California Invests Nearly $3 Billion for Transportation Improvements


Santa Barbara — The California Transportation Commission (CTC) this week allocated nearly $3 billion for projects to repair and improve transportation infrastructure throughout the state. The allocation includes more than $452 million in funding from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA) and more than $123 million in funding from Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.

“This allocation – which includes a significant federal investment – allows Caltrans and our local partners to continue building the equitable, sustainable, and safe transportation system on which future generations will depend.”

Tony Tavares, Caltrans Director

Projects approved this week include:

District: 1 - Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake and Mendocino counties
Contact: Manny Machado
Phone: (707) 496-6879

  • Approximately $1.9M toward roadway, guardrail and culvert repairs along Route 299 west of Three Creek Road near Willow Creek in Humboldt County.
  • Approximately $1.1M toward construction of a left turn lane at Timbers Boulevard, lighting and other roadway improvements along U.S. 101 near Smith River in Del Norte County.
  • Approximately $2.6M toward embankment, guardrail and drainage repairs along U.S. 101 from Water Plant Road to the East Hill Undercrossing near Willits in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $858K toward road and guardrail repairs along U.S. 101 from Shimmins Ridge Road to Old Sherwood Road near Willits in Mendocino County.

District: 2 - Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama and Trinity counties
Contact: Kurt Villavicencio
Phone: (530) 225-3426

  • Chester Causeway Rehab (Near Chester, from Melissa Ave to Lassen County line; in Lassen County from Plumas County line to east of Mooney Rd): Rehabilitate pavement, upgrade signs and Transportation Management System (TMS) elements and rehabilitate drainage systems.
  • Hazen & Sly Street Rehabilitation (In the city of Dorris on Hazen and Sly Streets, from Oregon Street to Main Street): Rehabilitate roadway including replacement of failed base section.  
  • Lake Street Rehabilitation (In the city of Weed on Lake Street from Main Street to Boles Street): Pulverize roadway surface and portion of base, recompact, and apply 3 inches of new HMA.  
  • Las 70 Embankment Repair (Near Chilcoot, from Plumas County line to west of Route 395): Reconstruct embankment, guardrail and weed barrier, and install Rock Slope Protection (RSP).
  • Dixie Fire South (Near Pulga and Quincy, from Rock Creek Powerhouse Overcrossing to Fairgrounds Road in Plumas County): Repair culverts, remove hazardous trees, rocks and debris, and replace guardrails and signs in fire damaged areas. Installation of erosion control measures and mesh drapery systems.  
  • SIS 96 Wild Fire Repair (In Siskiyou County, from Humboldt County line to just east of Route 263): Remove hazardous trees and debris, replace culverts, signs, and guardrail, repair damaged pavement and bridge, and install erosion control.  
  • SIS 97 Whitney Cr Various Locations (Near Weed, from 1.5 miles east of Big Springs Rd to 1.1 miles west of Ball Mountain Rd in Siskiyou County): Remove the mud and debris from the roadway, clean or replace culverts, clean and grade shoulder drainage systems, and place erosion control.
  • Fix 5 Cascade Gateway (In Redding from just north of Cypress Ave Undercrossing to 0.6 mile north of Oasis Rd Overcrossing on Interstate 5 in Shasta County): Provide standard vertical clearance over I-5 at the Northbound 273/Northbound I-5 connector ramp. Provide improved vertical clearance under four structures at I-5 at Twin View Blvd and SR 299 crossings. Add a third mixed-flow through lane. Install high tension cable barrier and concrete barrier in the median as determined by the median width. Construct four auxiliary lanes. Widen seven bridges. Upgrade bridge rails on both sides. Place overhead signs, guide signs and warning signs as recommended by Traffic Ops. Remove and replace existing guardrail and end treatments. 

District: 3 - Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties
Contact: Gilbert Mohtes-Chan
Phone: (530) 682-6145

  • $3.5 million in federal IIJA funding for a City of Rancho Cordova project for roadway, sidewalk, curb ramp, bike lane and traffic signal improvements on Mather Field Road between Folsom Boulevard International Drive.
  • $2 million in State Highway Operational and Protection Program (SHOPP) funds for project development and right of way costs for intersection and safety improvements at Live Oak Boulevard/Encinal Road and State Route 99 in the Lomo Crossing area in Sutter County.
  • $520,000 in SHOPP funds to develop a safety project for a new traffic signal at the intersection of State Route 32 and County Road P near Orland, Glenn County.

District: 4 - Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma counties
David Hafner
Phone: (510) 385-7068

Projects allotted funding in District 4, by county, are (all figures rounded to the nearest hundred thousand):

Alameda County:

  • $7.7M to mitigate eroded channel side-slope tidal scour and reinforce bridge approach slabs in Oakland at East Creek Slough Bridge.
  • $3M to repair the damaged bridge girder at the Gilman Street Undercrossing in Berkeley.
  • $2.9M to install vehicle speed feedback signs and upgrade signals to improve pedestrian safety in Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, and San Leandro on Routes 61, 123, and 185 at various locations. This project includes $2.6M in IIJA funding.
  • $864,000 to apply high friction surface treatment and install guardrail and drainage inlets on I-680 in Fremont.

Alameda, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties:

  • $11.1M to install and upgrade transportation management systems elements including closed circuit television cameras, vehicle detection systems, changeable message signs, ramp meters and fiber optic cable in Alameda, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties on Routes 80, 101, 880, and 980 at various locations.

Contra Costa County:

  • $84.9M to install lighting and remove existing and install new concrete barrier, upgrade guardrail and drainage and overlay pavement to improve safety on I-80 from Alameda County line to 0.6 miles West of Solano County line. This project includes $77.8M in IIJA funding.
  • $63.9M to rehabilitate pavement by replacing damaged slabs, grind and resurface existing asphalt, construct additional lanes on offramp, modify signals, upgrade guardrail, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards on SR-4 in Contra Costa County. This project includes $56.6M in IIJA funding.
  • $6.4M to apply polyester concrete overlay on bridge decks and approach slabs on I-680 in Danville, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek in various locations.

San Francisco County:

  • $4.7M to rehabilitate roadway, upgrade signs, concrete barrier, and transportation management system elements, rehabilitate drainage and upgrade facilities to ADA standards on I-101 in San Francisco.

San Mateo County:

  • $37.8M to replace Cordilleras Creek Bridge on Route 101 in Redwood City. This project includes $33.5M in IIJA funding.
  • $4.1M to repair slope wash out and construct soldier pile wall to prevent further erosion on existing embankment on SR-84. This project includes $3.6M in IIJA funding.

Santa Clara County:

  • $17.7M to replace Saratoga Creek Bridge near Saratoga. This project includes $15.7M in IIJA funding.
  • $1.3M to install edge line and centerline rumble strips, widen roadway, and install curve warning signs on SR-152 near Gilroy.
  • $506,000 to construct rumble strips, upgrade guardrail, and install high-visibility striping on I-101 near Gilroy.

Solano County:

  • $3M to replace bridge at Miner Slough Bridge.
  • $933,000 to repair irrigation, replace dead plants, weed, mow, fertilize, and prune in and near Dixon and Vacaville at McCune Creek Bridge.

Sonoma County:

  • $3.7M to apply polyester concrete overlay on bridge decks and approach slabs In and near Sonoma, Geyserville, Healdsburg, and Cloverdale, on Routes 12, 101, and 128 at various locations.
  • $2.4M for abutment scour mitigation and channel sediment cleaning to address flooding on Highway 101 in Petaluma.

District: 5 - Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties
Contact: Alexa Bertola or Jim Shivers
Phone: (805) 549-3237

  • $3.6 million ($3.5 million in federal IIJA funding) to improve safety in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties at various locations on Routes 1, 41, 46, 101 and 135 by constructing rumble strips, and installing new stripe high visibility striping and markings. This project will reduce the number and severity of collisions.
  • $34.5 million ($30.5 million in federal IIJA funding) to replace the San Jose Creek Bridge on State Route 217 near Goleta in Santa Barbara County to meet current standards and provide shoulders for disabled vehicles, maintenance workers, pedestrians, and bicycles.
  • $9.9 million ($8.9 million in federal IIJA funding) to improve the curve and flatten the slope along State Route 25 near Pinnacles National Park from approximately one-half mile north of San Benito Lateral/Old Hernandez Road to 2.4 miles south of State Route 146 in San Benito County. This project will improve safety and reduce the number and severity of collisions.
  • $3 million ($2.7 million in federal IIJA funding) to construct a retaining wall to stabilize the slope along State Route 236 near Boulder Creek in Santa Cruz County one-half mile south of Lodge Road. The project will also widen the shoulder, repair pavement, improve drainage systems and install erosion control.

District: 6 - Kings, Tulare, Fresno, Madera and Kern counties


District: 7 - Los Angeles and Ventura counties
Contact: Eric Menjivar
Phone: (213) 317-0339

  • Interstate 605, in the cities of Irwindale and Baldwin Park, between Interstate 10
    to Interstate 210 – Rehabilitate pavement, modify signals, upgrade guardrail, and
    upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Project is
    awarded $18.6 million in IIJA funding.
  • State Route 138, in the city of Palmdale, at the intersection of 2nd Street East –
    Install new traffic signal, pedestrian signal heads with countdown and Accessible
    Pedestrian Signals and marked crosswalks, and upgrade curb ramps to
    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards to improve safety. Project is
    awarded $1.9 million in IIJA funding.

District: 8
Contact: Emily Leinen
Phone: (909) 383-4657

  • $2.9 million to install Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) charging stations at various safety roadside rest areas (SRRAs) on Interstate 10 (I-10) in Riverside County near Banning and Blythe and in San Bernardino County near Yucaipa.

District: 9 - Inyo, Kern and Mono counties
Contact: Christine Knadler
Phone:    (760) 937-7217 

  • Freeman Gulch 3 CAPM Project – On State Route 14 in eastern Kern County, from 1.1 miles north of Red Rock Canyon Road to 4.9 miles south of State Route 178 West, this project will rehabilitate the pavement by grinding the current highway and placing a new Hot Mix Asphalt overlay that will extend and preserve the pavement life. It will also upgrade signs along the highway. The project has been allocated $8,187,000 in funding for construction.
  • State Route 127 Pavement Project – On State Route 127 in Inyo County, this project will rehabilitate the pavement by grinding down the roadway and overlaying asphalt. It will also replace signs along the highway. This project is split into two locations on SR 127: from 4.6 miles north of State Route 178 to 7.6 miles south of State Route 190 and from 0.3 miles south of State Route 190 to the Nevada State Line. This project has been allocated $22,612,000 in funding for construction. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 is responsible for $20,018,000 of that funding.
  • Cemetery Pavement Project – On U.S. 395 in Mono County, from 0.2 miles south of Cemetery Road to State Route 167, this project will rehabilitate the pavement by grinding the current highway and placing a new Hot Mix Asphalt overlay that will extend and preserve the pavement life. It will also remove and replace signs and dikes and upgrade guardrail. This project has been allocated $8,525,000 in funding for construction.

District: 11 - San Diego and Imperial counties
Contact: Barbara C. Moreno Phone: (619) 688-6670

  • $4,628,000 to pave slopes under structures and areas beyond the gore, add rumble strips and enhance highway worker safety at various locations on Interstate 8 (I-8) and State Route 111 in El Centro. This project allocation includes $4,097,000 in federal IIJA funds. 
  • $9,286,000 to rehabilitate six bridges, including painting, deck and column work that will project, preserve, and extend the service life of these bridges at various locations on I-8 and State Route 78 (SR-78) in El Centro. This project allocation includes $8,221,000 in federal IIJA funds. 
  • $55,999,000 to construct an auxiliary lane, rehabilitate the roadway to mitigate highway settlement, install Transportation Management Systems (TMS) that include lighting, and roadside safety improvements. This project will also preserve and extend the life of the facility as well as improve ride quality on State Route 52 (SR-52) between Convoy Street and Santo Road. This project allocation includes $49,576,000 in federal IIJA funds. 
  • $17,882,000 to rehabilitate pavement by replacing concrete slabs and asphalt pavement, rehabilitate culverts, apply methacrylate to bridge decks, upgrade guardrail, and upgrade curb ramps to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. This project will extend and preserve pavement service life and improve ride on State Route 54 from Interstate 5 (I-5) to State Route 125 (SR-125). This project allocation includes $15,831,000 in federal IIJA funds. 
  • $42,800,000 to rehabilitate roadway and culverts, install new and upgrade TMS elements, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards. This project will improve safety and ride quality on SR-125 from Elkelton Place and State Route (SR-94). This project allocation includes $37,891,000 in federal IIJA funds. 
  • $7,891,000 to rehabilitate roadway and culverts, install new and upgrade TMS elements, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards on Interstate 805 (I-805) from Main Street to Home Avenue. This project allocation includes $6,989,000 in federal IIJA funds. 
  • $2,396,000 for operational improvement to modify the auxiliary lanes on SR-78 at Mission Road.
  • $4,663,000 to rehabilitate culverts, upgrade lighting, replace signs, install new TMS elements, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards on Interstate 15 from Main Street to SR-52.
  • $5,456,000 to rehabilitate culverts and pavement, replace signs, upgrade Transportation Management System (TMS) elements, and upgrade facilities to ADA. The work will take place on SR-94 from I-5 to Millar Ranch Road, on State Route 15 from Market Street to SR-125, and on I-805 north of Home Avenue.

District: 12
Contact: Nathan Abler
Phone: (657) 650-5146

  • $3.152 million for a project on State Route 22 (SR-22) in the cities of Garden Grove, Westminster, and Orange to install safety lighting and upgrade median barrier, drainage systems, and signs.
  • $1.252 million, including $1.127 million from IIJA, for a project on SR-22 in the City of Garden Grove to upgrade the pavement, add pavement delineation, and install concrete barrier to improve safety.
  • $1.097 million for a project on Interstate 5 (I-5) from SR-74 to south of Junipero Serra Road in the City of San Juan Capistrano, to add a second auxiliary lane, changeable message sign (CMS), and overhead sign structures.
  • $341,000 for a project on SR-39 (Beach Boulevard) in Garden Grove and Stanton to upgrade traffic signals, add safety lighting, and modify crosswalk from SR-22 to Garden Grove Boulevard.

The CTC allocated more than $2.1 billion to Caltrans' Division of Local Assistance in its annual federal fiscal year investment. These local assistance funds are used by more than 600 cities, counties and regional agencies throughout California to build and improve roads, bridges, tunnels and other transportation infrastructure, and for projects that enhance safety and help protect the environment. Annually, more than 1,200 new projects are authorized through the Local Assistance Program.

SB 1 provides $5 billion in transportation funding annually that is shared equally between the state and local agencies. Road projects progress through construction phases more quickly based on the availability of SB 1 funds, including projects that are partially funded by SB 1. For more information about transportation projects funded by SB 1, visit