California Allocates More Than $3 Billion for Transportation Infrastructure


Sacramento — The California Transportation Commission (CTC) allocated more than $3 billion today to repair and improve transportation infrastructure throughout the state, including $1.3 billion in funding from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to support local projects and to protect local roads and bridges from extreme weather and natural disasters. Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, accounts for more than $930 million of the total funding. 

“The CTC’s decision to invest in our state highways while protecting city and county infrastructure will help make California’s roadways safer and more resilient one shovel, one project and one community at a time.”

Tony Tavares, Caltrans Director

Projects approved include:

District: 1 - Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake and Mendocino counties
Contact: Manny Machado
Phone: (707) 496-6879

  • Approximately $8.4M toward drainage improvements along Route 299 from Blue Lake to Willow Creek in Humboldt County.
  • Approximately $1.5M toward the construction of a retaining wall along Route 36 near Bridgeville in Humboldt County.
  • Approximately $4.1M toward drainage and fish-passage improvements along U.S. 101 near Crescent City in Del Norte County.
  • Approximately $1M toward the construction and repair of buildings at the Ukiah Maintenance Station along U.S. 101 as well as the Boonville Maintenance Station along Route 128 in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $1M toward the construction of a median barrier along U.S. 101 from Route 20 to south of North State Street near Ukiah in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $3.1M toward drainage and fish-passage improvements along Route 1 near Philo and Boonville in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $1.1M toward road and guardrail repairs and ADA curb ramps along Route 1 from south of Iverson Avenue to Philo Greenwood Road near Point Arena in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $1.1M toward roadway and guardrail repairs along U.S. 101 from north of Robinson Creek Bridge to Pomo Lane Undercrossing near Ukiah in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $5.7M toward the construction of a retaining wall along U.S. 101 near Hopland in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $588K toward roadway and guardrail repairs along U.S. 101 from north of the Humboldt County line to Leggett in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $1.4M toward pavement and guardrail upgrades along Route 1 from Mill Creek Bridge to Robinson Creek Bridge near Boonville in Mendocino County.
  • Approximately $1.3M toward roadway, guardrail, drainage, and other improvements on Route 29 near Clear Lake from Spruce Grove Road to Diener Drive in Lake County.

District: 2 - Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama and Trinity counties
Contact: Kurt Villavicencio
Phone: (530) 225-3426

  • Cascade SHOPP (In Redding on Interstate 5 just north of Cypress Ave Undercrossing in Shasta County): Replace overhead signs, concrete and cable barrier, guardrail, improve vertical clearance and replace Transportation Management System (TMS).
  • Pit One Grade Rockfall Mitigation (Near Fall River Mills 3 miles west of Glenburn Road in Shasta County): Construct mitigation measures to prevent rockfall onto the roadway, establish disposal sites, and rehabilitate drainage systems.
  • Grass Lake Maintenance Station (Near Macdoel at Grass Lake Maintenance Station in Siskiyou County): Construct new maintenance station building, fuel facility, wash rack, salt house, and a materials storage facility.
  • SIS 263 Bridge Repairs (Near Yreka, at Dry Gulch Bridge and Shasta River Bridge in Siskiyou County) Rehabilitate bridges.
  • South Ave Safety (Near Los Molinos, from 0.3 mile south to 0.3 mile north of South Avenue in Tehama County)Construct roundabout.
  • Pit Rivers Seismic (Near Bieber, at Pit River Overflow Bridge and Pit River Bridge in Lassen County)Seismic retrofit.
  • Beckwourth CAPM (Near Portola, from west of Grizzly Rd to 0.9 mile west of Summit School Drive in Plumas County)Rehabilitate pavement, add intersection lighting, upgrade signs and guardrail, and rehabilitate drainage systems.
  • Almanor West Rehab (Near Canyondam from 0.6 mile north of SR 147 to SR 36, in Plumas County)Rehabilitate roadway, upgrade guardrail and signs, rehabilitate drainage systems, and construct 3.7 miles of Class 1 bike lanes as complete streets.
  • Fawndale Culverts (In and near Shasta Lake City, from 0.7 mile south of Pine Grove Ave to north of Bridge Bay Rd in Shasta County)Rehabilitate drainage system.
  • Lake Shasta Viaducts (Near Shasta Lake City, at Tunnel Gulch Sidehill Viaduct, Johns Cove Sidehill Viaduct, Island View Sidehill Viaduct in Shasta County)Apply polyester concrete overlay to bridge decks.
  • Flume Creek CAPM (In and near Dunsmuir, from 0.6 mile north of Sims Rd to Siskiyou County line; also in Siskiyou County, from Shasta County line to south of Siskiyou Ave in Shasta and Siskiyou Counties)Rehabilitate pavement, upgrade guardrails, bridge rail, concrete barrier, signs, and drainage systems. Also install lighting and wildlife fencing, and upgrade TMS elements.
  • Shingle Station Paving and Drainage (Near Shingletown and Old Station, from east of Shingletown Ridge Road to Lassen County line in Shasta County)Rehabilitate pavement and drainage systems, and replace TMS elements.
  • Burney Falls Pavement (Near Burney, from north of SR 299 to 1.4 miles north of Lake Britton Bridge in Shasta County)Rehabilitate pavement, construct maintenance vehicle pullouts, replace guardrail and signs, and rehabilitate drainage systems.
  • Thompson Creek Bridge (Near Happy Camp, at Thompson Creek Bridge in Siskiyou County)Replace a portion of the bridge deck and apply polyester concrete overlay.
  • Klamath Lake Rehab 2R (Near Dorris, from 4.5 miles east of Route 97 to 2.1 miles west of Fugate Rd in Siskiyou County)Rehabilitate roadway, replace signs, upgrade facilities to current ADA standards at vista point.
  • Riverside Drive Reconstruction & Class 1 Pedestrian Bike Lane (Near Susanville, Riverside Drive in the unincorporated area of Lassen County)Construct Class 1 bike-pedestrian trail.
  • Yreka Rehab (In Yreka, from 0.4 mile north of Laura Lane to Juniper Drive; also on Route 263, from Route 3 to 1.0 mile south of Long Gulch Rd in Siskiyou County)Rehabilitate roadway, replace sidewalk and driveways, upgrade drainage system and bridge rail, upgrade curb ramps and pedestrian signals to meet current ADA standards, and designate bikeways with new signage and pavement delineation.
  • West Street School Connectivity Project (In Corning city limits, Tehama County, adjacent to West Street School along Marin, Hoag, South, and Solano Streets, and Houghton and McKinley Avenues in Tehama County)Funding for new sidewalks, curbs, gutters, crosswalks and bike lanes to close gaps in the existing sidewalks infrastructure adjacent to West Street Elementary School.
  • ATP Olive View School Connectivity Project (In Corning city limits, Tehama County, adjacent to Olive View School along Pear Street, Almond Street and Fig Street in Tehama County)Funding for new sidewalks, curbs, gutters, crosswalks to close gaps in the existing sidewalks infrastructure adjacent to Olive View Elementary School.

District: 3 - Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties
Contact: Steve Nelson
Phone: (530) 701-9459

  • A project on State Route 191 near Paradise from 0.3 mile south of Airport Road to 0.2 mile north of Old Clark Road was allocated $13,870,000 million to stabilize fire-damaged slopes, widen shoulders to create catchment for rockfall debris and improve drainage systems.
  • A project on Interstate 5 in downtown Sacramento at the South Connector Undercrossing was allocated $8,101,000 million to improve freight mobility by strengthening the structure for permit loads.
  • A project on State Route 12 and State Route 160 in and near Rio Vista was allocated $7,598,000 million to place a polyester concrete overlay on the Sacramento River Bridge deck, replace bridge rails, install bridge approach slabs, construct an Americans with Disabilities Act compliant switchback ramp, and install vertical clearance signs.

District: 4 - Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma counties
Contact: David Hafner
Phone: (510) 385-7068

  • $3.6 million to rehabilitate pavement, construct concrete barrier, upgrade signs, upgrade guardrail, upgrade Transportation Management System (TMS) elements and upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards in and near Dublin and Castro Valley, from Route 680 to 238.
  • $2.8 million to construct 8 maintenance vehicle pullouts on I-580 and Rt. 205 near Livermore to enhance worker safety.
  • $1.1 million to replace obsolete electronic components in existing Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera systems on various routes.
  • $282,000 to replace cooling towers and chillers in HVAC system at District 4 headquarters in Oakland.
Contra Costa
  • $9.2 million to install Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) systems, pedestrian countdown timers, and refresh crosswalk markings with high-visibility striping to enhance pedestrian safety on Routes 4, 24, 80, 123, 242, 580, and 680 at various locations.
  • $4.5 million to rehabilitate roadway, upgrade guardrail and signs, and upgrade facilities to American Disabilities Act (ADA) standards near Hercules, Martinez, and Concord from San Pablo Avenue to east of Peralta Road Undercrossing.
  • $2.9 million to upgrade bridge rails and widen bridges to comply with ADA standards in Pinole and Hercules at Appian Way and Cummings Skyway Overcrossing.
  • $2.8 million to rehabilitate pavement, upgrade drainage systems, install lighting, construct concrete barrier, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards near Concord and Pleasant Hill, from Route 242 to Solano County line.
  • $2.7 million to rehabilitate pavement and drainage systems, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards in and near Antioch and Brentwood, from Hillcrest Avenue to Byron Highway.
  • $2.2 million to construct permanent Best Management Practices (BMPs) to achieve National Discharge Pollutant Elimination System (NDPES) permit compliance units for trash capture and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in various cities.
  • $2 million to rehabilitate pavement, upgrade guardrail, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards from Acosta Boulevard to North of Diablo Road in San Ramon and Danville.
  • $2 million to construct six maintenance vehicle pullouts and modify nine existing ones near Rt. 160 to Hoffman Lane.
  • $1.8 million to Construct permanent BMPs to achieve statewide NPDES permit compliance units for trash capture in and near Hercules, Martinez, Concord, and Pittsburg, from San Pablo Avenue to Century Boulevard Undercrossing.
  • $1.5 million to rehabilitate pavement, upgrade facilities to ADA standards, construct Maintenance Vehicle Pullouts (MVPs), upgrade guardrail, and install lighting in Concord, from Route 680 to Route 4.
  • $835 thousand to rehabilitate pavement and upgrade facilities to ADA standards in El Cerrito and Richmond, from Alameda County line to Route 80.
  • $962,000 to stabilize roadway by constructing a retaining wall in Tiburon, east of Trestle Glen Boulevard.
  • $2.4 million to rehabilitate roadway, upgrade guardrail and TMS elements, rehabilitate drainage systems and upgrade facilities to ADA standards from north of Napa River Bridge to south of Sierra Avenue.
  • $1.7 million to rehabilitate pavement and upgrade facilities to ADA standards near American Canyon, from Solano County line to Napa River Bridge.
  • $75,000 for environmental mitigation and plant establishment for Capell Creek Bridge project.
San Francisco
  • $1.2 million to rehabilitate pavement and upgrade facilities to ADA standards in the City and County of San Francisco, from Holloway Avenue to Lincoln Way.
San Mateo
  • $8.1 million to rehabilitate roadway, improve drainage, and upgrade existing curb ramps and sidewalks to ADA standards In the cities of San Mateo and Burlingame, from East Santa Inez Avenue to Murchison Drive.
  • $7.2 million to enhance pedestrian safety by upgrading signals with accessible pedestrian signals, audible indicators, pushbuttons, countdown timers, and upgraded crosswalk markings on Routes 1, 35, 82, 84, 92,101, 109, 114, 280, and 380 at various locations.
Santa Clara
  • $23.9 million to replace failing culverts to facilitate drainage and prevent damage to the highway system, restore damaged slopes, pavement, and bridge approaches at five locations near Redwood City, San Carlos, Belmont, Mountain View, Palo Alto, and various spot locations.
  • $7.1 million to relocate or shield existing electrical controller cabinets and install fourteen new maintenance vehicle pullouts to improve safety on Routes 9, 17, 85, 87, 101, 152, 237, 280, 680, and 880.
  • $1.1 million to rehabilitate drainage systems, upgrade guardrail, and pave roadside areas to prevent vegetation growth and enhance highway worker safety near Gilroy, from 1.9 miles east of Bloomfield Avenue to west of Casa De Frita Parkway at various locations.
  • $4.3 million to upgrade fencing and gates to secure state facilities and enhance highway worker safety in Fairfield and in Vallejo.
  • $1.5 million to construct BMPs to achieve NPDES permit compliance for trash capture near Fairfield, Dixon, and Vacaville along Routes 113 and 680.
  • $840,000 to enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety by installing flashing beacon systems and upgrade crosswalk markings on Routes 29, 37, 80, and 780 at various locations.
  • $1.4 million for biological mitigation for project near Carmet.
  • $1.3 million to rehabilitate pavement and upgrade guardrail near Jenner, from south of Russian Gulch Bridge to 2.5 miles south of Fort Ross Road.
  • $893,000 to rehabilitate pavement and drainage systems, and upgrade guardrail, and upgrade facilities to ADA standards In Santa Rosa, from east of Brigham Avenue Undercrossing to Fourth Street.
  • $830,000 to replace, or install, curve warning signs on Routes 12, 37, 101, 116, 121, and 128.
  • $829,000 to rehabilitate drainage systems near Sea Ranch, from north of Moonraker Road to north of Leeward Spur at various locations.
Alameda and Contra Costa
  • $1.4 million to construct outer separation concrete barriers between the freeway and frontage roads in Berkeley, from University Avenue to Gilman Street and in Pleasant Hill on Route 680 near Oak Park Boulevard.
Alameda, Contra Costa, and Solano
  • $9.6 million to install and upgrade fiber optic cable, ramp metering systems, TMS elements, and widen ramps to provide High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) bypass ramp lanes on Routes 580, 680, and 780 at various locations.
Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, and Sonoma
  • $1.5 million to replace TMS elements on Routes 4, 24, 37, 80, 101, 242, 680, and 780.
Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Solano, and Sonoma
  • $1.8 million to replace TMS system elements on Routes 17, 80, 85, 101, 238, 280, 380, and 580 at various locations.
Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Solano
  • $1.2 million to modify and enhance ramp metering systems to improve TMS performance and install guardrails at ramps to enhance highway worker safety at various routes and various locations.
Marin, Sonoma, San Mateo, and Santa Clara
  • $1.4 million to install trash capture devices in various locations on routes 101, 131, and 880.
Napa and Solano
  • $1.04 million to replace or install curve and warning signs in Napa and Solano Counties, on various routes at various locations.

District: 5 - Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties
Contact: Alexa Bertola or Jim Shivers
Phone: (805) 549-3237

  • $4.4 million to stabilize an eroded slope on State Route 17 near Scotts Valley in Santa Cruz County, half a mile south of Sugarloaf Road. This project includes grading, dewatering, and the installation of mesh drapery to reduce falling debris.

District: 6 - Kings, Tulare, Fresno, Madera and Kern counties
Contact: Christian Lukens

  • Roadway Construction Project on State Route 41 in Fresno County: $16.5 million project on State Route 41 in Fresno, from the northbound Ashlan Avenue on-ramp to the northbound Shaw Avenue off-ramp, will construct a northbound auxiliary lane, add an additional lane to the Shaw Avenue off-ramp, and extend the turn pockets at the end of the Shaw Avenue off-ramp to reduce congestion and improve highway operations and mobility.
  • Culvert Repair Project on State Route 178 in Kern County: $6 million project will repair, replace, and/or clean culverts to facilitate drainage and prevent damage to the highway system near Bakersfield, from 2.4 miles east of Miramonte Drive to Vista Grande Drive.
  • Curb Ramp and Signal Upgrade Project on State Route 204 in Kern County: $4.5 million project will upgrade curb ramps and Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) to current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards in Bakersfield from Route 204/58 Separation to L Street.
  • Curb Ramp Upgrade Project on State Route 58 in Kern County: $1.6 million project will upgrade curb ramps to current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards in Bakersfield at the H Street on-ramp and off-ramp on State Route 58.
  • Bridge Deck Preservation Project on Interstate 5 in Fresno County: $1.5 million project will apply polyester concrete overlay to bridge decks near Huron at Arroyo Pasajero Bridge.

District: 7 - Los Angeles and Ventura counties
Contact: Marc Bischoff

  • Diamond Bar & the City of Industry - The State Route 57/60 Confluence Chokepoint Relief Project: On SR-60 from the southbound SR-57 connector overcrossing to the Golden Springs Drive undercrossing and on SR-57 from the westbound 60 connector overcrossing to the SR 57/60 separation. Interchange modifications including auxiliary lanes and three new bridges. $217.9 million.
  • Metro Red and Purple Line Core Capacity Improvements: Los Angeles Union Station improvements to allow Red and Purple lines to provide more frequent rail service. $37.5 million.
  • In the cities of Torrance, Rancho Palos Verdes, Lomita and Los Angeles: from West 25th Street to West Carson Street at various locations. Upgrade curb ramps, sidewalks, and driveways to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and add new bike lanes, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings. $6.1 million.
  • In the city of Los Angeles: on State Route 110 from US-101 to Amador Street. Construct auxiliary lanes, make intersection improvements, and reconstruct bridges. $10 million.
  • In and near the cities of Ventura, Oxnard, and Moorpark: on State Route 118 from SR-126 to Montair Drive (32 miles). Rehabilitate pavement, restore eroded embankment, apply new striping and pavement markings, construct bike lane and bikeway, and upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. $1 million.
  • In the city of Los Angeles: on I-10 at the intersection of Soto Street and Marengo Street and on I-5 at the offramp to Soto Street. Modify intersections and upgrade sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian crossings to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. $831,000.

District: 8 - Riverside and San Bernardino counties
Contact: Terri Kasinga
Phone: (951) 232-4268

  • Riverside County Interstate 10: Near Desert Center, from Krume Ditch to Wide Ditch. Replace existing Rock Slope Protection (RSP) to prevent further scour damage and preserve the integrity of twenty-four bridges ($12.35 million).
  • Riverside County State Route 74: In and near Hemet, from Winchester Road to Fairview Avenue. Rehabilitate pavement, install fiber optic/vehicle detection stations, and upgrade curb ramps to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. This project will preserve and extend the life of the pavement and improve safety ($37.01 million).
  • San Bernardino County Interstate 10: In Colton, at Colton Overhead No. 54-0464R. Strengthen bridge and perform preventative maintenance to preserve bridge integrity and extend service life ($2.75 million).
  • San Bernardino County Interstate 15: Near Barstow, from 0.3 mile south of Harvard Road to Rasor Road. Regrade and flatten median cross slope. This project will reduce the number and severity of collisions ($16.5 million).
  • San Bernardino Interstate 40: Near Needles, at the Halfway Hills Wash Bridge No. 54- 0799L/R. Replace bridges and replace and expand Rock Slope Protection (RSP) limits to prevent bridge failure and ensure safety ($23.7 million).
  • Riverside County State Route 111: In Palm Springs, from Golf Club Drive to West Gateway Drive. Rehabilitate pavement ($1.8 million).
  • San Bernardino County State Route 18: In Apple Valley and Victorville, from Apple Valley Inn Road/Dale Evans Parkway to Route 15. Rehabilitate pavement, rehabilitate drainage systems, upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, upgrade signs, and construct sidewalk, Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting, enhanced crosswalks, bike lanes, and flashing beacons as complete streets elements ($2.75 million).
  • San Bernardino County Route 395: In and near Hesperia, Victorville, and Adelanto, from Route 15 to 3.1 miles north of Route 58. Rehabilitate pavement (PM R3.981/11.2 and PM 16.6/35.5), install Changeable Message Signs (CMS), upgrade guardrail and sign panels, and upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards ($2.47 million).
  • Riverside County Interstate 10: In and near Coachella, from 0.3 mile east of Coachella Canal to 0.2 mile east of Hazy Gulch Bridge. Grind pavement and overlay with Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). Construct eastbound truck climbing lane. A one lane temporary detour will be constructed in the median for traffic handling ($13.9 million).

District: 9 - Inyo, Kern and Mono counties
Contact: Christine Knadler
Phone: (760) 937-7217

  • Lee Vining Rehabilitation - Near the town of Lee Vining in Mono County, from State Route 120 W to Picnic Grounds Road, this project will reconstruct and rehabilitate the existing pavement, repair and reconstruct drainage, sidewalk, curb ramps, driveways, street lighting, landscaping, retaining wall, replace signs and guardrail, make bicycle improvements, and upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS & E) and Right-of-Way phases of this project were allocated $3.962 million.

District: 10 - Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Tuolumne counties
Contact: Anthony Presto
Phone: (209) 986-0859

  • A project in San Joaquin County received $1.1 million to rehabilitate and address structural and load carrying deficiencies on the Stockton Channel Viaduct Bridge.
  • A project in Amador County received $1.8 million to rehabilitate pavement, modify traffic signals, upgrade guardrails, and rehabilitate drainage systems near Martell from State Route 124 to Route 49, covering approximately 20 lane miles.
  • project in Calaveras County received nearly $2.5 million to replace the North Fork Calaveras Creek Bridge near San Andreas.

District: 11 - San Diego and Imperial counties
Phone: (619) 688-6670

A total of $64.66 million is directly being invested into Caltrans District 11’s region which serves San Diego and Imperial Counties.

Here’s an overview of the breakdown of the funds and some of the key projects:

$5.6 Million to Caltrans District 11 in State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)

  • $3.4 million to install Americans with Disability Act (ADA) pedestrian curb ramps and pedestrian signals, replace sidewalks, and traffic signals in the City of San Diego.
  • $684,000 for commercial vehicle weigh stations on Interstate 5 (I-5) San Onofre.
  • $837,000 for a new maintenance facility, electrical service upgrades, solar panels, a zero-emission vehicle charging station on Interstate 8 (I-8) near Boulevard.

$26.2 Million in SB 1 Funding

  • $8 million for pavement rehabilitation, replacement of damaged sign panels, and make upgrades to bridge rail, the transportation management system, as well as ADA upgrades along State Route (SR-78) in Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, and Escondido.
  • $5.9 million to add and upgrade Transportation Management System elements, pavement rehabilitation, drainage, sign replacement from Interstate I-15 to State Route 52 (SR-52) in San Diego.
  • $4.3 million to rehabilitate culverts, replace signs, lighting, and ADA upgrades from north of SR-52 to I-5.
  • $780,000 in pavement rehabilitation, drainage, signs, transportation management system, and ADA improvements on I-5 in San Diego, Chula Vista, and National City.
  • $354,000 for bridge rehabilitation on I-5 at Clairemont Drive.
  • $337,000 for rehabilitation to five bridges on I-805 in San Diego, Chula Vista, National City.

$3.7 Million for Bikes/Pedestrian/Complete Streets/Active Transportation Plans

  • $3.4 million for the City of Vista and SANDAG on Townsite Complete Street Improvements.
  • $229,000 for Imperial County and Imperial County Transportation Commission for the Aten Road Class I Bicycle Path Improvements.
  • $58,000 for National City and SANDAG’s Highland Avenue Inter-City Bike Connection.

Trade/Border Investments

  • $22.7 million for the City of San Diego and SANDAG to make improvements at La Media Road. Funds are to improve La Media Road into a six-lane primary arterial between State Route 905 (SR-905) and Airway Road and five-lane major road between Airway Road and Siempre Viva Road with three southbound lanes and two northbound lanes.

Transit/Rail Investments

  • $4.3 million for North County Transit District and SANDAG LOSSAN rail corridor to replace obsolete crossing controls and electrical components.
  • $1.6 million for North County Transit District and SANDAG LOSSAN rail corridor to install a pedestrian grade crossing and warning device at Oceanside Transit Center.

District: 12
Contact: Raquel Ortiz
Phone: (424) 413-1107

  • $32.5 million for a project in the Cities of Santa Ana, Tustin, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Laguna Niguel, and Anaheim on various routes to rehabilitate pavement and replace asphalt at 16 connectors, two ramps, and one freeway segment.
  • $13.6 million ffor a project on State Route 1 (SR-1) in Newport Beach, from Jamboree Road to the Santa Ana River Bridge to rehabilitate pavement and upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
  • $6.1 million for a project on SR-57 near Brea, at the Tonner Canyon off-ramp to construct a new detention basin to reduce trash flowing to the San Gabriel-Coyote Creek watershed.
  • $1.8 million for a project on SR-22 in the Cities of Orange and Santa Ana, from east of Parker Street to east of Cambridge Street to restripe lanes to improve merging, extend auxiliary lanes, add and upgrade signs, and add safety lighting.
  • $360,000 for a project on Interstate 5 in the Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, and Buena Park, from Orangewood Avenue to south of Artesia Boulevard to refresh and add new pavement delineation and install pavement markers at exit ramps to prevent wrong-way driving.