District: 4
Contact: DeNise Harding
Alameda County:
$25,000,000 allocation on Mission Boulevard between East Lewelling Boulevard/I-238 and Rose Street (Ashland and Cherryland), for installing Class IV separated bikeways, protected intersections, pedestrian hybrid beacons, and curb extensions.
$5,446,000 allocation on Bancroft Avenue in East Oakland, from 73rd Avenue to 103rd Avenue, for constructing a multi-use pathway on the center median.
$4,937,000 allocation on Gilman Street above I-80 in Berkeley, from Fourth Street to West Frontage Road, for constructing double roundabouts and improving roadway access.
$3,419,000 allocation on SR-84 in Fremont, Union City, and Sunol, from SR-238 to I-680, for improving safety by installing flashing beacon systems and curve warning signs.
$1,413,000 allocation on I-580 in Oakland, at the Broadway Richmond Boulevard Undercrossing, for replacing joint seals and overlaying the bridge deck with polyester concrete.
$541,000 allocation on I-80 and I-580 in various cities in Alameda County, for installing pavement delineation and markings to alert motorists of wrong-way driving at exit ramps.
Contra Costa County:
$17,867,000 allocation on I-680 in various cities, from the Alameda County line to the Route 680 Separation, for constructing Best Management Practices (BMPs) for trash capture and TMDL compliance.
$17,360,000 allocation on I-80 in Pinole and Hercules, at Appian Way and Cummings Skyway Overcrossings, for upgrading bridge rails, widening decks, installing safety lighting, and adding ADA-compliant curb ramps.
$6,920,000 allocation on SR-4 in Concord, Pittsburg, and Antioch, from Pacheco Boulevard to Century Boulevard, for constructing BMPs to comply with NPDES permits for trash capture.
Marin County:
$1,204,000 allocation on Northbound US-101 and Eastbound I-580, near Bellam, for modifying ramps to reduce backups.
Santa Clara County:
$770,000 allocation on SR-152 the Johnson Creek Bridge near Gilroy, for removing sediment and stabilizing the creek bed due to the December 2022 storms.
San Francisco County:
$7,952,000 allocation on San Francisco transit routes, for performing midlife overhauls on the New Flyer electric trolley and motor coach fleet.
San Mateo County:
$2,195,000 allocation on SR-1 near San Gregorio, at 0.3 miles north of Stage Road, for repairing
an embankment failure caused by storms.
Solano County:
$31,130,000 allocation on SR-12 near Suisun City, from Walters Road to Lambie Road, for rehabilitating the roadway, relocating a dike, and upgrading guardrails and crash cushions.
$1,800,000 allocation on SR-84 near Rio Vista, at Cache Slough Ferry Crossing, for upgrading ferry systems, ramps, and installing traffic counters.
Sonoma County:
$12,178,000 allocation on SR-1 from the Marin County line to the Mendocino County line, for installing rumble strips, night visibility striping, and widening shoulders.
$11,547,000 allocation on SR-116 near Monte Rio, at 0.2 miles west of Cnopius Road, for repairing an unstable slope by constructing a retaining wall and repairing a downdrain culvert.
$11,254,000 allocation on US-101 in and near Santa Rosa, at various overcrossings, for upgrading bridge rails and installing railing fences.
$8,384,000 allocation on State Route 121 (SR-121) near Schellville, at Yellow Creek Bridge No. 20-0021 (PM 6.52) and Arroyo Seco Bridge No. 20-0023 (PM 8.43), for upgrading bridge rails.
$2,470,00 allocation near Jenner, on SR-1, 1.6 to 1.7 miles south of Meyers Grade Road, for repairing water damage caused by storms.
$1,000,000 allocation on SR-1 near Timber Cove, 1.5 miles south of Woodside Campground, for installing a gabion retaining wall and horizontal drains to stabilize the slope after the March 2023 slipout.
$950,000 allocation on SR-1 near Fort Ross, 1.5 miles north of Fort Ross Road, for slope stabilization after December 2022 storms.
Multiple Counties:
$8,256,000 allocation across Alameda and Contra Costa Counties for installing trash capture devices.
$2,375,000 allocation across Marin, Sonoma, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties, on SR-85, SR-87, US-101, SR-131, SR-237, I-280, and I-880 at various locations at various locations, for installing trash capture devices.