife, effective January 1, 2013. Chapters 35, 36 and 37 have also been updated to reflect the 2013 increase in the CEQA document filing fees.

January - December 2012

  • 12-21-12: SER Forms and Templates: The Environmental Document Review Checklist has been updated to align with the changes made to the Annotated Outlines earlier this fall. The updated Environmental Document Review Checklist should be utilized immediately.
  • 12-6-12: SER Forms and Templates: The Air Quality Conformity Public Notice Language for conformity is updated to: 1) incorporate new areas based on U.S. EPA's ozone area designations effective July 2012; and 2) add RTP and TIP conformity language where appropriate; and 3) note that RTP and TIP language should not be used in Mono and Inyo County PM10 areas (non MPO areas).
  • 10-12-12: SER, Volume 1, Chapter 20 has been updated to reflect changes associated with the July 2012 Section 4(f) Policy Paper as well as NEPA Assignment.
  • 10-10-12: SER, Volume I Chapters 3, 4, 5, 15, & 18 have been updated to reference the NEPA Assignment Program.
  • 10-05-12: SER, Volume I Chapters 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 28 and 33 have been updated to reference the NEPA Assignment Program.
  • 10-01-12: The surface transportation reauthorization act, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), became effective on October 1, 2012. SER Volume 1 Chapter 1 has a summary of key updates of MAP-21. The following updates have been made:
    • A terminology crosswalk has been been developed. Printing this would be helpful.
    • SER Volume 1 Chapters 30, 31, 32, 37 and 38 have been updated. Key updates include:
      • The NEPA Pilot Program is no longer a "pilot" and is now a renewable NEPA Assignment Program
      • The Statute of Limitations has been changed from 180 days to 150 days
      • Section 6002 is now identified in these Chapters as the 23 USC 139 Efficient Environmental Review process. If a schedule is included in the Coordination Plan, concurrence from each participating agency is required.
    • SER Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)/Memoranda of Agreement (MOA): The NEPA Assignment MOU (effective October 1, 2012) has been added to the NEPA Assignment section.
    • SER Forms and Templates have been updated as identified: The following forms were updated to identify Section 6004 Categorical Exclusions (CEs) as 23 USC 326 CEs and Section 6005 CEs as 23 USC 327.
      • Categorical Exemption/Categorical Exclusion form
      • Categorical Exclusion Checklist
      • Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist
      • The Annotated Outlines and the Notice of Intent - EIS Sample were updated to reflect the renewed NEPA Assignment.
      • The Notice of Statute of Limitations on Claims form has been updated to change the duration from 180 days to 150 days.
      • Sample Distribution Lists for EISs have been added
    • SER Policy Memos have been issued:
      • Assignment of Responsibilities under the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program (NEPA Assignment)
      • Review Procedures for Environmental Documents under the NEPA Assignment Program
      • Environmental Document Quality Control Program under NEPA Assignment
      • Categorical Exclusions for 23 USC 326 CE Assignment and 23 USC 327 NEPA Assignment Responsibilities
      • Procedures for Determining Legal Sufficiency of NEPA Documents under the USDOT Secretary Assignment of Responsibilities under Title 23 United States Code section 327
    • Notice of Availability (NOA): Effective October 1, 2012, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) will only accept electronic submissions of Environmental Impact Statements for their publication of the Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. SER Volume 1, Chapters 32, 37, and 38 have been updated to reflect this change. Additionally, the NOA form has been removed from the SER Forms and Templates page.
  • 09-13-12 A new link has been added to the SER Main and What's New pages that allows a subscription service for SER updates. Subscribers will be notified automatically by e-mail that an update has been posted on the SER What's New page.
  • 08-22-12: The Annotated Outlines for the joint and NEPA-only environmental documents have been updated. Key updates include:
    • Title Page: Minor corrections were made to the Title Page to more clearly identify cooperating agencies and responsible agencies.
    • Baseline: Language was added to ensure clear and consistent identification of the environmental "baseline" under both NEPA and CEQA.
    • Section 4(f) De Minimis: Changes to the "Parks and Recreational Facilities," "Cultural Resources," and "Section 4(f) Appendix" have been made. The "de minimis" determination and documentation is now part of the Section 4(f) Appendix. The changes to these sections reflect that the de minimis information is in the Section 4(f) Appendix.
    • Section 4(f): The July 20, 2012 Section 4(f) Policy Paper has been added as a reference.
    • Environmental Justice (EJ): The December 16, 2011 FHWA Guidance on EJ and NEPA has been added as a reference.
    • Water Quality and Storm Water Runoff: A minor change to the Regulatory Setting language provides clarification on the SWRCB and RWQCB roles within their jurisdictions. Reference to the Storm Water Data Report (SWDR) has been removed from the boilerplate language under the NPDES Program. An internet link has been added to guidance on the recommended content and format for the Water Quality Assessment Report (WQAR). Broken internet links to additional storm water guidance and information have been repaired.
    • Geology/Soils/Seismic/Topography: The Regulatory Setting language has been updated to reflect the Department's use of Seismic Design Criteria (SDC) in the design of structures. An internet link to the SDC has been added to the Guidance section.
    • Paleontology: Clarifying changes were made to text throughout this section.
    • Hazardous Waste/Materials: Clarifying changes were made to text throughout this section.
    • Biological Environment: The Regulatory Setting language was updated in the "Wetlands and Other Waters" and the "Threatened and Endangered Species" sections. Under "Natural Communities," corrections were made to mark instructions as blue "guidance text."
    • Climate Change: The Climate Change section was updated to provide the correct link to the HQ Climate Change reviewer e-mail address, as well as to provide clarifying language in the guidance text. The adaptation section has also been modified to reflect the National Research Council's Report on Sea Level Rise that was released to the public on June 22, 2012. Caltrans Director's Policy 30 (DP-30) (approved on June 22, 2012), was added to the boilerplate language in the State Regulatory Setting section.
  • 8-9-12: FHWA Section 4(f) Policy Paper was released on July 20, 2012. It replaces the 2005 FHWA Section 4(f) Policy Paper. SER Volume I Chapters 1, 20, 28, and 37 have been updated
  • 3-23-12: Volume 1, Chapter 34 of the SER has been updated to include the requirement that a CEQA Notice of Exemption be filed with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR), State Clearinghouse. This requirement applies to any project on the State Highway System for which the Department has determined that the project is exempt from CEQA.
  • 3-22-12: Policy Memo - Mandatory Filing of Notices of Exemption for Projects Subject to CEQA, Gina Moran, March 21, 2012. This policy memo requires that a CEQA Notice of Exemption be filed with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR), State Clearinghouse. This requirement applies to any project on the State Highway System for which the Department has determined that the project is exempt from CEQA.
  • 3-5-12: Forms & Templates -The Transportation Air Quality Conformity Checklist has been removed from the SER Forms and Templates page. Reference to this checklist has also been removed from Volume I, Chapter 38. The Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist, which has been updated, should be used and reflects current practice.
  • 3-5-12: Volume 1, Chapter 38. Reference to the Transportation Air Quality Conformity Checklist has been removed from this chapter. It was also updated to reflect the STEVE database replacing the NEPA tracking spreadsheet to track NEPA Delegation milestones and to note that the Statewide Audit Coordinator changed from Cindy Adams to Dale Jones.
  • 3-1-12: Volume 3, Chapter 4, Federal and State Endangered Species Act Procedures has been revised to include an overview of the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures related to plant and animal species regulated under the Federal Endangered Species Act and the California Endangered Species Act. The revised chapter also discusses Essential Fish Habitat consultation procedures and the timing of biological tasks in relation to the project development process.
  • 2-6-12: Chapters 35, 36, and 37 have been updated to reflect changes pursuant to AB 209 (Statutes of 2011), which amended CEQA to require that the Notice of Availability specify how the environmental document shall be provided in electronic format.
  • 1-26-12: The SER Forms and Templates webpage was updated to provide the most recent versions of the NOD and NOE forms, which were both revised by the State Clearinghouse to include the project applicant pursuant to SB 320 (Statutes of 2011). Links to these forms in Chapters 34, 35, 36, and 37 have been updated as well.
  • 1-9-12: SER Volume I Chapters 35, 36 and 37 have been updated to reflect the increase in Department of Fish and Game's CEQA document filing fees effective January 1, 2012.

January - December 2011

  • 10-24-11: Volume 4 of the Environmental Handbook-Community Impact Assessment has been updated to include recent methodologies for conducting a Community Impact Assessment. A chapter on Environmental Justice has been included. Information on creating a community profile has been expanded and includes new sources for data. There are also updated processes for analyzing farmland impacts including instructions for completing the required farmland conversion forms.
  • 09-12-2011: Caltrans staff and consultants preparing compliance documents under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act are encouraged to use the "Tract Housing in California, 1945-1973: A Context for National Register Evaluation" document posted in the "Other Guidance" section of the SER for the survey and evaluation of post-World War II houses and housing tracts.
  • 09-07-11: The Division of Environmental Analysis (DEA) has developed the "Alternatives Analysis Frequently Asked Questions" to provide guidance on the development of alternatives, including requirements for NEPA documents, requirements for CEQA documents, when avoidance alternatives are required, the difference between a design option and an alternative, and other important considerations.
  • 08-18-2011: Changes to Chapter 38 are as follows:
    • Quality Control:
      • Resource/Technical Specialist Review was slightly modified to state that where there is no consultation/coordination involved on an issue, no comment received on that issue, and no other reason to update the information on that resource/technical specialty area between the draft and final environmental document, no technical specialist review of that issue area is required for the final environmental document.
      • Technical Editor review was modified to clarify that no Caltrans technical editor review is required for an environmental document prepared by a local agency or its consultant. The local agency and its consultant are responsible for technical editing of the environmental documents they prepare.
    • Statewide Audit Coordinator changed from Scott Williams to Cindy Adams.
    • Various minor wording changes throughout to reflect that the Pilot Program is no longer new.
  • 08-16-11: Project Initiation Documents and the Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report, Kelly C. Dunlap, July 28, 2011. This policy memo clarifies when a PEAR is needed and reinforces the level of detail necessary for a PEAR. The intent of the PEAR is to provide a concise report outlining the issues for the environmental document, and any assumptions made in relation to those issues.
  • 08-04-11: Policy Implications of Sunnyvale West Neighborhood Association et al v. City of Sunnyvale, 190 Cal. App. 4th 1351 (2010), Kelly C. Dunlap, July 28, 2011. This policy memo discusses the requirement to compare environmental impacts of a proposed project to baseline conditions as required by CEQA, and it clarifies the Department's approach for traffic modeling in regard to the proposed build project and baseline conditions.
  • 07-12-11: The revised Annotated Outlines (AOs) have been posted on the SER. The following AO sections have been updated:

    Air Quality section: updated to reflect the latest guidance, as well as updated links and tables, including the addition of an attainment status column to the State and Federal Criteria Air Pollutant Standards, Effects, and Sources Table.

    Biological Environment section: The Wetlands and Other Waters subsection was updated to highlight federal CWA Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, and to add links to current USACE manuals and guidance. USACE RGL 05-02 was added to this subsection, and along with RGL 08-02, provides the specifics of the time frame for the validity of jurisdictional determinations (JDs). The T&E Species subsection was updated to specify that per 50 CFR 402.12(e) federal endangered species lists should not be older than 180 days. T&E Species Guidance was also revised to clarify essential fish habitat requirements pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976.

    Climate Change section (joint documents only): updated to reflect the current status of legislation, as well as updated links and graphics. The methodology for completing climate change analysis remains the same as the previous AO version.

    Land Use section: guidance was updated to highlight the need to assess the consistency of project alternatives with State, Regional, and Local Plans and to document the assessment. Noise section: updated per the new California DOT noise policy protocol approved by FHWA for new or reconstruction highway projects. This new Protocol becomes effective on July 13, 2011 for all Federal Aid projects.

    Paleontology section: updated pursuant to the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (16 USC 470aaa).

    Water Quality and Stormwater Runoff section: updated to more fully integrate the requirements of U.S. EPA's Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines (U.S. EPA CFR 40 Part 230) into guidance for compliance with the federal CWA.

  • 06-28-11: SER Volume 1, Chapter 14, Biological Resources, Volume 3, Chapter 3, Waters of the U.S. and the State, and the ED Review Checklist form have been updated per Jay Norvell's June 22, 2011 memo: "Clarification Regarding FESA List Validity".
  • 06-23-11: Clarification Regarding Federal Endangered Species List Validity Jay Norvell, June 22, 2011. A policy memo was released to clarify that per 50 CFR 402.12(e), federal endangered species lists should not be older than 180 days.
  • 06-21-11: NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation form was revised in the second category under NEPA Conclusion- Validity to clarify that with additional documentation, the original ED or CE remains valid.
  • 06-16-11: Chapter 12 has been revised to include the requirements of the new Noise Protocol (May 2011).
  • 06-09-11: Guidance on Incorporating Sea Level Rise is now available. This guidance provides a framework for determining when and how to address sea level rise impacts on the Department's projects during the planning and project initiation phases. The planning scenarios used in this guidance are consistent with those recommended by the Coastal Ocean Climate Action Team.
  • 04-25-11: Tracking Federal Endangered Species Act Consultations and Automatic Elevation Procedures, Jay Norvell, March 18, 2011. As of March 31, 2011, in line with STEVE implementation, a tracking procedures and automatic elevation process has been implemented to ensure timely consultation between the Department and USFWS. Steps for data input into STEVE, ensuring a complete BA, timely initiation, and automatic elevation procedures expected to be utilized, are outlined in the memo.
  • 03-29-11: SAMI MOU between Caltrans, CDFG, USACE South Pacific Division, U.S. EPA, USFWS, and NMFS. The purpose of the MOU is to establish a mutual framework for coordinated review concerning the development of SAMI in California by Caltrans and CDFG for advance mitigation of planned transportation projects at a landscape scale.
  • 03/24/11: An updated Categorical Exclusion Checklist has been posted. The approach to documenting consideration of applicable federal regulations and Executive Orders has been modified for clarity and brevity and the unusual circumstances statement has been updated.
  • 3/18/11: Chapter 15, Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States has been updated to provide additional guidance on regulations, assessment and reporting requirements, and permit requirements pertaining to Waters of the United States and the State.
  • 03/11/11: Reference Guide for the Issuance of U.S. DOT Highway Easements or Special Use Permits, Rick D, Land, December 21, 2010. This memo and U.S. Forest Service Reference Guidance is provided as the interim tool for Caltrans and U.S. Forest Service Personnel pending revision of the 1989 U.S. Forest Service/Caltrans MOU.
  • 02/17/11: Remediation and Enhancement of Fish Passage Locations, Rick D. Land, December 16, 2010. The Department encourages additional attention and effort to remediate all structures that impede the migration of anadromous fish as required by existing law such as Fish and Game Code 5901 and Streets and Highway Code 156 [SB 857].
  • 02/15/11: Review Procedures for Environmental Mitigation Cooperative Agreements, Kelly C. Dunlap (February 3, 2011). This memo announces that the Environmental Management Office is now the lead for mitigation cooperative agreements and sets forth the procedures for developing and executing a mitigation cooperative agreement.
  • 01/13/11: Chapter 38 Air Quality section includes an updated air quality conformity checklist, now for use on all projects assigned to Caltrans by FHWA. Previously, separate air quality conformity checklists were used for projects assigned to Caltrans under Section 6004 and projects assigned to Caltrans under the Pilot Program. The key information from each checklist has been incorporated into this combined checklist.
  • 01-03-11: Updated the Air Quality Conformity Public Notice Language to reflect PM2.5 non-attainment designation changes effective for conformity purposes on 12-14-2010, and added graphics to assist with recognizing areas where language is to be applied.

January - December 2010

  • 11-24-10: Chapter 34 section "Emergency Exemptions" text and the "Emergency Projects Environmental Process and Requirements" guidance have been updated to provide additional clarification on emergency project documentation for both CEQA and NEPA compliance.
  • 07-29-10: Guidance for District submittals for Alternative Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impact) (NES MI) - No Effect , Gregg Erickson (July 22, 2010). This memo provides guidance to Caltrans districts interested in developing a shorter template than the currently approved NES MI template for use on projects that have no effects on biological resources. The memo identifies the elements necessary to include in an alternative format and the approval process.
  • 06-24-10: The SER Forms and Templates page has been updated to include the Environmental Document Review Matrix, a tool to track external/internal Administrative Environmental Document review comments. The form is used by the HQ DEA Coordinators on all Pilot Program QA reviews.
  • 06-09-10: The Chapter 38 list of important file contents has been updated to add public meeting materials and the Environmental Commitments Record.
  • 06-09-10: Links and references in the SER to the 6004 MOU have been updated to reflect the MOU renewal of the CT CE assignment program effective 6/7/10, including Chapter 30, Chapter 38, and the SER MOU/MOA page.
  • 06-07-10: CE/CE form was updated per the 6004 MOU renewal of the CT CE assignment program for an additional 3 year term, beginning 6/7/10.
  • 05-20-10: Chapter 1 has been updated to add links to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, and to DOT Order 5650.2 - Floodplain Management and Protection.
  • 05-20-10: Chapter 20 was edited for clarification and to reference the Programmatic Section 4(f) Annotated Outline.
  • 05-18-10: SER Forms and Templates - the Environmental Document Review Checklist has been updated to incorporate changes to the annotated outlines and to include the Environmental Document Preparer signature block.
  • 05-17-10: The Annotated Outlines for the joint and NEPA-only environmental documents have been updated. Key updates include:
    • Climate Change (CEQA): Updates were made to the regulatory setting and some subsections were re-organized.
    • Section 4(f): Minor changes were made to Section 4(f) to clarify regulatory citations and to include cross-link to Programmatic Section 4(f) Annotated Outline.
    • Lead Agency: Title page and related text have been improved to more clearly identify Lead Agency for CEQA and/or NEPA.
    • Wetlands: Guidance has been updated regarding preliminary jurisdictional determinations, and ACOE approval per RGL 08-02.
    • Water Quality: Regulatory Setting was modified.
    • Threatened and Endangered Species: Clarifying text has been added to ensure the inclusion of effect findings, and identification of mitigation measures which were developed as a result of consultation.
  • 05-11-10:The Chapter 38 desktop version of charging practices information has been updated to reflect new Local Assistance charging codes.
  • 05-11-10:Chapter 25 has been updated to provide additional information and links to further resources and guidance, and to better integrate Environmental Justice into the Project Development process.
  • 05-04-10: Chapter 33, the "Internal Review and Approval for Consultation / Reevaluation" section and the Reevaluation/Consultation flowchart were updated to better reflect the requirements of the NEPA Pilot Program.
  • 04-22-10: An annotated outline has been developed and posted for Programmatic Section 4(f) Evaluations.
  • 04-22-10: Chapter 38 charging practices information updated to reflect new Local Assistance charging codes.
  • 04-19-10: The CEQA portion of the NEPA/CEQA Revalidation form was edited to clarify how to document the instance when a CE is no longer valid and a new CE must be issued.
  • 04-15-10: Chapter 38 has been updated to include information on the use of the Annotated Outlines, including deviating from the approved outline.
  • 04-14-10: Chapter 17 has been updated to add a link to DOT Order 5650.2 - Floodplain Management and Protection.
  • 03-22-10: The Joint Caltrans/FHWA Reevaluation Guidance was updated to better address its applicability under the NEPA Delegation Pilot Program.
  • 02-18-10: Chapter 38. A desktop version of charging practices information has been added to Chapter 38. The Uniform Environmental Filing System (UFS) section has also been updated.
  • 02-18-10: Forms & Templates page : Instructions for using the Uniform Environmental Filing System (UFS) have been updated. The template for UFS tabs has also been updated to reflect changes.
  • 01-07-10: SER Chapters 35,36,37 have an updated link to the State Clearinghouse and Planning Unit website regarding the 2010 increase to CEQA Document Filing Fees.

January - December 2009

  • 10-19-09: SER Chapter 38 has been revised. Guidance on Charging Practices has been updated to more strongly clarify that the Pilot Program Special Designation 6DELE and Pilot Program WBS codes are to be used only for Section 6005 Pilot Program activities, and to add participation in Pilot Program self assessments to the activities that may be charged to the Special Designation. Assignment language required for stand-alone Section 4(f) evaluations on Section 6004 CE projects has been added to the Section 4(f) section of Chapter 38.
  • 10-05-09: A link to the FHWA Memo regarding Interim Guidance Update on Mobile Source Air Toxic Analysis in NEPA Documents, dated September 30, 2009, has been posted under SER Policy Memos.
  • 09-08-09: Title VI Policy Statement: updated by Caltrans Director Iwasaki on August 25, 2009.
  • 09-15-09: A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the CA Department of Transportation, US Army Corps of Engineers and US Department of Agriculture Forest Service has been established on Compensatory Mitigation for Transportation Projects on National Forests in California.
  • 08-12-09: SER Chapters 31, 37, and 38 have been revised to reflect a change in the definition of Complex Environmental Assessments.
  • 07-31-09: SER Chapter 38 guidance on the appropriate person to sign the Environmental Document Review Tool, has been revised to reflect that the document preparer is responsible for completing and signing the checklist. The guidance has also been updated to reflect that the District/Region is responsible for ensuring that the Environmental Document Review Tool is completed.
  • 07-22-09: FHWA's "What is Transportation Conformity?" training is now available on the Training on Demand webpage. The training provides an understanding of the basics of transportation conformity, including a general overview of the transportation conformity process and its major requirements.
  • 07-21-09: The Air Quality section of Chapter 38 has been updated to provide clearer direction and updated links.
  • 7-09-09: SER Chapter 32 has been updated to include links to the on-line training for Section 6002 and the NEPA-404 MOU. Additional text has been added regarding collaboration on methodologies and detail under Section 6002.
  • 07-08-09: Chapter 38 and Forms & Templates page: Updated NEPA Delegation Tracking Spreadsheet and instructions have been posted with a revision date of 6/26/09. A new spreadsheet column has been added to record the HQ Coordinator "Class of Action Concurrence" date.
  • 07-07-09: The Charging Practices section of Chapter 38 has been updated to instruct District Local Assistance environmental staff to use the Special Designation 6LADELE for Pilot Program related activities.
  • 06-26-09: Air Quality questions 4b and 4c were revised, and two new CE categories were added based on updates to 23 CFR 771.
  • 06-24-09: A revised Chapter 10 Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Waste and Contamination (formerly titled "Hazardous Waste") is now available. This chapter provides an overview of the procedures used to address hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, and contamination during the project planning and delivery process.
  • 06-23-09: In response to requests by staff, we have posted the CEQA and NEPA forms in unlocked and unprotected versions with instructions as to how to toggle the lock/unlock feature to be able to use the Microsoft Word Form features and also format text, cut and paste, use hyperlinks and other functions that are not available when the form is locked.
  • 06-10-09: The joint NEPA/CEQA and NEPA-only annotated outlines have been revised to reflect new or revised regulations, requirements, or practices. The discussion of Section 4(f) has been revised pursuant to 23 CFR 774; the regulatory requirements discussion in the Water Quality/Storm Water section has been updated; the flowcharts in the Air Quality section have been revised. The joint NEPA/CEQA outlines have been revised to include an updated discussion of climate change and a new discussion of climate change adaptation strategies pursuant to state requirements and the Governor’s executive order.
  • 06-08-09: Chapters 31 and 37 instructions for circulation of draft and final environmental documents have been updated. It is now requested that a copy of the environmental document be provided to the Headquarters NEPA Delegation Office when an EA or EIS is circulated to the public. The DEIR/DEIS and FEIR/FEIS distribution lists have been updated to reflect this change.
  • 05-18-09: Instructions for using Uniform Environmental Filing System have been updated to clarify that establishing the environmental project files based on the Uniform Filing System should be done as soon as practical after environmental studies begin. The Index attached to the instructions has also been updated to clarify that the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates tab 530 should contain the PS&E package, Project plans, Correspondence and Review comments as appropriate.
  • 05-18-09: Chapters 1, 30, 31, 32, and 37 have been revised to add references to 23 CFR 774 and the updated 23 CFR 771.
  • 5-1-09: Guidance for the Joint Issue Memo for the Dispute Resolution Process for Section 7 Endangered Species Act Consultation, Jay Norvell (April 8, 2009). This memo provides additional guidance to the Joint Issue Memo for the Dispute Resolution Process for Section 7 Endangered Species Act Consultation that was formalized in November 2006 for all projects where Caltrans or FHWA is the lead agency.
  • 4-29-09: Interim Policy for Establishing Funding Assurance for Mitigation Requirements, Jay Norvell (November 14, 2008). This memo discusses the procedures for establishing funding assurances to the California Department of Fish and Game in permit or mitigation obligations as required under the Fish and Game Code and the California Endangered Species Act. It also includes example letters and a template for conveying assurances when submitting permit applications, consistency determinations or incidental take requests.
  • 4-21-09: Caltrans CTC Submittal Page and flowchart have been updated to clarify the coordination procedures for environmental documentation between Caltrans and the CTC. Expands memo requirements to disclose whether the project conforms to baseline agreements. DEIR/DEIS, FEIR/FEIS distribution lists also now lists the CTC.
  • 4-13-09: California Environmental Legislation 2007 - 2009 Session, Kelly C. Dunlap (April 1, 2009). This memo discusses the impacts of environmental bills signed into law in 2008 and in the 2009 Special Session that have the potential to affect the California Department of Transportation's work.
  • 4-06-09: Chapter 38 instructions for establishing environmental project files have been clarified; environmental files are required to be established "as soon as practical after environmental studies begin".
  • 4-3-09: California Transportation Commission (CTC) Environmental Document Submittal Processes for Projects on the State Highway System, Jay Norvell (April 2, 2009). This memo clarifies and updates the coordination procedures of environmental documentation between Caltrans, the local project sponsor, and the CTC.
  • 3-30-09: The Environmental Certification form was updated as follows: "as applicable" was added to the signing statement and the NEPA portion of the "Environmental Documentation" section was edited to make the intent of the statements clearer.
  • 3-27-09: The following forms have been made "fillable": Categorical Exclusion Checklist, Categorical Exemption/Exclusion Form, Quality Control Checklist, Internal Quality Control Certification Sheet, External Quality Control Certification Sheet, NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form, CEQA Checklist, Environmental Certification, Environmental Document Review Checklist, EIR Certification Form, Certification of Environmental Compliance.
  • 3-27-09: Early Acquisition memo by Jay Norvell and Bimla G. Rhinehart (Dec 2007) describes conditions under which Caltrans may use the early acquisition process for projects under the Pilot Program.
  • 3-23-09: The signature authorities discussions and table have been updated for consistency and to clarify that while the District Director may delegate signature authority for the DEIS to the Deputy District Director for Environmental, the FEIS signature may not be delegated.
  • 3-23-09: The 6002 Coordination Plan was updated to be consistent with the revised cooperating and participating agency invitation letters.
  • 3-19-09: The joint participating-cooperating agency invitation letter was revised to correct the subject line of the letter as well as to clarify the text regarding participating and cooperation agency roles. The participating agency letter was revised to be consistent with the participating and cooperating agency letter.
  • 3-12-09: The Biological section of the Standard Environmental Reference (SER), Volume 3: Chapters 1 and 2 have been updated.
  • 2-19-09: Chapter 39, Incorporating Mitigation/Permit Conditions into Design Section "Steps for Incorporating Environmental Commitments" Certificate of Environmental Compliance form has been updated to clarify form date, capture and record commitments post-construction, and RE signatory coverage of commitments.
  • 2-11-09: Chapter 38, Air Quality: Section 3.1 of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis annotated outline has been updated to clarify how to handle situations where projects are screened out of analysis under the protocol.
  • 2-02-09: The PEAR Handbook has been updated and reorganized to reflect new requirements and to be more consistent with the annotated outlines. The PEAR attachments have also been updated and can be downloaded as forms. There is also a blank PEAR format and an Environmental Study Request format that can be downloaded.
  • 1-22-09: Chapter 38 - changes, as follows:
    • Clarified that Class of Action documentation should be filed in the PEAR/PES tab.
  • 1-21-09 :Chapter 38 - changes, as follows:
    • Environmental Document Review Process
      • Clarified that QC Certification forms must be completed before the environmental document is approved.
      • Clarified that the Environmental Branch Chief quality control review occurs last and is the final signature on the internal QC Certification form.
      • Clarified that Legal review of complex EAs is not required, but is encouraged.
      • Clarified that the submittal requirements for Legal review pertain to formal reviews of EISs and individual Section 4(f) evaluations.
    • Categorical Exclusions
      • Clarified that the one action that best represents the project and its underlying purpose and need should be selected as the CE category.
    • Monitoring, Oversight, and Audit
      • Added a link to the performance measures matrix that identifies performance measure indicators and metrics used to evaluate performance measures. The performance measure indicators and metrics were updated during Self Assessment 3.
    • Data Management and Administrative Practices
      • Added a list of approvals and decisions included in the quarterly reports to FHWA.
      • Clarified that, at a minimum, dates must be entered within the quarter that the milestone was reached.
      • Added a list of Important file contents.
      • Added e-mail retention requirements: "E-mails that support project decision-making, reflect deliberation, and demonstrate a 'hard look' under NEPA are to be retained as part of the project file."
      • Clarified that environmental document comments from Legal and other Legal confidential communications should be retained in a confidential file separate from the formal project environmental file, as these represent attorney client privilege.
      • Added a link to Pilot Program WBS codes.
      • Provided additional information on when to charge the NEPA Delegation special designation 6DELE and information on Local Assistance charging practices.
  • 1-14-09: Chapter 38 - Section 4(f) has been updated to clarify submittal requirements for review of individual Section 4(f) evaluations.
  • 1-12-09: Chapters 35, 36, and 37 have been updated to reflect the increases in the Fish and Game CEQA Filing fees that took effect on 1/1/09.

January - December 2008

  • 12-19-08: Chapter 11 - Air Quality has been updated to add clarifying language to Preparer Qualifications, Processing and Approval, and Recommended Methodologies.
  • 12-17-08: Chapter 38 - An addition was made to the UFS tab contents for Section 4(f) to clarify that de minimis finding documentation for all Section 4(f) resource types is to be filed in the Section 4(f) tab.
  • 12-16-08: Chapter 20 "Section 4(f)" has been amended to clarify the documentation requirements for a "de minimis" Section 4(f) determination
  • 11-26-08: Templates are now available for public notice language to be used where conformity requirements apply. Specific language is provided for various areas based on the combination of pollutants involved, and the type of PM10 or PM2.5 hot spot analysis done. This language should be used in Draft and Final NEPA document public notices wherever conformity applies, and must be used in PM10 and PM2.5 areas where hot spot analysis and interagency consultation is done based on EPA's March 2006 guidance. Public notice for conformity is not required for projects processed with a NEPA CE.
  • 11-25-08: Templates are now available for three types of notices that FHWA sends on behalf of Caltrans to the Office of the Federal Register for publication: Notice of Intent, Notice of Availability, and Notice of Statute of Limitations on Claims. These templates adhere to the requirements of the Office of the Federal Register for document format and signatory authority.
  • 11-21-08: Other Guidance: Guidance for Preparers of Cumulative Impact Analysis: One key word was changed in Step 1(Identify resources to consider in the cumulative impact analysis). To clarify that the cumulative impact analysis should focus on issues meeting either category 1) "those resources significantly impacted by the project", or category 2) "resources in poor or declining health or at risk even if project impacts are relatively small (less than significant)", the word "or" replaced the word "and" on this list.
  • 11-05-08: Chapter 35: the State Clearinghouse submittal process for the draft IS/ND or MND has been updated to include the Notice of Completion.
  • 10-20-08: The Categorical Exclusion Checklist was updated to provide FESA Section 7 questions for Essential Fish Habitat.
  • 10-01-08: The Environmental Certification form has been updated to add a footnote reminding districts to send a copy of each completed Environmental Certification to the EMO Chief.
  • 09-26-2008: Chapter 38 and Forms & Templates page: Updated NEPA Delegation Tracking Spreadsheet and Instructions posted with a revision date of 9-19-08.
  • 09-26-2008: Chapter 20 has been updated to provide links to each nationwide programmatic Section 4(f) evaluation
  • 09-16-2008: Quality Control Certification Forms
    • Updated Internal and External Quality Control Certification Forms posted, with a revision date of September 15, 2008. Changes are as follows:
      • Technical Specialist Review area of the form changed to further clarify review requirements and the review that occurred. Check boxes have been added next to the list of technical study areas. The box is to be checked for each stand-alone technical study prepared for the environmental document. Technical specialist review is required for each resource topic with a stand-alone technical study.
      • Peer reviewer statement slightly modified to match the peer reviewer requirement in Chapter 38.
    • Section 4(f)
      • Section 4(f) has moved to the NEPA QC Reviewer area of the form to further clarify that the NEPA QC reviewer performs the Section 4(f) review.
      • The NEPA QC reviewer will use the form to identify the Section 4(f) finding for the project: None De minimis Programmatic Individual
      • The NEPA QC reviewer will check the box that corresponds with the Section 4(f) finding for the project
    • Environmental Branch Chief Signature has been specified on the form to be the last signature: "signed only after all other QC signatures are gathered".
    • External Quality Control Form
      • Section 4(f) now specifies the Section 4(f) finding for the project
      • Signing statements for the Environmental Consultant and the Local Agency have been modified slightly to more accurately reflect their roles in the process.
  • 09-16-2008: CE/CE Form
    • Updated CE/CE form posted, with a revision date of September 15, 2008. The form was slightly modified to add a printed name above each signature block and to correct citations to 23 CFR 771.117
  • 08-06-08: SER Vol. 1, Chapter 17 has been updated. Information on Location Hydraulic Study, Floodplain Evaluation Report and Summary Floodplain Encroachment Report has been revised.
  • 08-04-08: SER Chapter 1 has been updated to add a link to DOT Order 5660.1A, under the section on Executive Order 11990 Protection of Wetlands.
  • 08-01-08: SER Policy Memos have been updated to add Bruce Behrens Memo of July 16, 2008 titled "Procedures for Determining Legal Sufficiency of Environmental Documents under the NEPA Pilot Program". This document supersedes Mr. Behrens memo (same subject) of October 15, 2007.
  • 07-31-08: SER Forms and Templates: the Notice of Availability - FONSI form has been updated.
  • 07-30-08: SER Chapter 6 has been revised to update the links to the Sample Participating Agency Invitation Letter and the Sample Joint Participating and Cooperating Agency Invitation Letter.
  • 07-18-08: SER Chapter 38 (NEPA Delegation) has been updated with clarifying changes to:
    • Quality Control Program:
      • Technical Specialist Review
      • Internal Peer Review
    • Class of Action Determination
    • Options for communicating that Environmental Document is ready for approval, in
      • Environmental Document Review Process
      • EIS Review Procedures, Signature Authorities
  • 07-16-08: SER Chapter 33 has been updated to link to the most recent version of the NEPA/CEQA Re-validation Form (revised April 2008).
  • 07-10-08: SER Chapter 15 has been updated to make corrections to the Waters of the U.S. and the State Decision Tree, update wetlands procedures for Local Assistance projects per LAPM Chapter 6 revised May 30, 2008, link to the current PES form, and repair broken links.
  • 07-07-08: SER Volume 1 Chapters 3, 5, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 28, and 31 have been updated for links to the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) Chapter 6 Environmental Procedures (revised May 30, 2008), and the Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form (revised May 30, 2008).
  • 06-10-08: SER Chapter 31 has been updated to add direct links to the NEPA-only annotated outlines. Chapters 32 and 37 have been updated to add clarifying text regarding local agency use of annotated outlines.
  • 06-04-08: SER Chapters 13, 25, 31, 32, and 37 have been updated to link to the most current version of the Annotated Outlines (April 2008).
  • 06-03-08: Section 6004: Categorical Exclusion Delegation webpage: The link to the Section 6004 Categorical Exclusion Determination Form has been removed because this form has been superseded by the revised Categorical Exclusion Checklist; and the link to the Categorical Exclusion Checklist has been updated.
  • 5-20-2008: The environmental document Annotated Outlines (IS/EA, EIR/EA, EIR/EIS, EA, and EIS, posted on Forms and Templates) have been updated to clarify the following Air Quality sections: Environmental Consequences and Avoidance, and Minimization, and/or Mitigation Measures.
  • 5-15-2008: SER Chapter 38 (NEPA Delegation): Correction made to Signature Protocols under Environmental Document Protocols.
  • 04-28-2008: SER Chapter 38 (NEPA Delegation) has been revised. Key changes include:
    • Environmental Document Review Process - "The District/Region must also complete the Environmental Document Review Checklist before completion of the quality control process."
    • Quality Control Program - Add: "Note that the environmental branch chief’s quality control review must always occur last, but the other reviews may occur in any order that is determined to be most appropriate by the District/Region. "
    • Quality Control Certification Forms - Add: "Note that environmental documents for all projects require an Internal Quality Control Certification form, regardless of whether they are prepared by the Department, a local agency, or a consultant."
    • Division of Environmental Analysis and Legal Reviews - "The Legal Office will provide its legal review or legal sufficiency comments to the District/Region…"The Headquarters Environmental Coordinator and the Legal Office will coordinate to reach a common understanding on comments before they are submitted to the District/Region."
    • HQ Pre-Approval Review - Add new paragraph before the "No approval action" paragraph, "For the Final EISs, the Legal Office will make a legal sufficiency finding, if appropriate, or advise the District/Region that additional revision is necessary."
    • District Approval of the Draft or Final Document or Record of Decision for Public Circulation/Notification - Add new paragraph to beginning of section: "Before public circulation of the DEIS and FEIS, the District/Region must complete the steps below. For DED:
      • Legal office concurs that its comments have been addressed and that the DEIS may be signed
      • Headquarters Environmental Coordinator recommends in writing that DEIS is ready for signature.
        For FED:
      • Legal office provides Legal Sufficiency Determination. Headquarters Environmental Coordinator recommends in writing that the FED is ready for signature.
    • District Approval of the Draft or Final Document or Record of Decision for Public - "The ROD may not be published sooner than 30 days after the notice of FEIS is published in the Federal Register."
    • Signature Authorities - "The signature may be delegated to the Deputy District Director for DEIS, but may not be delegated for the FEIS or ROD."
    • Signature Authorities - Added "See Signature Authorities for the signature protocol for each document/determination type."
    • Air Quality - Added a reference to the Air Quality CE conformity checklist and the statement "This checklist is to be completed for each project and included in the project environmental file."
    • Environmental Impact Statement Submittal to U.S. EPA - "…attention Office of Federal Activities in Washington D.C. Add: "At least two copies must also be sent to the EPA Region 9 office in San Francisco."
    • Conflict Resolution With External Agencies - "Where this issue needed resolution does not involve one of the regulatory processes described above, the Department will implement…under Section 6002 of SAFETEA-LU when appropriate and assume the FHWA role, or work with the agencies involved to efficiently and effectively resolve the conflict."
    • End - Insert Useful Links:
      1. Caltrans’ NEPA Delegation Website
      2. NEPA Delegation Forms & Templates
      3. NEPA Delegation Policy Memos
    • Environmental Document Review Process - "All quality control procedures and forms must be completed for both draft environmental document and final environmental documents."
    • Quality Control Certification Forms - Clarified that the QC Certification form is signed at the conclusion of the review "of the draft environmental document and final environmental document." Specified that the QC "form is signed once the environmental document meets standards and requirements in the reviewer's area of expertise."
    • Signature Authorities - Specified for EISs "Any delegation of signature must be in writing."
    • For further details see Chapter 38 Revision History.
  • 04-29-2008: SER Chapter 20 [Section 4(f)] has been updated by expanding the discussion of the six individual elements of the Interstate Highway System in California that FHWA designated as being exceptionally significant and thus remain subject to Section 4(f) even though the Interstate Highway System, as a whole, was exempted from 4(f) in SAFETEA-LU.
  • 04-18-2008: The Categorical Exclusion Checklist has been revised. Key changes include:
    • The air quality portions of the Categorical Exclusion (CE) Checklist were largely eliminated in deference to the Air Quality Checklists
    • Resource areas were added to the table of Federal laws, regulations, and executive orders (Question #5)
    • The form was condensed so that all 6004 CE classes are on one page
    • Signature and date were added
    • A slot was added at the top of form to include project identifier and EA
  • 04-18-2008: The NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form has been revised. Key changes include the creation of "middle" categories for NEPA that more clearly identify how to document minor changes.
  • 04-17-2008: The Annotated Outlines have been updated and revised. Key changes include:
    • NEPA-only annotated outlines now available.
    • Overall format for all outlines updated to consistently follow Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation Measures sequence.
    • Climate Change section updated to include latest CA and federal actions on climate change, also allows for disclosure of CO2 emissions for the purpose of comparing project alternatives
    • Section 4(f) updated to reflect new regulatory changes, including references to 23 CFR 774 and the balancing tests for "prudent and feasible" and "least harm." Additionally, guidance for documenting de minimis impact determinations has been included under Parks and Recreation and Cultural Resources sections.
    • Air Quality section minor changes were made to reflect more clearly FHWA’s air quality conformity responsibilities with NEPA Delegation, and the flow of the regional conformity flowchart. Construction emissions text expanded.
    • Noise section guidance now includes the Noise Abatement Decision Report and for the CEQA portion text clarifying that the basis for analysis is the "baseline" rather than the "no-build.
  • 04-15-2008: Volume 1, Chapter 20 "Section 4(f)" has been revised to reflect 23 CFR 774, the new regulations which became effective on April 11, 2008. The revision includes the new balancing test for determining whether a feasible avoidance alternative is "prudent"; the new balancing test for identifying the viable alternative with the least overall harm; a link to the new regulations; and changes to procedures and definitions.
  • 04-02-2008: Forms and Templates - Revised Internal Quality Control Certification form, External Quality Control Certification form, and the Environmental Document Preparation and Review Tool (Environmental Document Checklist). Key changes include:
    • Internal and External Quality Control Certification Form Key Changes
      • Document type now includes CEQA documents
      • Role of Internal Peer Reviewer clarified on form: "Peer reviewer cannot have participated in, supervised, or technically reviewed this document."
      • NEPA QC reviewer statement slightly modified to clarify that NEPA QC reviewer signs both draft and final form.
      • Peer reviewer eliminated from External Certification form (Caltrans' review of an externally prepared documents provides the independence required for the peer review)
    • Environmental Document Preparation and Review Tool Key Changes
      • Project identifying information added
      • Checklist updated to more strongly correlate with Annotated Outline requirements
      • Need for assignment language on ED cover specified
      • Signature and date added
  • 03-14-2008: Forms and Templates - Annotated Noise Study Report Outline
  • 02-13-2008: SER Chapter 38 (NEPA Delegation): Correction made to Assignment Language for Environmental Documents.

2001- 2007

  • 07-2007: Chapter 38 (NEPA Delegation)
  • 04-2006: Chapter 39 (Incorporating Mitigation/Permit Conditions into Design)
  • 09-2005: Chapter 35 (Initial Study and Negative Declaration)
  • 08-2005: Chapter 11 (Air Quality)
  • 07-2005: Annotated IS/EA Outline posted
  • 07-2005: EIR/EA Annotated Outline posted
  • 05-2004: Chapter 37 (Preparing Joint NEPA/CEQA Documentation)
  • 04-2004: Chapter 27 (Visual and Aesthetic Review) posted
  • 03-2004: Chapter 30 (Categorical Exclusions) revised
  • 03-2004: Chapter 17 (Floodplains) revised
  • 11-2003: Chapter 37 (Preparing Joint NEPA/CEQA Documentation) revised.
  • 10-2003: Chapter 18 (Coastal Zone) posted
  • 8-2003: Chapter 13 (Energy) posted
  • 6-2003: Chapter 25 (Environmental Justice) posted; Chapter 24 (Community Impacts) posted.
  • 5-2003: Chapter 20 (4(f) Resources) revised; Chapter 14 (Biological Resources) posted; Chapter 4 (Environmental Considerations During Transportation Planning) posted; Chapter 8 (Paleontology) revised
  • 4-2003: Chapter 8 (Paleontology) posted
  • 3-2003: Chapter 37 (Preparing Joint NEPA/CEQA Documentation) posted; Chapter 28 (Cultural Resources) posted; Chapter 35 (Initial Study/Neq. Dec.) revised; Chapter 36 (EIR) revised
  • 1-2003: Chapter 22 (Land Use) posted; Chapter 33 (Reevaluations) posted; Chapter 12 (Noise) posted; Chapter 10 (Hazardous Waste) posted; Chapter 32 (EIS) revised; Environmental Document Outline Forms posted; Chapter 23 (Farmland) posted
  • 12-2002: Chapter 36 (Environmental Impact Reports) posted; North/Central Region Environmental Document Templates removed for updating
  • 11-2002: Chapter 34 (Exemptions to CEQA) posted
  • 10-2002: Chapter 3 (Public Participation) posted
  • 7-2002: Chapter 20 (Section 4(f)) posted
  • 4-2002: Chapter 17 (Floodplains); Environmental Handbook, Volume 2, Cultural Resources posted
  • 3-2002: USACoE Nationwide Permit Documents; FHW Review Timelines posted; North/Central Region Environmental Document Templates updated; PEAR Report Template posted
  • 2-2002: Chapters 19 (Wild and Scenic Rivers), 35 (CEQA IS/ND), and 32 (EIS) posted
  • 1-2002:Chapter 6 (Scoping) posted
  • 12-2001: Environmental Handbook Volume 1 reorganized; Forms and Templates posted; Memos posted; Chapter 31 (NEPA EA/FONSI) posted
  • 11-2001: EA/IS Template posted, Chapters 1, 2, 34 revised
  • 10-2001: Topic Matrices revised, Chapter 34 (EA) posted, SER site reorganized
  • 8-2001: Contacts and Suggestion Box posted, Chapter 1 revised
  • 4-2001: Chapter 15 (Wetlands) posted
  • 3-2001: Chapters 1 (Federal Requirements) and 2 (State Requirements) posted, Topic Matrices created.